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    Searching For The Center of Everything

    I start this adventure simply... with no goal in mind but to explore.
    I don't know if I can find the answers I need this way...
    But it certainly won't hurt to look, will it?
    I hope I can at least become more of who I want to be by living a more lucid life.

    Welcome to my mind!
    _[>w<]/ I might dream about some pretty dark and romantic things, but I'm a pretty adorable, light-hearted, funny-guy.

    1. [Windy City]

      by , 10-10-2012 at 11:31 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Sunday, October 7th, 2012]
      I was in the grass by the church school with a bunch of kids from school. Mr. Clementz was there giving us riddles to solve for class. He said the
      answer is up high. I climbed onto of the school building's rooftop, but saw nothing. I came back down and when everyone had failed, he pointed
      up in the tree. We all rushed to grab pieces of paper that looked like colorful money from the branches. Then we all sat down and someone (a
      courier) gave Mr. Clementz an envelope and left. Mr. Clementz reads the envelope and hands it to me. I open it to find a $200 dollar bill. My eyes
      widen in surprise!

      Later, walking down a ghetto part of town, I look at the dollar bill again... it has Pocahontas on the front of it.


      I was in a building in a strange rainy city (reminded me of Deus Ex cities). There were three doors, and the ones on opposite sides were glass
      doors. People I knew started flooding in from all directions. I saw family members like my Uncle Chris too! Suddenly, the rain picked up and like
      a vacuum, everyone was being sucked out both of the glass doors. I grabbed on to something and held on. Somehow, I survived and went outside
      after the wind had died down and I found someone else who had held on too. It was a girl. We both walked down to the Hospital nearby to look
      for everyone. We got there and asked the receptionist if she knew if anyone had just come in. She didn't see anyone. Just then, someone from the
      room walked in the door. We had somehow beaten everyone here!

      (Later, I remember thinking about Alex and a sudden feeling of guilt emerged, the words, "FORGIVE ME" vibrated in my head. I must have had a
      bad experience in a dream?)