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    1. Apparently my subconscious likes him too...

      by , 04-30-2011 at 08:27 AM
      Finally a positive DJ entry from me.

      So recently I've been getting into online dating. Just a few meet-ups more than dates w/ guys, not much to say successfully in that department BUT a few weeks ago I decided to join one of the large ones with all those compatibility questions so it seems like I'm getting more SERIOUS. My first match on that service messaged me and it's not been a few weeks of constant texting. I'm meeting him tomorrow, and the dream I had last night relates to that.

      In my dream, it starts out with me in my roommates at my apartment at night. I get a call from this match saying he's outside. I know that in the real world I'm supposed to meet him at the restaurant, which confuses me why he's here and knows where I live but I blissfully head outside to meet him anyways. He's in the parking lot walking towards my building and smiles when he sees me. Suddenly there's all these friends of mine surrounding us. I suddenly hear a plan in my head that all of these friends of mine and this match are all going out to a mall together.

      We get to the mall and it's mostly empty. Apparently we're there pretty late but nobody's closing the stores. Most of the mall store-wise is empty too, there's empty stores, and big blocked off stores that say things like "coming soon" and such, but there is a pawn shop store so we all go in there and take a look around. Inside the pawn shop, there's a few people in my life I recognize, including a past crush. My heart sank seeing him, but in a sinking way of "oh geez he's seeing me with another guy, idk how I feel about that." I tell my match about him and tell him to move away and ignore him, and he was successfully ignored. We get up to the register and check out some trinkets that I can't remember now what they were. I'm now realizing my body language with this guy: super duper close. I have one arm around his back and the other against his chest in a "you just saved me, my hero!" kind of pose, and it feels AWESOME. I look around and people notice the attraction between us. The guy behind the counter even winks at us.

      We all then head for a food court, where there's a lot more people and a ton of long rectangular chairs. The match guy and me head for a buffet and grab out food, realizing all of my friends have gone elsewhere to get food. There's an open almost empty section of tables we sit in waiting for the rest of my friends to join us but they never show up. Match guy and I are on our own.

      After this it's more like a montage of us roaming around a mostly empty mall, all smiley and happy and the whole timing in general just slows down. Like I'm completely happy and whole and just enjoying his company. So yeah, before this dream I knew this guy is super awesome, but now that I've had a dream with him and how I feel, I guess I can say that my subconscious likes him too.

      And if I have any more dreams about this guy I'll post em, but I don't want this to be a gossip journal all about this one guy and updates on him and me and all that jazz. I'm just focusing on the dreams if I have any more.

      TA DA

      Updated 05-01-2011 at 11:55 PM by 43638
