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    Searching For The Center of Everything

    I start this adventure simply... with no goal in mind but to explore.
    I don't know if I can find the answers I need this way...
    But it certainly won't hurt to look, will it?
    I hope I can at least become more of who I want to be by living a more lucid life.

    Welcome to my mind!
    _[>w<]/ I might dream about some pretty dark and romantic things, but I'm a pretty adorable, light-hearted, funny-guy.

    1. [Primus Beatbox]

      by , 10-03-2012 at 09:23 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Sunday, September 30th, 2012]
      I'm with my Dad and my little brother Casey- and possibly Nathan too. We're standing outside, at the bottom of our
      old house's driveway... there's furnature everywhere as if we're inside. He explains that the band Primus is the best
      thing ever- so I start hearing Primus songs in my head and they apparently start playing to everyone else too. I start
      drumming with metal clothes hangers on anything I can find. I drum pretty close to the beat of the songs like My
      Name Is Mud, Jerry Was A Racecar Driver, and Kalamazoo but I get extremely tired fast. I switch to plastic hangers
      and continue and its a lot easier. I drum the intro to Kalamazoo and then start singing the part that comes in and it
      sounds pretty good. I can stay on beat very easily. (I would never be able to do this in real life.)

      At another time, I'm also at Nathan's house. It's late and I shouldn't be there or something- but I just use the excuse
      that I need to grab something. I don't remember what it was that I "had to grab" but it got me inside for a second. It
      probably had to do with WoW.

      Before all of this- I was driving east on Wickenburg Way and looking for a certain white/blue building on the left. (It
      was very unvivid and unspecific of a dream.)

      (Recall escapes me. I'm gonna go read up on recall techniques soon.)
    2. [Return to a Child]

      by , 09-08-2012 at 11:29 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Thursday, September 5th, 2012]
      (It's been a week almost since the last real recall... Nathan and Alex have been waking me up every attempt. I need a less alarming wake-up from now on. Less distraction. I need to be patient. The weed hasn't been helping, so I've decided to quit. At least for two weeks. So my next smoking date can be on the 20th.)

      (The dream I had before Nathan woke me up):
      The short recall of the dream started with- I was sitting in the car with Alex driving and Nathan in the back seat. We were in Surprise, around the Walmart area in the parking lot. It was probably around 5-6PM because it was light out still, but obviously towards the end of the day. I was singing two songs at once... having trouble determining the difference between them. The first one that I recall thinking about in the dream was, "Simplistic Trance-Like Getaway" by Never Shout Never. But also, at the same time it sounded like another song... "Beginner's Mind" by Bright Eyes. Around the same time, we were pulling out of the parking lot and heading home to Wickenburg. The last thing I remember was watching the powerlines pass. That's when Nathan woke me up in WL by rapping at my window.

      (That was a very interesting choice of song. They both were... very... involved in my state of WL. I couldn't help but feel chills listening to the words after I had woken up. How could I know to choose those songs? Does my subconscious have control of my dreambody when my waking consciousness doesn't? Should I treat it as a seperate entity? I think so.)