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    Hey! Youkoso to my dream journal page!

    below are pictures of my dream guides/persistent characters that my dream buddy jadegreen drew and painted. I feel they express their personas amazingly so enjoy looking at the pics.
    : )

    1. Dreams : P

      by , 06-18-2014 at 05:10 PM
      In my first dream I was at my house with my brother eating brownies from boxes that were in a fridge. Than he was visited by a lady who was going to interview him for a summer youth program. She told him he knew his history well and other stuff. I didn't want to be a distraction so I left the house. But out of no where appeared a mini skeleton monster. I fought it and when i won, i went back into my house. I was shocked to see my mom laying on the floor. she told me when i was almost done with college i would develop altimeters. I asked her why she would say that and she said it was a good thing because I wont have to deal with stress or anything. After that I appeared at a school classroom where teachers were gathered. One of my old teachers from high school was reminding the teachers of a time when i told her i couldn't do a assignment cause my mom got in a car accident. I shouted out loud and said i don't recall saying that. Then when everyone left i went up to the teacher and told her. She was surprised and asked why i lied. I said i don't know maybe i was insecure at the time. I left the classroom since it was time to go and saw there were lots of people gathered around. They were going to surprise the bride and groom but they were no where to be found. so we went searching for them and ended up in a huge school again. We checked the balcony first but than i wanted to leave so i exited the door and woke up.

      In my second dream i was at a store and there was a dc annoying me. I think i hit it in the dream and ended up turning into adventure time character Finn. When i left the scene i appeared on my bed and it was lunch time. My sister brought a pizza box and KFC chicken. It looked really good and i waited for her to call me but when i got back everyone was eating and she said she forgot about me. I went to another room so disappointed that i wanted to cry but that would be childish. I went upstairs and my sister told me to call someone for her so i took a white phone i found and saw on the screen people messaging. The message sent read "the message was sent to a boy"It also said that they were going to find me. I ignored the message than walked to a room with my mom and saw out the window a boy was trying to jump down from the little house shed in my backyard. I stuck out my tongue at the boy because i thought he was trying to rob my family. My dog max was there and i thought he would bite him. I told my mom but than i saw he was playing with my dog. After a few seconds though my dog bit his shoulder and he was bleeding. He jumped on the shed and took off his shirt. He was bleeding but healed himself quickly. When my mom saw what happened she jumped out the window, turned into the dc from the sewer dream and tried to console him. I was shocked and went outside too. I asked why he was here and another dc came out of no where and said he was my brother's friend. That my brother gave him my phone number. I was like oh, than saw he was trying to attack me. I held him tight so he couldn't move and out of no where cartoon anime characters appeared and wanted to help me fight the dc. I said okay, transformed and used a snow cube that unleashed lots of snow on the city. It was suddenly night and i flew down to the city where it was snowy and i saw Santa. People were trying to get snow out of there cars and singing how they wished for god to stop the snow season at that time. Than i woke up.
      Tags: dreams
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Last nights Dreams Could Have Been Better

      by , 04-15-2014 at 06:29 PM
      I don't remember the first dream. All I remember is I was talking to a person in a room about something about dreams and it ended. I woke up at three thirty i think and went back to bed.
      At that time I had a dream I was in my house but than suddenly it started to flood. So I ran out the house and appeared outside where there was stores and a big parking lot. To my side I could see a guy and a girl walking with a gun. So I ran all the way to the bus stop. There were people around and I asked a little girl which way was back. She told me to wait on the other side so i did.
      I took the bus but when I got out i appeared in this room. There were two men standing and a lady in a pink performer costume balancing herself on the guys shoulders on a platform above. But part of the building began to collapse and they fell. Suddenly a guy with a gun came out. I guessed he was a bad guy so i tried to throw some small golden rocks i saw. But I missed and he shot me in the shoulder. I decided to try again and he shot me two times in the same spot...on my left shoulder and i fell onto the ground. It didn't hurt but i felt pretty stupid. That's when I woke up.
      I thought about how those dreams sucked and tried to fall back to sleep. I did eventually and had a dream I was inside my house. I saw people playing a game like super smash bros brawl. I wanted to draw so i went to my brothers room and found a sketch pad and a sharpened pencil. But my brother yelled at me for taking his stuff. So I got mad and yelled at him and his friend. Than I left and saw my lil bro eating something. I got mad out of no where and started yelling about how i wanted food and that that was my food or something like that.[I've been having lots of dreams where i yell for food...I need to stop that...-w-]
      Anyways I left the house and found myself outside. A pizza appeared in my hand and i took a few bites. A lady and her son who was a child came out and threw something in the garbage. I decided to throw the pizza away so i did. Than when I turned I saw a dark skinned old man walk out the back and walk past me. I asked the lady. Is that a ghost?[I don't believe in ghosts] She said no. I walked up to the open gate and closed it. After that i walked back to the lady. A random person walked up to us[I think it was the dark skinned old man] and said that people need to recycle more and need to start caring about what they do. Be more neat stuff like that. I was like yeah..Than I woke up. : P
      Tags: dreams
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Old Dreams I Remember

      by , 04-14-2014 at 10:20 PM
      Dreams I had this month or a month ago that I remember.
      [Dream training]

      I was in a room with students around me. Than I left them to go to a invited party with my family. My brother and my mom and I entered the room. It was filled with tables with food on them. I was like yay! I wanted to eat some dessert with strawberries. But I saw that the foods were rotten and old. So I was like why are there old foods here!? My middle school teacher from years ago was assisting with the party and said something i don't recall. Than that's when my brother said that putting rotten food out was a stupid idea. That's when i began walking and saw a tall young man say to me. Hey, I remember you. i remembered the guy from a pizza dream of mine. He was so tall that i was like woah. Than jumped holding on to him. Than I let go and left that scene. I was taken into a small room where i was told my assignment was to get out. I looked behind me and saw a bear standing on his feet. I tried to trick the bear by telling it that there was food somewhere else and he left. Than I jumped way up onto something. I saw string and climbing material on the floor. I was high up and was told my next assignment was to get down first. There were other girls beside me trying to win. But I manged to get down first and won. After that I woke up I think....


      [The scary girl]

      I was dreaming something I don't remember...than I walked into a room where it was a rectangle and there were tables around. A middle aged man offered me some wine and I told him no. I don't drink wine. Than I ran out the room and started walking. That's when I felt like someone was following me. A girl was behind me and when i got in the middle of the room I could see a girls picture on the floor. Than she started to laugh in a evil manner. I moved quickly and ran up some stairs. I could see a dark room with a figure of a person inside. It scared me so I ran again and the girl started to chase me. Saying I would never get out. When I was running through the hall I saw a room where there was a man who looked like Abraham Lincoln butchering a person on a table with two others. The girl cried out I would never escape. But I flew and tried to get out through the walls and I did. I tried to get on a train i saw but I was pulled back in the building. So I tried to fly through the roof. When i touched the roof and the girl was right behind me i appeared on my bed. Couldn't move until I tried to wake myself up and i did.

      [The stomach stab again...]
      I appeared in a narrow long room with a red carpet after exiting a bathroom. I could see a picture of a blond lady with a pony tail. A voice spoke like a news reporter saying that Jenny was in trouble of being chased by bad men who wanted to kill her. I than proceeded to turn than walk. I could see a boy in a wooden seat. With a cup of clear blue water to his side. He wore a mask of that troll face picture i see on the internet and there was a small blue fire like thing floating above him. Another voice spoke saying "This boy waited for God and died from a terrible sickness." I was kind of scared than so I tried to get out the building but that's when small childlike Goku from dragon ball gt came out of no where and grabbed me. Than I felt someone stabbing my stomach. That's when I thought of my old dream with the little girl who did the same. Than a voice spoke saying I wouldn't escape. But I managed to escape goku's grip and that's when i woke up.

      [Ending to a dream]
      I was at a school walking in a line with other students. When suddenly a huge guy from the line grabbed me than threw me to the floor. After that he stomped on my head. I could feel the pain in my dream. Than i appeared on my bed and a dark figure grabbed me and threw me under the bed and started beating me. After that i woke up and I was shaking in real life at times. So I started playing the 3ds to feel better and felt better a few minutes later. I've never had a scary nightmare like that. But I think I had that dream cause i was focusing on my head a lot the current week. Since sometimes i get anxiety when i see scary stuff on the news...-w-

      [In The Library]
      I was in the Library with my sister and my nephew. There were other people around doing their own business. My sister turned to me and asked me to help her find a book for my young nephew. As I looked I saw a little girl behind my nephew. I than knew that I was dreaming and felt that she was the girl who liked to stab my stomach. So I said to her " get away from my nephew!." and she disappeared a bit. My sister came up to me and asked what was wrong. I told her we have to get out of here quick. That's when people started to leave the library like it was closing down. So we began to leave but the little girl came up to me and was telling me not to go. I said get away from me! as i followed the crowd through the hall. She said said she wouldn't let me. So I was like I believe in Jehovah! I don't believe in ghosts. And that's when she let go and i reached the outside. Outside i got on the bus but suddenly a boy ran up to me and said something i don't remember. I said no! Just leave me alone!. Than he said fine! I'll never bother you again! and left. On the bus I saw a girl crying for him in the third person and than saw words on the bus floor which looked like a song or poetry. Saying something about missing somebody. : P