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    1. 02.07.2012 - 2 x lucid and several non lucid

      by , 07-04-2012 at 10:51 PM
      Date: 02/07/2012
      Place: Friend's bed
      Time of getting into bed: 1.48am

      Dream 1 - lucid at the end - 3.35am

      I am laying in the bed I fell asleep in. My partner is laying next to me, he gets up, and does not open his eyes, but tries to get out of bed sleepily. I ask him what he is doing, and he claims he is getting up to go and get changed. I think he is sleepwalking so I tell him to get back into bed, he grabs me, and I kiss him on the lips. He doesn't respond, which I think is strange, and I tell him he is dreaming, but he gets a little annoyed. I now realise I am dreaming. I decide to wake myself up, because I feel uncomfortable in this dream, and feel like my dream partner is getting angry. I wake up and am slightly annoyed I woke myself up when I could have made use of being lucid.

      Dream 2 - lucid at the end - 5.19am

      I am with my partner, and we are going to go and take a shower. We drive along a dirt track road, it is muddy with ditches either side. It seems to be located in the middle of a field. We get to the end, and there is a small building, like a shed, which has a shower inside it. N gets in the shower, he has a red towel round his waist. I wait in the car, as I do, I look to my left (I am in the passenger seat) and notice a playground in the distance. It looks old and abandoned, and there are a group of intimidating youths hanging around, possibly drinking. There are 2 girls who are also there, just passing by. One of them is wearing nothing but a pink towel, and I know she has just had a shower and is making her way home. The youths harass them, and lift up her towel. I don't move from the car, because I don't want them to see me. I lock the door, and the youths make their way over. They surround the car, but only one approaches close, he lifts up the window wiper and lets it go. I open my door slightly, so I can shout out 'What do you want?' He tells me to open the door so he can get in, I say no. I then shut the door and lock it, before he tries to get in. I then stare at the shower waiting for N to return, hoping he will be fast. The youth knocks again and again, but I ignore him. Finally N comes out the shower, and does not realise what is going on. I jump into the drivers seat (which is on the wrong side of the car) and unlock the car so he can get in, I shout to him to hurry up. The youth gets his hand inside my door, but I bite hard on his arm, drawing blood. I clearly remember the feel of his flesh on my teeth. Then as N gets in I lock the doors, and drive away fast, taking care not to drive down the ditch as we flee. I suddenly become lucid, I have no idea how I do this but suddenly I know I am dreaming, and I am watching the car from above, like a bird in the sky. There are a few seconds of noise in my ears, while I watch the car drive away safely, then I wake up.

      Dream 3 - non lucid - 7.10am

      I am me, but I am a super fast runner, and with my family. We are in a place which is a bit like a theme park, and I run at super speed everywhere.There is a themed area called 'Breakfast of Champions' which features some statues and objects. We go to a house, inside this house, we get stuck, a bit like in a deflated bouncy castle. I have to use my super speed to run 'at' or 'up' the walls, to free us and get us back to being on our feet. I remember the room is brown. Someone gave me some weed to slow me down, and I sit and watch a TV show. The program is about a hospital in Stamford, where they carry out surgical proceedures for enhancing beauty, such as breast enlargement etc. There is a female narrator, and some famous clients having plastic surgery, including Kelly Osbourne. They have a visit from a famous singer (female, late 40's) although I know she is famous I don't know who she is. The narrator makes a point of saying the singer has NOT had plastic surgery, and the singer sings to the clients as they are recovering.

      Dream 4 - non lucid -9.13am

      I am at my sister's house, and I hear her boyfriend getting mad at her, then beating her up rather badly, saying 'You make me do this.' While she cries in pain, I jump up to see, but do not help her, although I am very upset. After he leaves I take her to one side and tell her to leave him, that she can come and live with me and I'll look after her. She is sad and crying.

      Later on in the same dream, I am rolling a joint with L, when I find out (via Facebook maybe?) that R has got a job that he was after, and tried hard to get. We celebrate, and I buy R a pencil, and a pencil sharpener as gifts to say well done. S wants to go to the pub, but my partner doesn't want to as he is too tired.

      Dream 5 - non lucid

      My mum takes me on a ride, where you climb into a small room, and someone shuts the door behind you. (a bit like a ferris wheel, but bigger, and more solid, like rooms instead of cages.) The ride takes you really high, into outer space, and you can see the whole of the universe. I don't like it at all, I don't feel safe and I complain to my mum. When we get back down, my mum gets off the ride, but leaves me on with a man I don't know. The man is drunk. I try to get off the ride, but my exit is blocked by a man drinking in a pub, and chatting to his mates, and he has 3 pints of cider on a table next to him. I do a flying kick and smash the glasses off the table, so I can escape the ride. This is caught on film, and everyone stares, some people are impressed.

      Dream 6 - non lucid 11.15am

      I forgot the beginning of this dream, because I took a while to wake up properly and get to my DJ. It was a matter of seconds, but the dream kept slipping from my memory.

      I have made my dad a CD of music, mostly Nirvana and the White Stripes. At first he is unsure but he soon gets into it and appreciates it. I found some of Kurt Cobain's old clothes, which are like animal skins, sort of like what cavemen would wear. It includes a fur hat, with ears. I put them on, and as I look in the morror, I have long, curly ginger hair, which is all knotted. I try to pull the knots apart but it rips my hair.

      I go to work like this, and work is in a dark, cluttered place with lots of people. My boss is an older woman who is angry and strict. A friend (not from RL) works with me, they are a bit of a walkover but I am not. Our job involves fitting a knife, fork and spoon into the corresponding slots. My friend has no knife, and is worried about what the boss will do when she finds out. I reassure them, and we make plans for when we get out of work.

      N has never sleepwalked
      I can't drive in RL, but it was N's car I was driving in the dream
      Someone was smoking weed in the same room before I went to bed, and I did help them roll, but didn't smoke any.
      I was telling someone to read 'Breakfast of Champions' before I went to bed
      My sisters boyfriend often argues with my sister, but has never hit her
      R was moaning about how he should get a new job a few days ago
      People were drinking cider in the same room before I went to bed
      I often give my dad music, and recently saw a live gig with him.
      In real life I have shortish, black hair.