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    Glieuaeiel's DJ

    1. Mon Nov 5 (11:25-8:02)

      by , 11-07-2012 at 02:48 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Public Service Lesson

      My sister is carrying some food, walking towards us. Maybe a pound of PB&J slides out of her food and lands on the sidewalk. Gross. But of course she doesn't even pause to consider picking it up. My mom takes the opportunity to grab a paper towel and clean it up for her, at the same time giving her a verbal lecture about being a good citizen. Obviously, my sister's heard all of these things before, but Mom gives the explanation as though she's talking to a small child. I think that's a good way to do it--subtly imply that anyone except a small child should already know these rules. Mom finishes the lecture by pointing out that if any food gets stuck on the rim of the trash can while you're throwing it away, you should wipe off the trash can as well.

      Private Investigator

      I'm in a diner, talking to a suspect. I'm trying to trick him into admitting something. I know that he knows that's what I'm trying to do, though, so I'll have to be doubly clever. We're walking around the building, through various rooms, when someone body-checks me into a counter. In a threatening voice, he says I've been talking to too many Asians. Obviously, he wants me to stop asking so many questions. I walk toward the front of the diner. A manager sits at a table there, talking to someone else. It looks like they're doing a drug deal, except they're exchanging magazines.

      • "election results"
      • During the morning, I'm walking around doing various things, all of which must be completed by a specific time in the afternoon. When I check my watch, I realize that it's already past 11:00--much later than I thought it was.