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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    1. Muffin

      by , 07-27-2015 at 10:13 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #457 - DILD - 3:02AM

      My recall was pretty poor, but I managed to remember one of the two from last night.

      I am at work eating some muffins that someone brought. I guess I remember that I was trying to get lucid because I suddenly become lucid without any real reason. The dream goes dark, but I already have a bite of muffin in my mouth. I notice the chocolate chips and just focus on the taste and the act of eating. As I wait, someone starts talking to me in the bardo (void) and I respond something random before I wake up.

      The other LD I wont count because all I can recall is noticing an FA and doing a nose plug, then getting out of bed. I remember being way to tired to try to recall and record and end up trying to record in a dream. I wake again and decide that I am just too tired to care.

      I remember another super vivid non lucid dream about Wurlman. I go visit him in his house in the middle of a field. I look around and only see treeless farm in all directions. My wife and I are drinking with Wurlman and his wife and having a good time. I need to pee and for some reason do it outside next to my car. As soon as I start peeing all these random people show up and I have to make extra efforts to hide myself. People bring more beer and pizza and I join in but I can't get over the fact that P.P. is there. I don't like this guy and I don't understand why Wurlman invited him. I keep trying to ask Wurlman about this, but everything is too crazy and chaotic to be able to have a conversation until I wake up.