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    Searching For The Center of Everything

    I start this adventure simply... with no goal in mind but to explore.
    I don't know if I can find the answers I need this way...
    But it certainly won't hurt to look, will it?
    I hope I can at least become more of who I want to be by living a more lucid life.

    Welcome to my mind!
    _[>w<]/ I might dream about some pretty dark and romantic things, but I'm a pretty adorable, light-hearted, funny-guy.

    1. [The Man Who Could Phase]

      by , 10-03-2012 at 09:20 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Tuesday, September 25th, 2012]
      Nathan and Kyle were with me in a large room with a pool of water in the middle. I wandered out into the hallway
      alone and started gathering up lint off the floor- suddenly it began to fall from the ceiling a long with water drops and
      pieces of bugs. I returned to the room with a feeling of urgency. The room was beginning to fill with water!

      I said, "Come on, guys! Time to go RIGHT now!" We all swam to the exit and up a hallway. We were waiting for a
      rollar coaster elevator to arrive when Kyle pressed a button that stopped the elevator thing- I went over to it and
      re-pressed it to bring it to US, and everyone but Kyle thanked me. Tyler was now with us somehow.

      My memory skips, and we're outside now. After a man showed out group that we could do anything- he stretched and
      flipped and phased in and out of reality. I got an idea and knowing that I could do anything- I told Nathan to watch me
      and I did a very slow and awkward back-flip in the air as if I was suspended by strings. Or like an Astronaut in space.

      <I wake up to Nathan and Kyle outside tapping on my window- they had skipped school and needed somewhere to
      hang for a second. I let them in and told them how they had ruined my dream! But that they were in it and how
      amazing that was that they had just showed up.>