False Awakening
Starts on a beach Inception style So I attempted a W.I.L.D but when I woke up in rhe dream I was on the beach Inception style lolz so I got up and looked around and thought to myself how did I get here and then realized I was supposed to wake up in my room!* Huh.* Well I looked around and there was a big ship on the sand parked like it was a hotel, people were all around me playing on the beach or just chilling.* I thought this is a dream but why not mix it up?* I seem to ALWAYS attempt control why not go with the dream and explore while aware? Now in this dream I falsely awoke maybe 8 times... I go to the ship and walk inside and start to explore but I open a door that looks kinda old and rusted and I see a big sunken ship's cargo hold but it looks like the zombie course from call of duty black ops with the sunken ship in the snow.* I see people being chased by zombies down below us in the big ship and two other kids come up to me and say it looks like fun!* So we go and start to get some zombies to chase us and they do and we see the people that were being chased use a zipline that's out of reach to us and I said hey lets take a zipline!* I point and a zipline appears (see still lucid!) and we jump on it and slide down it and on the way accross we see maybe 10+ zombies.* We hurry to the wall and I said if we don't find any weapons soon we aren't gonna make it.* I run to a tool belt I see on the wall and grab it and say outloud there are weapons in here and what do we get?* 3 airsoft guns...* I grab one and say its better than nothing...* I point it at a zombies head and say bang and he dies LOL!!!* So we keep running and I see another tool belt and I grab an mp-40 that is real but has no ammo... I seperate from the kids and I run to a door and it leads back to the lobby where I started and I close the door and decide to explore some more.* I go to the beach and same old same old.* I run to the shore and think to myself how much there is to see in my head today when my thoughts are broken by a giant ship being brought in sideways by a giant wave!* People all get up and run to the top of the hill on the beach to watch (but no screaming?) and I do the same.* I then laugh at how random that was and I go to the beach and start talking to this lady.* I said aren't dreams awesome? I sat down and everything started disappearing and I was worried I was waking up!* I woke up in my bead FALSELY!!!* I thought about recording it but I thought eh Ill just go back to sleep I'm sure I'll remember it.* I get back to the dream the instant I close my eyes.* I wake up on the beach again in the exact same scenario I was when I falsely awakened before.* Some lady was looking at me and said oh good, you're alright!* We all thought you passed out I guess you were just sleeping! Its hilarious how that happened. I go to the ship again and inside the lobby is a restaurant with a western style design to it.* I go inside and look around then the dream gets fuzzy and then I'm falsely awakened again, then I go back to the dream and I leave the restaurant and go back to the beach and then I get to the shore and I falsely awaken again.* I get mad while in bed and I go back to the dream again. I wake up look around while sitting on the ground and there is nobody around.* I get up and there is a zombie behind me.* O_O!!!* I jump up and he was just looking at me the whole time!* I run to the boat and I find a pistol and its empty again!!!!* >:-(** I run up the hill and I wake up again...* This time I am getting my phone when it dawns on me, what if I am still dreaming? I get up and I am!* I go outside, find out I am at my Grammy's house,* explore my street some more, and then I wake up several times falsely and finally I wake up for rizzle.* Interesting to go with the flow sometimes but next time I'll do the monthly task.
So I attempted a w.i.l.d but had a hard time getting back to sleep after waking up at 6:00am (went to bed at 12:00am). I was telling myself when I see the colors and I know I'm going through sleep paralysis, I will immediately wake up and reality check. I guess I waited too long... I ended up dreaming of getting up thinking it didn't work and I did a reality check with my hands and they looked normal! That's odd that they were normal but sucks cause that messed me up. So now I'm thinking its real. I go outside and want to see if the weather is windy and cooler here in Texas cause we have been waiting forever for this. I see the wind and then see my brother standing about 100 yards away from the house and he's watching it too. Then, the sky changes to a bright white. I see snow way off in the distance. I was really confused now but then heard a loud roar. I could tell from my years of playing monster hunter that it was a BLANGONGA. Blangonga is the big one, blangos are the small ones. I freaked out and yelled at my brother to get inside and he just stood there (why is it my brother always gets in these situations in my dreams). It starts snowing heavy and I see Blangos and then see a big shadow in the distance. Now I don't normally lose my cool in dreams but this time I went crazy. I ran inside to grab a sword or battleaxe and woke up.
*I tried to post this on 4/7/2011 at 6:30AM but the site wouldn't load* Small cabin on a hill It started with a small cabin on the hill that was supposed to be my Aunt Christine's house. Many family members were at the cabin. The setting was a bunch of hills and a road going through the bottom with a big open field at the bottom. We rode in the truck around the hills and rode ATV's a bit until the zombies showed up to wreck the day. Zombies The zombies just appeared at random. The zombies were stupid and slow thankfully. They walked slow and were shriveled up with pieces of their body missing (kind of like a cemetery zombie who has decayed overtime). I then got a gun from the cabin and a long thick stick from the ground. I killed every one of the zombies near the house, in the field, but the road was as far as I went. I then left the field and walked up the hill to the cabin and told everyone that they were gone and they said well that's a relief. They all went back outside. I went inside and talked to Aunt Christine and my cousin Rhonda who were washing dishes from lunch (which I must've missed while killing zombies). They asked me about how I was doing and I said fine (just a normal conversation). I went back outside and in the field the zombies were back. I was mad. I went over there and kept saying out loud I already killed you, NOW DIE! As I was killing the zombies I got way too close. I looked at them and I suddenly realized Holy Crap I'm dreaming! *now lucid* I then raised my hand and said STOP and the zombie froze in place. I looked around and I was still dreaming so I continued with the others saying STOP to make the last 5 or so zombies STOP in place. I then went back to the house and noticed this man named Veskov or Resnov or something (probably Resnov because of Call of Duty) and he was walking around talking to people and writing on a clipboard. Anyway, Resnov looked like a therapist. I asked my Aunt Christine who it was and she said it was my dream doctor. She said he was using my dreams for research. He glanced at me from the corner of the room, not in an evil or angry way just looked at me. I followed him outside and he was writing things down about everything from trees to chairs. I asked him why are you in my dream? He said that I wasn't dreaming. I said okay then explain this and I pointed my hand toward a table and chairs and hoped to levitate a chair and suddenly the clouds off in the distance morphed into master hand from super smash bros and came towards me and I could freely move it. It formed into the master hand and started doing movements in midair until I let go and it disappeared into a mist. He looked at me and wrote on his clipboard while saying Very Impressive, Not Bad. I asked him more details about his research and he said we were in his office right now asleep and hooked up to a machine. I said well okay I guess I'll let you continue and I will look around a bit. I was walking around thinking what do I want to do now that I am in a dream and then remembered... TASK OF THE MONTH!!! I was then looking for flowers everywhere but couldn't find any... I checked inside for vases or pots and then went outside a while until finding a small garden pot with tulips in it. I picked the Red tulip and couldn't smell it. I examined it for a while and noticed it had very defined lines and had a solid metallic look to it. It also had sharp looking spikes all the way around it sticking out along with the very sharp looking pointed petals. I thought, I wonder what you taste like... Then, I took the flower off the stem and threw it in my mouth. It tasted like red dry icing and had this strong vibrating feeling I can't hardly describe. It felt like bees were flying around in my mouth. I then walked it off and went on to talk to Resnov about my flower adventure and I falsely woke up in his office and continued the dream unlucid in the doctors office explaining what I had just seen and talking about dreams. I don't recall anything after that but woke up soon afterwards.
Odd Beginning It all started with me talking with friends and watching the news on TV. We then noticed a news story of people from the last thanksgiving celebrating a thanksgiving party at my house. These people looked like people from my old High School, Chevy Chase, and Bill O'Reily were in the group too for some odd reason. I asked my friends where were we on that day? They said we were at a church gathering and we were all fasting (ON THANKSGIVING?!?!?!). I started to recall that party's details we had and it looked like my Uncle Paul's old ranch, but a huge house on the field and it was home to a scientist and I saw a picture of Chevy Chase on the walls. The dream then changed to the party. Thanksgiving at Chevy Chase's house We were outside the mansion and began to notice some very strange things. For one, he had fences all around his house and behind the fences were dinosaurs (herbivors). They walked right by us and I remember the sudden urge to explore. We ran into the garage and found normal garage stuff but with an inventors touch to every piece of equipment. I then decided to go inside and see where everyone else is. I was walking down the hallway and saw many people from my church socializing. I remember seeing many creepy things out of the corner of my eye that were little creatures that would appear and disappear but I could never get a good look at them. I then kept going down the hallway and saw my mom sitting on a bench next to my Grammy, Aunt Jill, and my 6 year old cousin Landon. It was the darker part of the hallway and I was very worried for our safety. I walked over and sat down next to my mom and said we needed to leave this house it is dangerous and I started to describe the little creatures I kept seeing. She said to stop like I was being disrespectful or lying to her and at that moment I saw a green little creature slowly come around the corner and it was bouncing toward me. If you have ever played Super Smash Bros Brawl, it looked like one of the enemies with big lips that hide in the ground and jump out and stick to you. It freaked me out and I started yelling, "There! There it is! It's right there! Help it is coming for me!" Nobody saw anything and started looking at me like I was insane. At that moment it jumped up onto my hand and stuck its lips on my palm and sank into my wrist. I felt no pain or anything when this happened and was confused if it was a hallucination or real. My mom said that it was time to go now, and I asked why and she said because i was acting crazy in front of my little cousin and there is no telling what he picked up from that. We all started to leave and heard the sound of bees. I went into a hallway and saw giant bees behind glass walls in the hallways. Everyone else saw the bees too and began to panic. I remember after this giant bees being in the hallways and we went into the hive to destroy them (we being me and my friends who reunited with me again). We went in and saw the queen and her many mad bees with her along with waterfalls of honey. We found a control pad and hit the big red button in the middle and it made all the honey flow faster and rooms started getting sealed off by giant iron doors. Now me, my Aunt Jill, and my 3 cousins Jake, Austin and Landon ran out of the hallway and out the front door as a wave of honey was pouring down the hallway. We were launched out of the house and the doors shut behind us and there was honey everywhere. We then saw the honey level rising and knew we had to find a way out of here. My Aunt Jill then said she found a way and ran to a little flying ship about the size of an 8 person van that looked like the Banshee from Halo Reach. We all got in and started to take flight as the mansion exploded with honey behind us. Futuristic City We all had a lot of conversations about how we were heroes for saving the world from giant bees and how we were lucky to be alive until we came over a mountain and saw a huge city. A city of towering buildings with neon and holographic signs on them and flying cars similar to ours flying around. It looked like a futuristic city. At this moment I was admiring the scenery and checking every detail until I realized that the view was not all that clear and was a little blurry. I thought this must be a dream and told my Aunt Jill to land and pointed to a spot. We flew over the the spot and landed and I immediately got out and decided to explore. The floor of the city looked like a carnival and there were games and basketball hoops everywhere along with nothing but little kids and occasional parents. I set off by myself and explored the child's fantasy I was in and began LFS. I couldn't find anyone but kids. Every time I recognized someone, I would see them up close and they were just another kid. I then saw my cousin Ben and the two girls that always play basketball with us at church basketball tournaments and went to them. The closer I got, the more they wanted to go the other way so I just moved on because I didn't want to wake up. I then found a few girls giving me seductive looks and decided to go and talk to them (why not? everyone else is ignoring me). I asked the first one about LFS and she ignored me and walked up to my cousin Ben who was suddenly behind me. The other girl came to me and said in my ear, "I'll give you a good time sweetie." I then noticed the whole group walking up this odd staircase of bars like at a playground and everyone had to grab them overhead with their hands and climb to the next level. No one explained why but I went on with it and soon everything started to fade to my last houses living room. I was now in my old house's game room and my dad had walked in and woken me up while changing the thermostat. I then wanted to fall back asleep in hopes of returning to that awesome city dream I was having and started going back to sleep (this is all still a dream I was dreaming that I had just had a dream). I had now returned to the dream on the sidewalk by some river and was immediately aware that I was dreaming again which obviously would work considering that I never woke up in the first place. I went to the water and said boat and raised my arm up and a racing boat appeared in front of me. I jumped in and took off down the river which turned into a race track like Hydro Thunder suddenly. I raced up a jump and did a few flips up a steep incline and then got to a tower at the top of the race track and there were south park characters their arguing about a crane machine. I walked over and started listening to their argument and then woke up. (LFS is a thing from my life that I don't feel like explaining)
It seems I have created my own zombie course similar to the kinds of zombie courses from Call of Duty's Nazi zombies layouts I have created my own course randomly generated by my brain one day in a zombie dream i had and ever since I have had many zombie dreams on that same course. It seems I have created a dream I can't stop reliving. This is the first time I have had this happen more than twice. The zombie Course has a bunch of metal shop buildings on hills with farm machinery spread around (like back-hoes and dump trucks). There are perk machines and gun outlines on walls too (just like nazi zombies from Call of Duty). In the back of the course on top of a hill there is a single roomed house with a staircase to a second floor but no roof and the windows are all just open squares in the walls. The second floor is good because in case of emergency, the zombies come up the stairs and we jump out the window of the second floor and can make a quick get away. I enjoyed this level because of the huge wide open area to run around and the trucks and tractors I could drive to run over zombies. Anyways... On to the dream. Mostly just killing zombies with my dad next to me and we started running out of ammo and had to jump out the window. I remember me and my dad each using a different tractor to run over a bunch of zombies until they ran outta fuel so we ditched the machinery and ran to a metal shop building. In that building I remember running into a small room about the size of a 3 car garage. A zombie dog which looked a lot like my old dog that died 2 years ago (which is funny cause the dog died and now in my dream its a zombie) along with a huge group of zombies came into the room and we had no ammo. I suddenly felt this odd feeling and I don't know how, but I realized I was dreaming because of that feeling. The dog jumped with its mouth wide open and fangs facing me and I raised my hands and pushed them forward (like using the force) and the zombies all stopped like time stood still and the dog slowed to a stop in mid-air with its evil eyes and fangs still facing me. BTW: My dog was huge. Chesapeek retriever and she was all muscle. Picture is close to it but not as evil as the one in my dream. After that, I felt some pride and strength inside of me and then everything suddenly started to become blurry and then disappeared. I did not wake up but do not remember anything dream wise after that.