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    Starr's Dream Collection

    Hi I'm Starr and I really like fictional characters and movies. So, y'know, while you guys spend your lucid dreams doing actual cool stuff like trying to fly and whatnot, I spend mine trying to find actors. Such is life. Enjoy.

    1. LD 12: Train to Miami

      by , 07-15-2012 at 11:02 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      Alright, I'm back. I totally suck, I know. I've kinda given up on keeping a consistent journal, because I just can't do it. But anyways, I'm back because I had an interesting lucid last night and I wanted to record it somewhere!

      FRAGMENT 1:
      I'm in a giant park with my friends. We find a softball that must have been accidentally thrown too far off the field during a game, so I pick it up and run to return it. I see a game going on, and there's a wooden play structure for kids. I jump on top of it but accidentally drop the softball into a very thin, wooden opening. I start crawling inside and get very claustrophobic. The space is very small. However, I end up getting the ball and returning it to one of the softball team coaches.

      FRAGMENT 2:
      I'm in a giant movie theater with my friend, her sister, her dad, and her dad's girlfriend. We're waiting to see some important movie. It's huge and filled with people. The movie hasn't started and the lights are still on. The seats are arranged in very random ways. Finally, it gets dark. The walls are covered with several small screens, but as every one gets quiet and finds their seats, the smaller screens move together to form a giant screen. I don't remember what else happened.

      FRAGMENT 3:
      I'm in a haunted hotel and there are lots of people there. As it starts to turn to night, everyone starts rushing back to their rooms. They don't wanna be out and about during the night. I run around for what feels like hours, but I cannot for the life of me find my hotel room anywhere. I'm running around with several other people (at some point, including my mother) who are trying to help me find my room, because they don't want me to be hurt. As we're running down the halls, we hear noises and screaming. (The way everything is set up kind of reminds me of the computer game Amnesia, and we're all just trying to run to safety to hide from the monsters.)

      So, yeah, those were a couple of dream fragments I had, but there was also a main dream I remember which eventually led into the first lucid I've had in a while.

      I'm in some sort of competition in the middle of the woods where two sleds are tied together with a rope, and you have to race with your partner to get to the finish line first. Somehow I transform into the cartoon character Pops from The Regular Show, and my partner is DJ from Total Drama Island. (I don't know, I have a brother that watches a lot of Cartoon Network, okay? ) I accidentally turn our sled the wrong way, causing us to go off course. The rope that attaches our sleds together gets tangled around a giant tree and now we're completely in last place.

      I've transformed back into myself (thank God) and I start pulling the rope and sleds down from the tree. DJ is genuinely pissed at me for making us lose. Eventually, we have everything back in place. DJ has transformed into a random man that I didn't recognize. We sit back down on the sleds and start moving downhill through the forest again. Soon our sleds turned into a canoe, and then we were canoeing down a river. I say, "Hey! I did something just like this in real life!"
      (Which is true, just a week ago I went rafting down a river for five hours...sunburn sucks) That's when I realize that this is not, in fact, real life, and I become lucid, confirming it with a reality check.

      The canoe has now transformed into what I can only describe as trays with wheels, although I refer to it as a train. We're (obviously) no longer in the river, but instead moving on a set of tracks through the woods. There's now a random lady with black hair in a ponytail sitting in the tray/train seat beside me.

      Now, if anyone knows me at all, they know that I love the TV show Supernatural. The two main characters are Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles). Of course, I can't hang out with them in real life, so I gotta take advantage of this in my dream world.

      I shout, "Hey! Where's Sam and Dean?". I look off on the side of the trail we're riding down where I see houses. I assume they live in one of them. Nothing happens, though. I try again. "SAM! DEAN! GET OUT HERE!", but still, nothing happens. "Have you seen--oh!" I begin to say, but as I turn around, I see them already sitting in the seats behind me. "There you guys are!"

      Sam smiles and says "Yup." I don't know where the train is headed, but I wanna get out of this forest. So I say, "Train! Take us to...Miami!" The train suddenly changes course, turning right and going inside a building. It starts going upstairs, but I say "Train? Is this really the way to Miami?" The train seems to hesitate, before backing up and turning around. It goes up another set of stairs. "Is this the way to Miami?" The train keeps going. "I said, is this the way to Miami?" The woman with the black ponytail turns to me and shouts, "YES! THIS IS THE WAY TO MIAMI!" I get quiet.

      Turns out, we're in an apartment building right in Miami. There's a woman that lives in one of the apartments and we're about to go inside before I see a sign on her door. It states that we're only allowed in if we have at least five people. I'm about to get us all inside when I realize that the lady with the ponytail is gone.

      I would be upset, but I know that since I'm just in a dream, I can summon whoever I want to take her place. I look down the stairs that we had just gone up and shout, "Hey! Doctor! We need you up here!" Right after I say that, the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who turns the corner and walks up, saying "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," as he fiddles with his sonic screwdriver. I figure that if I should summon anyone, it should be him, because the fact that he happens to have a time machine may come in handy later. You never know.

      Now that there's five of us, we can go inside the apartment. I knock on the door, and an older woman with short red hair answers. She welcomes us inside after I assure her that there are indeed five people. After a moment of walking and looking around her small apartment, I notice that the random man on the boat/train with me earlier has disappeared. I don't care, though, because I have no idea who he was. Now the only ones left in the apartment are me, Sam, Dean, the Doctor, and the red haired woman.

      I ask the woman, "Hey, since we're in Miami, shouldn't there be beaches and sunshine everywhere?" She walks over to her windows and pulls the curtains open, revealing that there are no beaches anywhere. "They were all shut down years ago. Every pier is closed," she explains.

      Awesome. I have a plan, though. After all, I have a man with a time machine, don't I? I walk over to the Doctor and ask, "Hey, can we go back to before the beaches were closed and actually enjoy our trip?" He brushes me off, though, continuing to fiddle with his sonic screwdriver and saying, "Yeah, yeah, maybe later."

      I'm about to continue arguing when more people arrive at the apartment. I'm surprised to see my mom, her cousin, my two little cousins, and my great aunt and uncle. The red haired woman is apparently friends with me family, because everyone is hugging and acting happy to see each other again. Immediately, my great aunt and the woman move to the small kitchen and start cooking. My uncle helps, too. I spot my little two year old cousin, and he's still as adorable as ever, so I walk over to him and kneel down. I start playing around and tickling him and whatnot, making him laugh. After a while I get bored, so I walk back into the main part of the house. As I look around, I realize that Sam, Dean, and the Doctor are nowhere to be found.

      Nope, not letting that happen. "Hey, where's Sam and Dean?" I ask the red haired woman. She points out the window and says, "The Doctor is in the backyard putting them in the baby swings so they can watch Wyatt
      (my little cousin), you can go outside and see them."

      Well, this I wouldn't miss for the world, so I run outside where I see a children's playset. Sure enough, there's Sam and Dean, each sitting in a baby swing. It's the funniest and most adorable/pathetic thing I've ever seen. I walk up behind them and start laughing, but they don't seem to care. I say to Sam, "Aww, does wittle Sammy want me to push him on the swing?" to which he replies simply, "Yes." Well, I wasn't expecting that answer, but I say, "Oh...okay," and start pushing.

      Eventually I stop pushing and just sort of lean up on him and rest my chin on his head as I watch everyone else bustle around outside, setting up a big outdoors picnic table for dinner. That's when I remember that the Doctor is still around here somewhere, and I still wanna go to the beach. I spot him standing outside, still distracted by his sonic screwdriver. I leave Sam and walk up to him, angry that he's not paying attention to anything else.

      I say, "Doctor, you really need to pay more attention. Can't we please go back in time to when the beaches were open? This isn't a very fun trip." He just looks at me and says, "Sure, but can't we eat dinner first?" As I look over, I see the table being set. The food actually looks surprisingly good, and eating food in a lucid always helps stabilize, so I sit down and start eating. There's turkey and vegetables (or so it appears). I start to try to eat the turkey, but it's really hard to cut, and I ultimately fail. Everyone else seems to enjoy it, though.

      I'm about to give up on eating and just leave, but then
      I wake up.

      I just remember thinking, "No no no! I'm not done yet!", but as I reviewed everything in my head, I realized that the dream was very long and vivid and I could remember a lot from it, and that's a success for me. Yay!

      Updated 07-16-2012 at 04:16 AM by 44036

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. LD 11: Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

      by , 01-02-2012 at 11:17 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      This was definitely a LONG dream. And it consisted of more famous people than I'm used to...which is saying something, because they're pretty much all I ever dream about.

      I'm at a ski resort with two characters from How I Met Your Mother, Marshall (Jason Segel) and Lily (Alyson Hannigan). We're all there to go snowboarding. We all push off from the top of the hill and start boarding down, but not in the proper way. At least, I wasn't. I was sitting down on my snowboard and sliding down like I was sledding. But it was fun, and we kept shouting out "WEEEEEEEE!"

      I kept getting stuck on piles of snow or something, but eventually all three of us made it to the bottom of the hill. There, we met a business-looking man who was trying to advertise new ski slopes to us. He had a model of the Black Pearl, the pirate ship from Pirates of the Caribbean. Apparently there was a new slope modeled to look like the boat, and of course I got really excited, exclaiming, "Oh my God, that is my favorite movie. We have to try this thing!"

      So, somehow, I'm standing in a line waiting to get inside to this ski slope at the top of the hill again. Marshall and Lily are gone, and instead a bunch of people from my school are in line with me. Everyone has these plastic cards that have about 50 cents on each of them, and you cash them in to get your ticket and go inside. I only have five cards in my pocket, and when it's my turn, I give them to the old man who's running the register.

      He says, "Sorry, I'm gonna need about 40 more of these." But when I check my pockets, all I can find is plastic wrappers and other random junk. I say, "Can I go back and get more?" and he says, "Alright, but only this once. I'm not gonna let this happen again."

      I thank him and run off, not sure of where I'm going, exactly. Finally, I make it inside a nearby building, which turns out to be my school. There are a few students I recognize walking around, but I ignore them. I take out my cellphone and call my mom, to tell her that I don't have enough cards to get into the ski resort and that I don't know what to do. She doesn't answer, and, annoyed, I leave a message.

      I remember catching a glimpse of my reflection in some sort of mirror. I was wearing a thin white sweater, black pants, and my hair was in a ponytail. Definitely not proper snowboarding attire, that's for sure.

      Anyways, somehow I come to the decision that I'm just gonna leave and go home, ditching the whole snowboarding thing. I start walking in random directions. I cut through classrooms, which are apparently all connected by doorways. Finally, after walking for a long time, I come to this little library thing and see and open window leading outside. I start climbing through it, but some lady (who I guess was a teacher) stops me. She asks me some sort of history question. I think about the answer for a minute, but I don't know it. So I shrug and say, "I don't know. I'm not in this class."

      Then she says, "Oh! Well, second hour tomorrow, then!" I feel like it's useless to try and keep explaining to her that I'm not in her class, so I just laugh and keep walking away. The walk is extremely short, and I suddenly find myself hopping over a fence and in my backyard. I look into my neighbor's driveway and see my cat. He's fighting a squirrel. Apparently, this is normal, so I keep walking towards my house. Suddenly, though, the squirrel heads for me, and tries to attack me. One of his claws gets stuck in the back of my sweater (which is now red) and he starts pulling me back.

      That was one strong squirrel. He keeps pulling and pulling and he's winning. I shout out for help, when, suddenly, I realize that none of this makes sense at all.

      I become lucid. I instantly relax, knowing that I can't get hurt, and the squirrel lets go and runs away.

      I wake up. Or, so I think. With my eyes still closed, I know I'm still dreaming. However, I'm afraid that if I open them, I'll actually wake up. I perform a reality check. Okay, I'm dreaming. I need to open my eyes, so I do. I'm in my mom's bed, which sort of makes this a partial false awakening, because that's not where I fell asleep. Thankfully, I haven't woken up in real life.

      Now I feel like achieving a personal lucid goal of mine--flying. I stand up and walk to the edge of my mom's bed, crouched down, and got ready to jump off. Suddenly, the song "You Can Fly!" from Peter Pan started playing. I pictured how Wendy just started easily flying around her bedroom with the help of Peter Pan, and while I didn't have pixie dust, I did have faith and trust. So I jumped off the bed, and to my surprise, I was flying!

      I started floating around and flapping my arms like a bird before I flew into my living room. I saw my mom sitting on the couch, texting. "Look," I said, "I can fly!"

      She looks up at me and smiles a little, before going back to her phone. What? Why isn't she more excited? I'm flying, after all.

      "No, look! I'm actually flying!" I say, and start flying in circles right below the ceiling. She says something along the lines of "That's great," and goes back to her phone again. Whatever.

      The dream switches, and I'm not lucid anymore. Aww. I'm standing in what I guess is supposed to be my dad's basement, even though it looks nothing like it. A bunch of people are down there, including Justin Timberlake. I don't know. So, anyways, the basement is designed to look like a rainforest, complete with plants, rain, and animals. Lots and lots of animals, mostly birds. I decide that our basement is so cool, that I just have to take some pictures.

      I walk over to one little section of plants that has a bunch of birds. The birds are all very pretty and colorful, and they seem to be posing for the camera. There's one bird, however, that just gives me the creeps. It can't fly, it just walks around. It's fat and grey and has a reddish pink bill. It starts fluffing up it's feathers in a threatening way when I start taking pictures, so I start to walk away. Unfortunately, it follows me.

      Scratch that, chases me.

      Everyone starts laughing at me (including Justin Timberlake, the bastard) as I try to outrun this freaky bird. I pick up a big white blanket which is just sitting around and hold it up in front of me so that the bird can't hurt me, but it starts pecking at my feet, which the blanket isn't protecting. Now I'm freaking out, but my dad is standing there, teasing me about the whole situation. I throw the blanket aside and run up the stairs, finally escaping the bird.

      I remember another dream, even if it was only a fragment. There is something about a school bus carrying kids back from a sleep-away camp. My friend A is in my dining room, on some boxy, ancient looking computer. She's on the camp's website because she just got back from the camp, and she's telling me everything that happened. There are profiles for each camp counselor, and A clicks on the one for hers. Turns out, her counselor was no other than Karen Gillan.

      "No way," I say, "she was your camp counselor?!"

      A is confused. She doesn't know why it's such a big deal. She doesn't seem to know that Karen Gillan is a famous actress.

      I'm in a different dream now. I'm in the ocean, although it's very shallow. The water is blue and crystal clear. I have a bucket full of shark fins, and they're covered in butter and stuffed with vegetables. We're going to feed them to...the sharks.

      I'm with Matt Smith and Emma Stone. Matt is teaching both Emma and I how to properly feed the sharks, which have now started swarming around us. The sharks are very strange looking. The have pointy noses that are encrusted with weird, tribal-looking designs. They have yellow eyes. And they're big, about as big as a grown man. They seem friendly enough, though, so they don't freak me out too badly.

      We start throwing the fins at them, and they gobble them up. That's when Matt decides to tell us, "Oh, and this is illegal, you know."

      "What?" I say, "Illegal?!"

      "Well, yes. I mean, these are shark fins. And we're feeding them to sharks. That's cannibalism. And that's illegal," he responds, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

      "Oh," I say, "Okay." We continue feeding the sharks. Suddenly, though, the sharks all start swimming towards us at an alarming pace. Matt Smith has transformed into Ashton Kutcher, and I know Emma Stone changed to someone else, too, but I don't remember who.

      The sharks all turn so that they're swimming vertically, heads above the surface of the water. The ocean has turned into a giant pool, with rather murky water. The sharks press me, Ashton Kutcher, and the mystery person up against the wall of the pool so we couldn't move.

      "ASHTON!" I shout. I'm freaking out. I look around, and we're surrounded by the freaky sharks.

      "Stop! Don't worry! This is...this is just what the sharks do. It's their ritual. They think we're one of them! It's okay!" he says. But I know it's not okay.

      But I don't care. Somehow, I manage to pull myself out of the edge of the pool, and Ashton and the other person follows me. We feel relieved that we escaped from the sharks, but as I turn around, I see one shark has followed us. It's standing on it's fins, walking like a person, and...smiling at us, in a rather creepy manner.

      I scream, grab a buttered shark fin out of the bucket, and hold it up in front of my face, hoping it would act as some sort of a peace offering to the shark. I guess I'll never know, though, because I
      woke up.

      This was a very long dream, and a rather hilarious one, at that. Most of it was non-lucid, but the during the small lucid part, I flew, which was a personal goal of mine. Yay!

      Updated 07-16-2012 at 04:17 AM by 44036

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    3. LD 9: Evil Teacher

      by , 11-20-2011 at 07:46 AM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      Okay, first of all, I just wanna say, this isn't really my 9th lucid dream. I just haven't been logging all my LDs on here, and I didn't wanna skip numbers, so...let's just pretend, shall we?

      Also, I'm pretty happy I had this lucid, it took me out of a dry spell I've been stuck in.

      Anyways, let's get on with it, shall we?

      Unfortunately, I can't recall the beginning of the dream or how I became lucid. I just remember the lucid parts.

      I'm standing in my school hallway, and somehow I become lucid. I do remember confirming it with several RCs. I'm standing at the bottom of a small set of stairs, and since The Office is one of my absolute favorite shows of all time, I decided to find the character Jim appear. Luckily, I don't have to do much work, because he appears in the middle of a mob of kids moving down the hallway. And (guess what) he looks depressed.

      (As a side note, I'd like to point out that I almost always dream of people being sad when I try and make them appear in lucid dreams. I don't think it reflects anything in real life or anything like that, but...I dunno.)

      Anyways, so, I get bored of depressed Jim in like, two seconds. From past experience in lucid dreams, pretty much nothing I do helps lighten their mood, so I move on with my dream. I run down the hall, very excited to be lucid. I come across my good friend N, and I tell her that I'm dreaming. She is amazed but believes me. I look over at a classroom just to see my middle school algebra teacher standing there. And she's angry. She's got her hands on her hips and she's staring at me in a very intimidating way.

      She yells at me and N and tells us that we better get back in class right now and finish our work. At this point, I can only think, 'Are you kidding me?', and N and I run away from her. I come across a big mob of kids in the hall and tell them too that since this is just a dream, they can do whatever they want. They all get very excited and start running and flying around the school. Eventually, I come across my algebra teacher again. She's even angrier and says I need to finish my math work. I say, "Right, like I'm gonna waste a lucid dream doing math homework."

      I start to run away again, with this huge group of kids.

      I can also vaguely recall some non lucid parts that have something to do with the arctic, a military hideout, and a lighthouse, all somehow connected with each other. But that's all I can remember.

      Well, it definitely wasn't the most exciting lucid in the world, but it was something. I'm hoping for better luck tonight!
      Tags: lucid, school
      lucid , dream fragment
    4. LD 8: Multiple False Awakenings

      by , 08-20-2011 at 07:59 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      Right, well, I haven't been on DreamViews in a while, but I just had to come back and post this one.

      So, I'm sitting in my best friend's parent's room, but I guess I'm actually in my uncle and aunt's house. Somehow, I randomly become lucid (I can't pinpoint exactly when, which is frustrating, because I would have liked to remember for future reference) and I perform a reality check.

      If ANY people read my dream journal entries, you know I'm obsessed with Inception. Well, I really wanted to hang out with the Inception team (again), so I walk out in to the living room and ask my Uncle and Aunt, "Have you seen Eames anywhere?" to which my Uncle replies, "Oh, he just left I think. Why?". I didn't know how else to respond with a 'reasonable' answer, so I just say "Uhh...he stole my lollipop." and my Uncle thinks this a perfectly acceptable reason.

      I wake up. That was definitely a weird but short lucid. I perform the normal reality check I do every morning after I wake up and I'm surprised to find...I'm still dreaming!

      Wow...this was almost a false awakening, it's a good thing I performed that reality check. Anyways, so I get up and walk into my living room (I'm at my mom's house now) and I see my brother, sister, and my best friend S standing there. I start to walk into my kitchen to explore, but come up with another idea.

      I turn around and say to my sister, "You're not real, I'm dreaming right now," and she kind of gives me that look like she always does in real life that says 'Okay...you're weird.' I turn to my brother and tell him, "You too, you're just a projection." He starts laughing. Then I turn to S and say, "You too!" and she laughs like I just told a funny joke. I brush them off. I don't have time for this.

      Suddenly, I wake up. Once more I perform the regular reality check and I'm even more surprised to discover I'm still dreaming! Wow!

      I'm at my mom's house again this time, so I get out of bed and walk into my living room again. Once more, my best friend S is there, and I'm pretty sure my sister was there too, but my brother was nowhere to be seen.

      I remembered I've always wanted to try transporting to another place, but I know that using mind power alone to go there never worked for me. So I approach my front door and tell myself that when I open it, I'll be where I wanna be. Outside my house, it's dark and kind of cold. I go up to the door, close my eyes, and open it. I tell myself, 'When I open my eyes, I'll be in Hawaii'.

      My eyes are still closed, but I'm surprised to notice a sudden warmth and I can tell through my eyelids that it's now light outside. I hear the ocean.

      I open my eyes and I'm thrilled to find myself standing on a beach with yellow sand, a crystal clear blue ocean, and scattered palm trees. My vision is rather blurred, for some reason, but I can still tell where I am. My sister and S are incredulous and ask "How did you do that?" before heading off to explore. I follow them to the edge of a little palm tree jungle thing before
      I wake up.

      I'm at my dad's house now, which is where I fell asleep in real life. I'm now convinced I'm not dreaming. I go over the dreams I just had in my head, before I finally do a reality check.

      And I'm still dreaming. Uhh...wow.

      Well, anyways, so I don't know exactly what happened, but somehow I'm transported to a giant movie theater and I'm walking with my mom and a group of other people. I remember how I still wanna meet up with the Inception gang, so I ask my mom "Have you seen Arthur anywhere?" and she looks at me and asks, "Arthur?". I try a different approach. "Okay...have you seen Joseph Gordon-Levitt anywhere?" I ask her. She says, "I don't think so, why?" to which I reply, again, "He stole my lollipop." My subconscious apparently finds this as a normal excuse for wanting to find someone. Personally, I just wanna find him cuz he's hot.

      ANYWAYS. So, I'm magically transported to a giant warehouse that doubles as a courthouse in the basement, and lo and behold, there's Arthur. I'm standing there with him at the entrance of said warehouse and there's a little boy who is an orphan. He needs money donations to help pay for a surgery he needs or else he might not make it. Despite my being lucid, I don't have any money on me, so I turn to Arthur.

      "I don't have time for this, I'm a business man!" is all he says, because he knows I'm gonna ask him for money. "But he needs surgery," I tell him, and he says "I don't care how mean and horrible it makes me sound, we really should be going." and he pushes the little boy aside. Arthur is trying to stay serious but he looks upset and sort of guilty. (Why is it I always dream of him being sad/depressed?)

      Anyways, all of a sudden, the boy becomes a part of this huge court case, and it turns out the little orphan was actually evil and was just tricking people into giving him money. Geez. I start running around the basement of the place and accidentally run into a courtroom and interrupt a session. A bunch of people that look like judges and lawyers are like, "Excuse me, you can't be in here!" and look at me angrily. I fumble to come up with a different excuse besides the lollipop one, because they look too serious to fall for that. "The boy...needs...help!" is all I could manage. Suddenly they look worried and all run out of the room. I follow them, only to discover Arthur is gone, and two of my friends are sitting at a little round table, coloring pictures.

      I wake up. Well, not really. Still dreaming, according to the reality check. My vision is very blurred, but I can faintly make out my sister standing in the entrance of my room. She is standing there, staring at me, being SUPER creepy. She starts walking towards me and grabbing at me and I have to keep pushing her away.

      As crazy as it make me sound, I'm just tired of this whole false awakening thing and I wanna wake up for real. I start screaming, "WAKE UP! WAKE ME UP!" and suddenly I find myself lying in my bed, again.

      I know I'm not awake, and I don't even bother with a reality check. I'm just glad I got out of that creepy dream with my sister and I'm in a new dream.

      That's when I realize I'm still in the same dream, and my sister is still standing there. UGH.

      Suddenly, I actually wake up. It takes me a moment to realize that I'm really awake. For a second, I honestly wasn't sure whether I was in a dream or reality. I'm telling you, I'm losing my grip here.

      I'm rather relieved to discover that I'm in the real world after performing a reality check. That was definitely one of the strangest lucid experiences I've ever had.
    5. LD 7: Invisible Gun

      by , 07-30-2011 at 09:16 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      I'm with Jim Carrey in my house. There is someone else there, and we're trying to trick him into forgetting his name. I'm hiding in my bedroom, cracking up as I listen to Jim yell "NOPE." whenever he guesses his name. The random guy is like, "Is my name...Bake? Drake? Blake?" and Jim Carrey just keeps saying no.

      Then, to my horror, I realize that my name is Blake, so he can't have that name!
      (Uhm...my name's not Blake in real life. I'm a girl and my name is nothing close to that...)

      The dream switches.

      I can't pinpoint exactly when this happens, but somehow, I became lucid. I confirm it with a few reality checks.

      I'm standing on a street at night-time in some downtown city. I remember how one of my lucid goals is to eat something and try and stabilize the dream. I notice some people sitting on the sidewalk, with little foldable tables and paper plates of food. I figure I can just steal some food from them.

      I walk up to this man and he has a plate of baked beans. I say, "Can I have some beans?", and he looks at me with an extremely creepy and malicious smile on his face and says, "No...". So I start to walk away, but I realize he's still staring at me with that creepy look. I say, "Stop being creepy! Now!", to which he replies, "I don't think so...".

      I ignore him and walk to another person, a woman, sitting and eating what appears to be a cheesy bratwurst. I walk up to her and say, "Could I have a bite? It's...for charity...". She says, "Of course, hon! Take the whole thing!". So I take it from her and take a bite out of the other end of it. It tastes just like it does in real life. Unfortunately, it doesn't really do much for stabilization.

      Anyways, so I set the bratwurst down again and turn around, just to see the creepy guy standing there. He walks away from me and over to this random hotdog stand that's sitting in the middle of the road, because apparently, he works there. I go up to him and say, "That's it! I warned you!", and I proceed to hold my fingers as if they were a gun, pointing it right at him. I pretend to load said finger gun.

      There are a bunch of people standing in the road, and they all get shocked expressions and either run away or drop to the ground in an attempt to protect themselves from any possible gunfire.

      I say, "I told you not to be creepy, but you didn't listen. Now, I don't wanna have to kill you, so don't make me!". The creepy guy no longer has a creepy look on his face and instead looks terrified, holding his hands up in the air. He swallows and nods.

      "Good," I say, and lower my fake weapon. There is another guy working at the hotdog stand. He's younger, and he's totally cute. So, I say to him, "You're coming with me." He obliges, and loops his arm around mine. We start walking down the street.

      Sadly, I lose lucidity. I'm still walking with the guy, and we walk into an ice cream shop. Now he's wearing a shirt similar to what Waldo wears. There's and old lady in the ice cream shop wearing the same shirt. We get in line for ice cream, but there are a bunch of kids trying to cut us. I realize it's a group of kids on a field trip, and of course, their chaperone is no other than Bruce Willis.

      We get to the front, though. I want Superman flavored ice cream (a real flavor, yes), but I instead by mistake get a flavor called Senorita Raspberry (a made up flavor). It actually tastes really good...

      I wake up. Now that I think back, I really wish I'd killed that guy, using my invisible gun...
    6. LD 4: Depressed Joseph Gordon-Levitt

      by , 07-21-2011 at 04:37 AM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      A friend and I had decided to sign up for the Food Network show Chopped, which is like an elmination every week reality show for cooking. We both get onto the show and are very happy. Me and my friend (H) get on the bus, which will take us to the set of the show. H and I sit down, and we're surrounded by other contestants. We try to socialize with them, and found one girl to be really nice. I don't really remember much of her, who she was, or what she said, except that she had a very narrow face, olive skin, and dark brown wavy hair with bangs that covered a lot of her face. I remember looking at a brochure for Australia, which led me to realize that these contestants came from all over the world to compete on this show. Finally, the bus arrives at it's destination. H and I get off with all the other people to find us standing in a mostly empty parking lot. We see the hosts, but I don't really remember them too well. I'm standing there and listening as we are assigned our first challenge, when I suddenly come to horrifying realization.

      I can't cook.
      In real life, I can make ice, and that's pretty much it. Even when it comes to simple things like trying to cook Kraft macaroni, I end up failing. Both times I tried to make it, I ended up making people sick...oops. Anyways, so that's when I come to the not so horrifying realization that I'm dreaming, thus making me lucid. Yay!

      So, I ditch Chopped. I remember the other contestants mocking me and jeering at me for being such a baby and backing out before the show even started, but I ignore them.

      Suddenly, I am somehow transported to a very modern looking mansion type office building. I see random DCs walking around, but I ignore them, too. I have a goal in mind. I find my friend N walking around, and I approach her. I ask, "Have you seen Arthur anywhere?" referring to my absolute favorite character from Inception, as portrayed by one of my favorite actors, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I figured that if I ask someone where he is, implying that I already know he's here, I'll be able to find him. Other methods, like trying to make people appear by summoning them with mind power, never work outs for me.

      N says, "Yeah, I know he's around here somewhere. Just keep running down the halls and turn the corner, you should find him." We both set off running down a hallway, and right before we turn the corner, and outstretch my arms, because I really wanna give Arthur a hug.
      (Don't judge, I'm a huge JGL fangirl, ok?) But instead, to my dismay, I turn the corner to find my old 7th grade English teacher wearing footsie pajamas. That image will never be erased. I keep running down that hallway, once more outstretching my arms. When I turn the next corner, I instead find my Grandma running towards us. As horrible as it makes me sound, I don't feel like hugging my grandma, so I disappointingly put my arms down again. I ask N, "Do these hallways just keep going and going?" and she replies, "Yep, pretty much."

      Eventually and thankfully, though, I somehow manage to get out of the constant hallways, and I'm standing in this hotel-looking lobby. I enter a doorway, in which I find myself standing in a HUGE ballroom place, FILLED with people. I automatically know that these people are all celebrities, and if I'm going to find Arthur/JGL anywhere, it'll be here. I see a set of modern looking stairs that lead up to a platform, so I run up to get a good view of the crowd. It's obviously a very formal event, because all the men are wearing tuxedos, and every single woman is wearing a fancy, sparkly black dress. They're all talking and mingling very loudly.

      Wanting to get their attention, I as loudly as I can yell out, "HEY! EVERYBODY QUIET!". It actually worked, and everyone turned up to look at me. "I'm looking for Joseph Gordon-Levitt," I shouted. Suddenly, I notice a figure beginning to walk away, only to be pushed back in place by a random group of people. It's JGL! Yay!

      He begins walking again, towards the exit, wearing a rather awkward smile on his face. He obviously doesn't want to be here.

      Oh, and he had facial hair. Don't know why that's important, it just is.

      Anyways, my mom suddenly is standing by me, and she says, "Well? Go on and catch him!" I run down from the platform and down the stairs, chasing after him. He begins to run faster. Now we're out in the lobby. He still has that weird smile on his face, which was starting to get creepy. He sat down on a couch in the lobby, and he looked slightly upset. (Still smiling, though. Don't know how he managed that.) I found a random drink kiosk and decide it would be smart to buy him a beer, which cost $7. Geez. But he refused to take it. And he wasn't saying anything, so matter how much persisting and prodding I did. Man, he was stubborn.

      Then, I "wake up." That's right, folks, I'm now in some sort of a false awakening. Except, in this "reality", I'm sitting on the same couch that Joseph Gordon-Levitt was just sitting on, and I'm hugging a water bottle. My best friend H is there, and she laughs at me for falling asleep in such a position. I tell her about the dream that I just had.

      Then I actually wake up. But, being the lazy teenager that I am, I went back to sleep, even though it was probably already noon. Oh well.

      I'm thrown straight into lucidity. This time, I'm in this strange indoor pool place, with lots of walls that you have to climb over to get to the pools. There are lots of scattered pools that are dark and murky, but I swim in them nonetheless. I remember swimming in this one pool, doing lots of spins underwater. I heard some man say, "Huh, I guess the water's not toxic, then." I'm pretty sure he was the manager of the place.

      I get out of the water, and lo and behold, sitting on a couch by the edge of the pool, is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Also, to my surprise, I had transformed into and older version of myself and I looked completely different. Usually in lucid dreams I have lots of difficulty changing my appearance, but this time, I didn't even try. I looked just like Sarah Roemer, an actress from a show I used to watch called The Event. Hmm, random.

      Anyways, I walk up to JGL, who I know is supposed to be Arthur. He looks extremely depressed and lonely, and I automatically feel really bad for him. I guess I'm supposed to be his best friend, so I decide to go sit next to him. Turns out he has to apply for this design school and to do that, he needs to fill out an information card about him. He's too upset for whatever reason to fill it out himself, so I offer to do it for him. He gratefully accepts my offer.

      I notice he has a picture with him. It's a picture of a little girl and a little boy dressed in their Halloween costumes, with the little girl dressed as a princess and the boy as a pirate. I realize it's supposed to be the both of us, and discover that I'm not his best friend...I'm his little sister.


      I still have to fill out the info card, but I pretty much know nothing about him. Inception doesn't tell you much about our dear Arthur. But what kind of sister doesn't know these basic facts about their big brother? I really wanna play the part, though, so I stay cool. Eventually, there's a part on the card where I have to put down his age. Problem is, I don't know his age. I jokingly ask, "How old are you?" as if I was just messing around. He looks rather annoyed and answers very sarcastically, "Nine." He wasn't giving me a real answer. I put down '9' on the card...then he looks at me like I was crazy. "Why are you putting that down? I wasn't being serious. Put a '2' in front of that nine." I do, and say, "So...29?". He gives me a look that says, "Duh."

      Then he starts shaking his head and says, "Can we just skip to the 'About Me' part? I'm getting tired of this." I do, and ask what he wants me to right. He shrugs, and mumbles "I don't know." I sigh. Obviously, Arthur here isn't gonna be very cooperative.

      Somehow, we both get transferred to some school where he is giving a presentation on design to some kids. But, he's still really depressed. After the presentation, he just sits down in a chair, frowning, and he's not talking again. Perfect.

      All the kids, who I realize are kids that I go to school with, start clapping for him, including me. Hey, I'm not gonna be an un-supportive sister. Then, the kids walk up to him and start trying to make him move, by waving in his face and stuff. He's not having it, though. He looks pretty spaced out. I catch of glimpse of his face through the mob of kids around him, and you can just see the pain and sadness in his eyes. It was pretty intense.

      Now I'm not Sarah Roemer anymore. I'm my regular self. I realize one of my best friends J is standing next to me. She asks, "Wait, why is he so upset and stuff?" I just shrug and say, "I don't know. I'll just ask him on the car ride home." She nods at this apparently perfectly acceptable answer.

      One girl I know, M, starts poking her finger in his face. Then...he sneezes on her, causing everyone to start cracking up, and, guess what! He actually smiled! So much for the seriousness of the dream. Oh well.

      I'm transferred to another part of my dream, and I'm no longer lucid. Sad, sad. Anyways, I guess I'm at school, but it's my old elementary school. Class is about to start, but I could not for the life of me find my locker or remember my next class. I was completely confused. I start walking down the hallway towards a random classroom, where I find a teacher who I vaguely recognize. She asks me to help her with some classroom chores, and I comply. When I try to explain to her that I can't remember my next class, she ignores me.

      Then, the assistant principal walks up and stands in the doorway. I try to tell him that I don't know where I'm supposed to go, but he just says, "Oh, that's too bad," in a kind of joking manner. Which I can totally picture him doing in real life, by the way.

      The dragon has risen from its slumber. I wake up, completely intrigued by the awesome dream I just had. When I think back to that last little part of the dream, I keep picturing Rebecca Black, so I'm pretty sure she was somehow involved. God, I hope she wasn't singing.

      Also, on a side note, I feel very achieved. I've transformed my appearance, hung out with a celebrity, and lucid dreamt somewhere other than my house, which were all personal dream goals of mine. All in all, it was a definite success. Yay!

      Updated 07-21-2011 at 06:52 AM by 44036 (Just remembered another part. :))

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    7. LD 3: Broken Vortex

      by , 04-02-2011 at 08:39 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      I'm sitting at the dinner table with my family, when I suddenly and randomly become lucid. Thinking back, I'm sure I wasn't fully lucid, but whatever. I stand up from the table and ask to be excused, so I can go explore my dream world. Everyone at the table (including Ernie from George Lopez who is just randomly there) is very encouraging and say "Yes! Yes, go explore! Go on!" with smiles on their faces. I walk down the hallway and enter my room. I see a kitten with a piece of Scotch tape holding up on the wall. The kitten quickly breaks free from the flimsy little piece of tape and darts past me and out of my room. I remember the kitten being a bit big, and it was brown tabby and white. I try to pet the kitten, but it's too fast and dashes away.

      I shrug it off and I'm now standing in the middle of my room. I decide that since closing my eyes and willing my surroundings to change doesn't usually work, I'll try something new. I try to create a vortex to jump through on my bed. It comes out as a blue and pink swirled circle. I crawl onto my bed and attempt to jump through it, but it doesn't work. It was like I was still standing on solid ground.

      I randomly lose lucidity for a little while. I hear an announcer's voice shouting, "How will she choose to get through the vortex?" and I see different buttons with pictures of stick figures jumping through a vortex. I think it's all a games, and I press a random button. Everything goes black for little while, and I'm suddenly on the set of Whose Line Is It Anyway. (It's an old comedy sketch show. If you don't know what it is, google it. You'll laugh your butt off.) I realize the announcer's voice belonged to Drew Carey, the host of Whose Line. I see Ryan Stiles dressed as a wedding groom, blindfolded. Suddenly, Wayne Brady appears and he's dressed as a Wookie. Ryan had to try and guess what Wayne was. Oh, I don't know.

      The dreamscape abruptly changes to my front porch. It's nighttime.
      I realize I'm dreaming again. My dad is sitting on the porch chair, looking at me and laughing. I faintly acknowledge my brother and sister playing in the yard. I try to read my hand to see what it says, because I write things on my hand in real life for this kind of thing. I can't, though, because my dad is desperately trying to distract from doing so, by poking me and waving his hands in front of my face. I finally break away from him, though, and realize my hand says "MISSING" with a box drawn around it, and some words underneath that I couldn't quite make out.

      I wake up. That was a weird dream.
    8. LD 2: Inception?

      by , 04-02-2011 at 08:23 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      I'm sitting on the floor, next to my friend, J. We're writing stories or something. Suddenly, I notice my hand has a weird message written on it. In real life, I had written "DREAMS!" on my hand with pen, so that when I looked at it in my dream, I would notice it said something else. Well, it worked. Looking at my hand, I became lucid, because now it said something else. It still said "DREAMS!" on it, but underneath that, I saw the sentence "It's an oracle!" I performed a reality check, and sure enough, I was dreaming. J, who is still sitting next to me, suddenly becomes angry. Her face gets rounder and her eyes are further apart. She starts growling. I hardly have any time to be scared before I'm suddenly lying down in my bed. It's not a false awakening, because I still know I'm dreaming.

      My vision is blurred, and I slowly and blindly step out of my bed, trying to walk around. That's when I notice I'm standing on the ceiling. Weird, I think to myself, as I slowly flip around and land on the ground the right way. I will myself to have clear vision, and I do. Not knowing what to do next, I walk over to my window and look outside. It's daytime. I randomly see Leonardo DiCaprio standing there, as his character Cobb from Inception. At first I'm afraid that he's gonna try and steal my thoughts and ideas like in Inception, so I try to scare him away. I do so by making scary faces at him through the window. He slowly backs off and runs away.

      I almost immediately regret scaring him off because I wanted to interact with my DCs. So, I walk into the backyard and see him standing there by the bushes, towards the woods. As I begin to approach him, I am interrupted by my grandpa's friend, P, walking towards me. P is carrying my crying brother and asks me if I could help figure out what was wrong with him. I agree and take my brother, and P is gone. I ask my brother, "What's the matter?" Still crying, he says "The Xbox won't let me be Player 1!" I shrug and decided to help him, just because. Following him inside, I realize the Xbox is set up in the kitchen, and the TV is attached to the fridge. I don't know how technology works in the dream world, so I randomly press a few buttons on the controller. But it seems to work because he stops crying and runs off to go to the bathroom or something like that.

      I start to go back outside but remember to check my hand, just to see what else it says. It still says "DREAMS!" and "It's an oracle!", but now it also has random scrambled letters written on it, too. I step outside, and as soon as I do, my vision gets blurry again. I suddenly hear voices around me and I know I'm near people, but I can't really see them. I recognize some of them as people from school. They are frantically warning me that I've entered the 2nd dream level, the dream within a dream. They told me of how there was an explosion and everyone was in danger. Looking at the ground with my vision still blurred, I could barely make out what I guess were supposed to be fragments of blown up bomb. I kept struggling for clarity and finally achieved it. As soon as I did, I remembered how Cobb was still outside, and I feared that he'd been harmed.

      I shouted out, "COBB!" and ran over towards him. He was still in the same spot by the bushes, except he was lying on the ground, half dead. He looked weird. He was blue, with a bleeding face, cracked skin, and he was wearing a Native American headdress. I kept reassuring him he'd be ok, and he didn't respond. Suddenly, a group of about 3 or 4 people ran over to him (I don't know who they were) and revived him. He was fine.

      It was now darker outside. Randomly, my best friend H appeared next to me. We were looking on our phones for a new tuxedo for Cobb, because he was going to Vegas for vacation, apparently. H found a snazzy looking suit and showed it to me. Of course, the suit model was Eames from Inception. I agreed that it was a nice suit. H disappeared.

      I decided that I would once more try to change my appearance like I have in other dreams. I closed my eyes and made a mirror appear in front of me. I remember the mirror was one of those big full body mirrors, with an intricate design on the gold frame. I closed my eyes and told myself that when I opened my eyes, I would look like Zooey Deschanel, who I failed to look like in another lucid dream of mine. When I opened my eyes, the only thing that changed was my hair. Then I decided that since everything seemed to be going along with Inception, I'd try and change myself to look like Ariadne. This time, all that changed was my hair and my clothes. I even got Ariadne's little scarf she always wears.

      I woke up. My first thought was, "Nooooo! That dream was too short!" But as I reviewed the dream in my head, I realized I was very lucky I lucid dreamt at all, and I had an amazing lucid experience.
    9. LD 1: Exploring My House

      by , 04-02-2011 at 07:51 PM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      I am standing in my bedroom, and it's nighttime. I look at my bed, and notice something strange. I can't really explain it, but I see what looks like one of those colorful decorative window stickers kids make, but it was in the shape of a cartoonish old lady, and it was big. I realize I must be dreaming, because what I currently see is never usually there. I do a RC, and suddenly everything becomes vivid, because I can still breathe through my nose even though I'm pinching it shut. I'm not sure what to do, so I slowly walk out of my room and into my hallway.

      As I'm walking down the hall, I remember reading about how reflections look weird in the dream world. So I poke my head into my bathroom and look in the mirror. The only thing that's different is the fact that I have lots of bangs covering my face. I shrug it off and continue walking down the hallway, into my living room. I'm standing there and I decide I want to try and change my environment. I close my eyes and concentrate, telling myself that when I open my eyes, I'll be in a completely empty, solid white room. Err, I failed. I was still standing in my living room.

      Then, I wanted to try and change my appearance. I look in the mirror in the living room, and (probably because I had just watched Elf in real life) tried to change myself to look like Zooey Deschanel. Well, that didn't work either.

      I also remembered how technology usually doesn't work correctly in dreams. So I see my laptop on the table and try to turn it on. It does, but the internet isn't working and Google is wacky. That's when my brother walks out of his room, eating an apple, and keeps bothering me, trying to figure out what I'm doing on the computer. I want him to leave me alone but he keeps irritating me. Yep, he's pretty much being exactly how he is in real life, even the apple eating. Suddenly my mom walks out of her room, and yells at my brother to go back to bed because it's too early. But she doesn't seem to see me.

      I wake up, very happy.