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    RommiH's Dream Journal (entries are not dated correctly. i am slowly transferring my DJ from my computer, to the one on DV)

    1. The last warrior and the kid in the orange shirt

      by , 06-04-2012 at 03:04 PM (RommiH's Dream Journal (entries are not dated correctly. i am slowly transferring my DJ from my computer, to the one on DV))
      Monday 04 June 2012
      This dream was sick! It was sooooo long! But unfortunately I remember , very little from this dream epic. ☹
      I will document it to the best of my ability: I am standing somewhere that is a frosty blue. The ground is that of a barren desert with a possible thin layer of snow. There are a few leafless trees scattered about. I am standing on a white path slightly raised from the rest of the surrounding ground. Along the sides of the path are little mounds of what look like dead bodies. I have a long sword in my hand. Then from behind me comes a samurai. He runs along the path touching his sword to the mounds. As he does this I notice there is someone else I haven’t seen on the path. He is a small boy wearing blue shorts and an orange shirt. I look back to the mounds the samurai touched with his sword. From all the mounds he touched rose robotic skeletal warrior men.
      Once that happened I had this knowledge: There was a war. The samurai I had seen was on my side. By touching the mounds he had summoned dead warriors to fight a battle. He summoned warriors from all the mounds except one, which lay at the end of the path. I had to get the mound and summon the last warrior before the kid in the orange shirt did. That warrior was the most powerful of all and would be the difference between winning and losing the war.
      Now I look at the kid in the orange shirt. He looks back. Immediately, we run for the last mound. At this point the mound is no longer a mound, but an already standing warrior frozen in place. We had to stab the warrior to unfreeze him. (stabbing the warrior to unfreeze him doesn’t make much sense, but hey, I got to use my sword) Who unfroze him would decide who’s side the warrior would fight on. We both run as fast as we can to the last warrior in desperation. I get the feeling I might not make it in time. I take my sword and throw it at the warrior. I guess the same realization cam over the other kid because he did the same. We both miss. Not wasting a second we run to are swords and make another attempt. Once again we both miss. I realize I wont ever be able to hit the warrior by throwing my sword at him. I grab my sword and run to the warrior. Once again, the orange kid does the same thing. But I am faster. I take my sword and drive it in to the warrior. Unfrozen, the warrior runs back down the path a leaves the frosty blue wasteland through a bright doorway. The orange kid looks at me with bitter hate. He wants me dead. I run. I look back and see that he is chasing me. But he doesn’t run. In fact he is walking very slowly. His face literally looks like this: X( I run through the door way at the end of the path way.
      I am now at in my compound at Ras Sudr. I am still running from the orange kid. Now I remember next to nothing. Which sucks. But here it is in the form of random fragments: I walk past many houses. I know he is way behind and if I’m lucky I should be able to evade him. If my memory serves me right, then he no longer has a sword but a gun instead………………………….I am at my villa…………………..I see my dog. He is barking at a cat outside the yard. He somehow gets through the fence by passing between the metal rods with a mere 6 inches between them. I find this impressive and clap…………….. The cat and my dog in and out of our yard and outside………. My dad and I look for more cats behind stuff……………I catch a little kitten………..I am holding her, the kitten is in a little plastic bag up to her arms. I hold her in her plastic cocoon………………..I am inside…My sister and Donia see me with the kitten………They have an AW SO CUTE attack. I leave…….I return to take wittle kitty from sister………….I figure it is no use running from the orange kid. I should kill him and get him out of the way forever. I begin to plot his death.

      Oh yeah and I let the kitten go outside and she runs to her mother who is a Chihuahua with a wacky haircut...

      non-lucid , memorable