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    Glieuaeiel's DJ

    1. Fri Nov 2 (12:23-8:06)

      by , 11-03-2012 at 05:52 AM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Jedi Tricks (6:00) (LUCID)

      I'm sitting in a room with my mentor and my fellow apprentice when a messenger comes running through the door. Someone is gravely injured, and they need our help in order to save her. Immediately, our mentor gets up to leave, and he beckons us to follow.

      A stretch of floor in the hallway is unsafe--it collapses underneath you if you're not careful. Our mentor runs up to it and jumps across. It's a very long stretch of floor, so he has to use the force to propel himself horizontally. It's an impressive trick, and he calls it the "Seven-Meter Jump." I'm not sure I'm skilled enough yet to pull it off, but I jump anyway. It looks like I'm not quite going to make it, so I add an extra burst of horizontal motion at the end. Then I turn around to watch my fellow apprentice cross. He jumps up, grabs some handles on the ceiling, and swings across that way. Clever.

      We reach the room with the patient. There are dozens of people already there--participants and helpers in the energy sharing ritual which our mentor will moderate. He starts giving orders, and everyone gets into position. There's even a big, shaggy dog involved. Then the ritual starts, and it's a bizarre sensation. It feels like it's over in moments. Afterwards, the other participants start enthusiastically talking about it and checking the time. We're all wondering how long it actually took. I overhear that it's a quarter after the hour now, but we came in there at around ten till. Wow, that ritual really messes with time perception.

      I go back down the hallway with my fellow apprentice. We enter a stairwell with a railing, and I take this opportunity to practice some acrobatics--doing flips over the bar and bouncing off of the walls; that kind of thing. My friend does some, too. Then I realize that I must be dreaming--unrealistic acrobatics seem to be a theme, recently.

      Without pausing to plan, I just start doing stuff. Nothing in particular, just whatever comes to mind--always making sure to observe what's going on and try to work creatively within the existing dream framework. For instance, I look at my hands to find I'm holding some Oreos. I squeeze my hands into fists and open them again to reveal handfuls of nuts. I decide I want to float around, so I start hopping up and down on the floor of my bedroom. Gravity's not behaving as leniently as I'd like, but I just keep trying. Somehow, some cubes get stuck to my feet, and bouncing on top of other loose cubes joins them all into two big cubes. Then gravity is a lot less strong, and I can float into the air at will. I'm approaching the ceiling, and I decide to try to go straight through it. After a moment of darkness, it works! I'm worried about waking my parents, though. A couple of times [I think], I return to the stairwell to do more acrobatics. They're really quite fun. At some point, I wake up.

      Nonchalant (8:06)
      Spoiler for vaguely sexual content:

      Updated 11-07-2012 at 02:52 AM by 57256
