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    1. Long LD, Multiple FAs, School, Cold Blooded, Etc.

      by , 12-06-2011 at 05:32 PM
      Old LD from 2-10-07

      I just had Five Lucid Dreams!! Or maybe I should say that I had a very long dream in which I became lucid five separate times. Whatever it was, it was great. And CB, you will like this one.

      I can't even remember how the dream started. I guess that's the bad thing of five LDs in a row--memory is fuzzy at the beginning.

      I think I was flying and that triggered it. I remember flying down some sort of hallway. And I was like "Whoa, I'm dreaming". I remembered to look at my hands. They were almost normal, but two of the fingers were missing at the middle joint. I remembered CBs experience with looking at his hands and was surprised that my mind didn't make them any crazier than this.

      I also decided to look at my feet, so I kind of straightened out (remember, I am still flying), and kicked my foot out in front of me and saw that I was wearing pink flip flops. For some reason that seemed completely expected even though I don't own pink flip flops.

      CB was still on my mind and I thought to myself that I never did take him flying, and I have never yet been successful at making him appear in a dream, so this became my next goal.

      I was in a school, so I figured I would find his class. There was a four story almost circular building. I flew into one of the floors and into a classroom. I asked a teacher how I could find him. I'm not sure how I even asked. I don't think I used his real name. I probably said "CB"--because that is the name I always say in my mind when I see his posts. But since this was my dream, it didn't matter what I called him, as long as my mind could find a way to make him appear that it felt comfortable doing.

      The teacher told me that he was on the floor directly under us. I flew down and into that class. I was at the back seeing the back of everyone's heads. I looked for a head that looked like what matched what I had seen from his pictures--light brown hair, slightly longish. I found one. I called. "Hey...CB...."

      CB turned around and I knew it was him even though in retrospect he didn't look like his pictures. His friends truned around too. CB smiled; the friends stared. I landed and was about to say something when I woke up.

      Except that I don't think I really woke up (although this first time I might have, but was able to drift back into the dream. But whether it was a real or false awakening, I was able to go back to the hallway I had started the dream in. I immediately became lucid again and decided I would try again.

      So I flew back to the classroom. The teacher said that CB was out on the field playing Rugby. So I flew out to the field. I only saw people playing basketball. I was about to start to look through that group when I noticed that there was another part of the field. I flew into that part and saw a group of guys in red uniforms playing what looked to be Rugby. I flew over and started going down the team. The last two guys I came to seemed to have a match, but again he was facing away. I was about to say something when I woke up again.

      This one might have been a true False Awakening, because I think I was immediately back in the hallway and lucid. I remember being so proud of myself for automatically becoming lucid again.There were all these curtains that I was flying through. They were blue and white in color. I'm not sure what they were actually made of because I don't remember anyting phycical about them when I parted them. So I kept going through curtains. I was telling myself that they was my mind's way of preparing the next scene--that at the right moment I would part the curtain and end up at the Rugby field.

      And sure enough I did.

      I flew to the team again, but before I could even start the search again, I had a FA again.

      I found myself back in that hallway and was lucid again. I flew through the same curtains but the scene wasn't changing, so I figured that I need to try something else. I looked at my hand again. It looked the same--two fingures missing at the middle joint.

      I was inside a big indoor school gym. I decided to hang from the lights and then pretend I couldn't fly and just hang on for dear life. That didn't end up being as fun as I thought...so I tried to think of something else to do. But I wasn't sure what to do. I remembered someone saying how lucid dreaming got boring if you had the ability to do it every night.

      I thought, "Surely I'm not getting bored. I mean I should be able to do anything I want. Think!"

      But at that point I woke up again.

      The next dream I started didn't start as lucid. Something about these black men-- Oh, I can't remember. But there was a scene in a swimming pool. One man was tring to convince the other one go give away some secrets or something like that. And at one point they got in the water. I was afraid that the man would give away the secrets I seemed to be on his side. I needed to to distract them before it was too late.

      So I started walking on the water. It seemed to work and the men were both watching me. Then I started to run on the water. I think I became lucid again here, and started to fly. I flew up to this big building. I decided I needed to find someone to ask to be my Valentine so I could get the Task of the Month done finally.

      But then I awoke and I realized that I had had several lucid dreams and I panicked because at first I couldn't remember anything about them. Then it slowly came back and I jumped out of bed and immediately went to the computer to write them down. So I am hoping that they are accurate.