• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    DJ Comments

    1. MischiefManaged's Avatar
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      Wow. That made me remember - I recently had two FAs in a row after a normal dream. I've written it down in DJ twice, thinking that second time I woke up for real. Strangely enough, when I did eventually wake up in the morning I couldn't remember a thing, even though I've recalled it twice already. Yep, certainly annoying.
    2. riverboy's Avatar
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      Well in other situations I would have considered the semi-lucid part as fully lucid. However in comparison to the start of the dream it just didn't have the right level of vividity. Also, I feel that although I had control, I couldn't break free of the plot and do whatver I wanted. I could make small decisions influencing it but if I had wanted to go to another dream scenario it wouldn't have been possible.

      Feel free to subscribe, I'm glad you're interested You should post some of your DJ entries on here Mischief, I'd be really interested in reading them
    3. MischiefManaged's Avatar
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      How did you differentiate being lucid and semi-lucid in this one?
      Did you control your actions while semi-lucid or just knew you were dreaming? One time when I became lucid I didn't even question whether I should control something or not, just followed the plot, still knowing it's a dream, probably I can consider this as semi-lucid too

      I want to find my dream guide so much too...Both for adventures and advice. But I'm mostly interested who it's going to be at all, what kind of person

      Great dream! I think, I'm going to sub to your journal, if you don't mind
    4. riverboy's Avatar
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      I'll definitely give your journal a read if we're at a similar state! By the way, check out my latest dream. It's my favourite one yet!
    5. MischiefManaged's Avatar
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      Well, extra arms can come in useful sometimes, can they?
      I can relate to that dream. I love to read about other people's success, especially, when we are somewhat similar - both recently started our lucid dreaming journey
    6. riverboy's Avatar
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      Thanks, it was a brilliant experience.
      I think I was quite lucky by not having to reground myself in the dream. Although at the beginning I did use my extra set of arms to continually rub my hands together to really get myself anchored.
      I'm quite flattered that you showed an interest in my dream
    7. MischiefManaged's Avatar
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      That was one amazing dream. Very inspirational
      As I understood you did grounding and stabilization only in the beginning? How did you come not to lose lucidity - the dream was so long!
    8. riverboy's Avatar
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      Ah well before the party really kicked off I remember looking out at this incredible sunset by the sea which was honestly more beautiful than I thought a dream would be able to show me. But I must admit I'm keeping part of the dream secret as I had a certain encounter with somebody I shouldn't have!
    9. atkins513's Avatar
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      Congrats on your first experience... I knew you would eventually get there.. Wish you had added more detail once you had re-entered the dream... it sounds awesome!