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    RommiH's Dream Journal (entries are not dated correctly. i am slowly transferring my DJ from my computer, to the one on DV)

    Their death is up to them + TOTM

    by , 06-24-2012 at 03:15 PM (1095 Views)
    A violent dream where everyone is either being shot or is shooting someone else. Sort of like the bar scene in Inglorious bastards. Cannot remember anything else about the dream. At the end I have been shot in the head and I begin to. slowly? Die. Right before the dream resides completely I realize this was all a dream and relax. The dream ends. I keep my eyes closed and I don’t move. I fall back asleep and re-enter the massacre dream. I am in a room with two beds and in those beds are two dead bodies. They have been shot. I look at them and recognize the dream scene. I become lucid. I look back at the bodies; they are two middle-aged women. I tell them to get up. I tell them that they are part of dream and that anything is possible. They don’t have to be dead if they don’t want to be. I tell them to get up and out of bed a few more times. At his point the dream sort of fades slightly. It doesn’t end it just becomes very unclear. I don’t really remember what happens at this point. I do remember that I need to stabilize the dream so I start touching things. (I want to remember to attempt voice commands) I think I walk around at this point just exploring my surroundings. But then I think, I do that every time I have a lucid dream, I just walk around. I figured I had to do something this time. By now the dream was very stable. I think, What to do, what to do… Then I remember the task of the month! I look around and find a mirror on the wall to my left right beside my head. How convenient. I take a few steps back and run at the mirror. As I run I see my mom from the corner of my eye. She says something but I ignore her. Once I am just a few feet away from the mirror I leap head first into it. I am a little disappointed at the outcome. But it was interesting nonetheless. I was sent into another house like the one I was in. I came out of another mirror into a very fancy living room. It was well light by a huge chandelier in the middle of the room. The ceiling was very high in this room. On a couch was a man reading a newspaper. I can’t remember what I did next but I guess I walked around and ended up at the front door of the house. I gladly walk out of it. The house was a bore. I walk out and by now I notice how vivid and real it is. I have no fears now of it losing stability or me losing awareness. I am now on the street of a suburban neighborhood. again. It is beautiful. There are massive trees everywhere and the sunlight bathing them was spectacular. Somehow there is a white book in my hand. I look at its cover. The “words” are just random nonsense. Every time I look away and look back it changes. Then I try something. I think of of a phrase in my mind and look at the cover. What would show up on the cover would be very similar to what I was thinking of. A few times it was the same word for word. But none of the words were spelt right. Sadly, I cant remember what phrases I thought of. I even told myself in the dream to try to remember what I thought and what it turned out to be on the cover. Looks like I failed. I look around some more and decide it would be cool to skate. I try to summon a skateboard. I try to will one into existence by thought. I look down at my feet. Nothing. I try that a few times and all attempts failed. I then tell myself, Ok, when I snap my fingers a board will appear in front of me. That didn’t work either. I then look at the book and try turning it into a skateboard. I set it on the ground and see that the book has wheels attached to it. I get on it but it is too small to have any fun with. Then I try flying. At first I’m stuck at jumping really high. But after a while I get higher and higher. But I always fall back down. While trying to fly I hear a little boy laughing. I continue practicing. As I slowly move down the street I see the source of the sound. Sitting at the top of a little slide is a boy. He laughs, says my name, and then laughs again. Repeat. The kid freaked me out a bit. I ask him, Who are you? What are you? But my voice seems drowned by other louder voices. I take notice of other DCs walking in my direction. Once in front of me I ask this dude about my age if he can teach me how to fly. Dream fades. Dream ends.

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    1. paigeyemps's Avatar
      YES! BANANAS! congrats