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    Golden Tales From The Dream World

    Dreams are an inescapable part of my life.
    That fact became more so when my dream recall became surprisingly good just after a week or so of trying to improve it.
    Now it seems that whether I like it or not, I remember almost all of my dreams.
    Because of this, the world of my dreams have become more tangible for me.
    Now they are something I want to explore and try to understand.
    That's why I'm trying to hone my abilities as a lucid dreamer.


    Knightmare: Typically nightmares are a single entity, like a monster or a criminal, so I refer to them as knightmares, warriors of fear.

    ISD: Inconsistent Spatial Dimensions. In dreams there is a lack of consistency in spatial dimensions, meaning you could walk into a room that's big on the inside and small on the outside.

    Dream me: I refer to the non-lucid me as dream me, since I act much differently than I do in waking life.

    No WL counterpart: This person only exists in the dream, it isn't based off of anyone in waking life.

    1. Micheal Cera, Seeing The Milky Way, and Dream Pizza Tastes Good

      by , 02-09-2013 at 09:06 PM (Golden Tales From The Dream World)

      This is a long one. That's because this is literally everything I dreamed in one night, start to finish.
      From now on I'll try and brake up the individual dreams into parts, I get plenty of material for DV posts in one night
      This is also one of my first recorded dreams in a while, so it may be a bit sloppy.

      February 1st 2013

      I'm looking at some kind of forum with a dark grey layout and white lettering. At first I seem to be browsing a sub-forum about people's dreams and what they think they mean. Afterward I go to a different sub-forum, one that is a sub-forum specifically about men's experiences in life (more specifically funny stories). In the title of the threads the author states whether or not they are married or single or have kids. I look at one of the threads and find it interesting. As I start to "read" it the dream scene changes and I'm now watching a comedian. He's telling the same funny story I was just reading about. He's a fat bald Latino guy with pale skin wearing a button up shirt with black and white vertical stripes and a peaked cap beret (the one old people wear). During his story he begins to tell a bit of a risky joke, I believe one that had something to do with the N-word, and in the dream it's a pretty big deal (odd considering that I don't really have any qualms with that word). After he's done telling the joke the scene changes to him in his house looking at payday bills, as though it were a documentary I was watching. He says that any time he told the risky jokes that he would make more money, but he was afraid to since he wasn't sure how other people would react to them (death threats in the mail and such).

      At some point the scene changes again. This time it's to a man who is answering the door at his house. When he opens the door Micheal Cera is there to greet him. I'd like to point out that he is wearing the same green shirt he does in Scott Pilgrim vs. the world. I assumed that this was because in the movie
      (I guess I thought this was a movie) they wanted Micheal Cera to where the shirt as a nod to the audience that had watched Scott Pilgrim.

      "Hey." Micheal says to him.

      "Oh, hi." The man says with a depressed tone. He isn't surprised that he's here.

      "So, what's up?" Micheal Cera has that typical smile on his face that he does in every movie.

      "Oh it's nothing, just wanted to say hi I guess."

      "Oh, okay. Is uh, Jasmine here?" Jasmine being a girl Micheal had dated a few years in the past, the man being the girl's father.

      "Um, no." he says. "In fact, she's never here." I believe it's at this point where I realize that the man's wife and daughter are dead.

      "Oh, well, it's just that you called me on my plane phone, and I came all the way here..." (He means that the man had called him to visit but Micheal had lived in another country, so he had to take a plane over to get there. It doesn't make sense I'm just quoting the dream here).

      "Oh yeah, I guess you're right." He goes outside with Micheal and the two start slowly walking down the sidewalk.

      "Hey cheer up man. So what if they're dead? Nothing you can do about it, they were holding you back anyway "
      This is Micheal's poor and distasteful attempt to make a joke to make him feel better, I'm actually quite shocked when I hear it since that sort of action doesn't really match up with Micheal Cera's typical character.

      The man just looks at him for a few seconds with a bit of a scowl and continues on. I guessed he must have gotten all the pain of losing his loved ones out of his system by now. Micheal is terribly embarrassed. As they continue an idea pops up in the mans mind.

      "Why don't you come to see the stars with me tonight?" he asks.

      "Sure, I guess that sounds like a good idea."

      Fast forward to night. For some reason when they leave the house to see the stars they exit through a window at the back of the house.

      They go to a sandboxy type place, though there aren't any swings or play sets on it, just sand.

      This is the point I enter the dream in my own body
      (till this point I was in camera perspective). My mom and our mutual roommate enter the scene with me as well.

      At first the sky is only dark and there aren't any stars at all. Then various celestial bodies emerge from the horizon and start moving across the sky. The best way to explain is if you were in a planetarium, and they projected galaxies and stars on the ceiling and had them move from one side of the planetarium to the other. I justified this in my mind by saying the effect was caused by the rotation of the earth. I'm really amazed by this. In waking life I have seen pretty large constellations and many stars populate the sky, but have never actually seen the full on milky way. I see various cosmic regions move across the sky, the biggest one being of course the milky way. My mom seems to find this very amazing as well. She takes out a laser pen and points to the bodies she finds the coolest.

      "Wow, look at that C.J.!" she calls to me.

      She makes me nervous by doing so because it is a fear of mine to shine lights in the night sky

      The one thing that stands out to me the most is a light brown cloud of cosmic gas. One part of it is bulbous, while there is a streak emerging from it to the right side.

      "Wow, the Oort cloud! Look at that, it's fantastic!" It really grabs my attention.
      (Mind you the REAL Oort cloud isn't a cloud of cosmic gas at all, but is rather a hypothesized spherical cloud of predominantly icy objects that may extend up to roughly around a light year from the sun. I only found this out after searching what the Oort cloud was. I must have seen the name before at some time and thought it had to be some kind of nebula).

      After a certain amount of time the stars and celestial bodies disappear past the opposite horizon from which they spawned. The last thing I saw in the sky was a cutout picture of Cera from the land before time though. My mom made a comment about it, though it seemed odd to me it didn't make me think for a second that I was dreaming. Though all the stars and such had disappeared, the sky stayed black.

      Now that the show was over, my mother our roommate and I decide to head home, which isn't that far. We go to an empty gamestop close by. There's no one inside nor are there any games on the shelf, or anything else really, it's totally empty, the inside painted a light sky blue colour. The lights inside are on though. We head to the door and a camera somewhere on it takes a picture of us, noticeable by the brilliant flash.

      "That will be our sexy picture of us us!" My roommate says with an over-enthusiastic slightly sarcastic tone (typical behavior of her in IWL).

      We go inside, the door is unlocked, and head down into the basement, which seamlessly leads into my basement (well, a few things are out of place and what not, but it's about 40% my basement). I think we talked about some stuff for a little while and then went back upstairs. Surely enough going upstairs lead to my regular house. The stairs lead up to my kitchen. I decide to hang out there for a bit while my mom went to the living room, our roommate stayed downstairs. Whilst I'm staying there our roommate calls to me and tells me to take some sort of supplement. The pill bottle is resting on my stove. I pick it up and take a look at it. My dream view switches back to camera perspective and I'm watching a commercial for the supplement. In it there is a man on roller blades skating through what reminds me of a concrete area near the Washington monument. It's raining and he's skating around, he's very happy. A man behind him just as overjoyed also on roller blades begins to tail him, but is using two floor scrubbers to scrub the concrete ground behind him as he skates. (There's context...somewhere, in this segment, but I couldn't recall what). I hear some rustling outside, like someone knocking over a garbage can. I look outside through my glass door and don't see anyone there. It is night time however, and they could be hiding somewhere in the darkness. I decide to close my back door and lock it just in case. I also turn off the lights outside so to not draw attention to us. This is tricky to do at first since my lights are for some reason connected to the fan switches on my stove, and in order to turn them off you have to put them in a middle state, other wise it is on either high or low power (that's how my IWL fan switches work). But I managed. At this point I'm a bit freaked out. Something then catches my eye. My dog is on top of the stove and is playing with something (he's a little dog so he could fit on top of my stove, but just barely). He has something cylindrical in between his feet and is trying to squeeze it. I take it from him and look at it. It looks like a toothpaste bottle. At first I think it's astronaut food, but then it turns out to be regular bottle of Colgate toothpaste, though the design on it is a bit weird, it's mostly white and just has the word "Colgate" on it. There's some green lettering on it beneath it though. It says "Meanwhile in India". At first I chuckle at it, but then I say to myself, "Wait, that doesn't make any sense". I look at it again. Now it says "Made in India". I guess I must have misread it the first time. I put it down and go to the living room.

      "Mom, Charlie was trying to eat Colgate, crazy dog..."

      She doesn't acknowledge my comment. I sit down on the couch across from hers. She's watching T.V., but suddenly the channel changes to static. I start to panic. I think "Oh no! the guy who was outside is cutting our cables so we can't call for help!" I voice my concern to my mom. She tells me "Don't worry, I'm just sitting on the remote." I start to calm down. Of course there isn't someone outside, I'm just paranoid. My mom asks me if I want some pizza. I accept the offer. She calls our roommate to bring us some slices of pizza. She comes down stairs and hands it to us on a plate. Wait, wasn't she downstairs? Whatever. I begin to dig in, it's a plain cheese slice, and is a little cold. I get up with it in my hand.

      "You're really handsome!" My mom tells me. A see through confidence booster.

      "I'm not that good looking." I tell her.

      "Yeah you are, you could look as handsome as anyone."

      That comment really pisses me off and I start to go off on a rant.

      "Now come on now. Be serious for a second. Maybe I'm average looking I'll give you that, but I'm not that handsome okay? Look, you can say that all you want, but at the end of the day no matter how much time passes by I won't be as handsome as Will Smith."

      I pause for a second to reflect on that statement.

      "Okay maybe after some time passes, but still do you understand what I mean?"

      After I'm finished with my tirade
      I wake up.

      Updated 02-09-2013 at 11:10 PM by 61016
