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    1. Snake-Kong and the Mouth of Hell

      by , 05-28-2014 at 06:46 PM
      Okay, this is a bit of a long one with a lot of miscellaneous actions, but the really interesting parts are in red...

      I stood in a circle with a large group of people at an outdoor celebration of sorts, headed by the owner of the restaurant I work at. He spoke for a while, then we all dispersed to mingle.. however there was a colossal snake slithering around the entire time, often getting close to me. It was about twelve feet high and was extremely wide and long, with huge beady eyes. It was a mottled brown and black color. I told a couple people that I would go and meet the snake, but I knew he could smell fear and it scared me. I walked around a while, talking to DCs and avoiding the huge snake. Eventually I was outside a large tent-corridor a distance from the gathering, and the snake came through. It kept trying to come through various doors, but I would zip them up before it could enter, though I was letting it smell me so that when I came toward it, it would know me and be friendly. A DC distracted me by pointing out a comic behind the snake that I knew explained its back-story, but I couldn't see it clearly.

      The snake transformed into a massive gorilla, like King Kong. He charged through the door, grabbed me, and picked me up, taking me a distance away into the night. We spoke a while, and though I can't remember the details, I knew that by talking to me he learned about the concept of death, of which he had been blissfully unaware before. I also knew that he associated the concept with me, which made me feel threatened, though I was acting cool, calm and interesting on the surface. He wanted to show me a trick, as he had apparently spent his life forced into circus work. He threw me lightly into the air, and though I could imagine him tearing me in two with ease, he lightly caught me. I let him throw me again and relaxed myself utterly, and knew pure joy as I knew I was safe in his massive grasp. We went inside, and I was now friends with the snake-ape. There was a council of his owners. I attempted to slip past them, but they offered me a breakfast fajita, which I politely accepted. They began to talk to the proud and insolent Kong, who was newly awakened to the concepts of mortality. One of the chiefs asked, what were you talking about? I responded, we were just talking about life. Technically true, dream self, well played. The gorilla was talking about his past, perhaps his mother had been poached by the corrupt council. They attempted to assuage him with soothing, honeyed words that shuffled the blame from them. One woman turned into a bird and massaged his back with her claws, which he liked. Before I figure out the conclusion, I awoke.

      Wake, sleep, dream. I was in a classroom without a teacher. The kids were passing around bowls and bongs and getting ripped, myself included. Then, authority figures entered and demanded we register our drugs, mainly acid, as weed was still illegal. I kept the bubbler I had hidden under a blanket.

      I was home again, and my mother left, exhorting me to be moral. I got in a car with some friends and went to a hill near my house to smoke the ganja I had left over from the classroom. We went into a massive trailer and sat in a circle. A couple other friends came in, along with a guy who must have lived there, then they left to go adventuring. I sat and smoked a bit, got bored and left. I came across a group of women playing volleyball in an empty swimming pool, and saw others climbing pine trees. The hill was well populated. I walked down to the university gym and saw more girls playing volleyball, and some guys playing a game. There was food on the sidelines and many morbidly obese players.

      Next, I was at a camp or retreat of some sort. We were all hanging out and I was acting a clown, cracking jokes and goofing off. I went to the bathroom, walked in and cleaned a urinal, then walked out. Turned out I was in the ladies restroom! A couple guys followed after me, too. A tall, extremely beautiful woman came up and laughed about the mix-up, and I told her she now had to use the guys, because it was all mixed up. She had writing on her lips. I offered to kiss her, but she asked, right or left? I said, right, and presented my right cheek for her to kiss. Later, we played a game like hide and seek. I decided to hide in a box, but couldn't decide between one or the other side of the room, so I didn't have time to get the box closed, and was immediately caught.

      I'm in a magnificent cathedral. I'm with someone, and see a friend about to go play a guitar onstage, and he waves at me. A priest walks up to me, and asks, are you confident?to which I simply say, yes.He leads me to a wall. There is a small, tight mouth, an opening, on the bottom of it, covered in runes and glyphs, wrought in beautiful stone work and pouring out red and orange. It looks like the mouth of Hell. He says something to the effect of, it's good you're confident, you'll need it, or we'll see, I can't remember. I barely fit in the gap, and began a slow facedown descent, using hand-holds on the passage to keep myself from tumbling. I see two scorpions, and wonder, why am I down here? I'm not even Catholic. After a while of indecision, I exit into sunlight and fresh air. Another priest stands there and asks, what you doing? The real challenges are ahead, you must face your demons.I pathetically say I need shoes, look down and I'm wearing them. He extols me to have courage and continue, so I go back into the mouth, down, down, down. I'm on a stair case that's unbelievably cramped, with hundreds of even tinier scorpions that I run over, worrying that one is in my shirt. I'm now in a dark, quiet and misty stone corridor bathed in glowing white and blue. I enter a room to the right, and find myself looking at two animal spirits floating over stone wells. One I can't access, but the other purports to be a mirror of the soul, and speaks proudly and with disdain. From a third person perspective, it consumed me, and I now look like Harry Potter. It was all fire within, and he discussed a Reformation of sorts. Whether the historical one, or a personal one, I don't know.

      Then, there's my brother next to me. He has a beautiful amulet and he gives it to me to help me. I thank him, and awaken.
    2. Regina's Cathedral and Apple's Car - AP?

      by , 05-25-2014 at 04:47 PM
      The dream began with something incredibly strange and ineffable, mainly because the memory is so faint it's hardly there. I have this vague recollection of a feeling of pleasure, beautiful moment of some kind, perhaps the feeling I was searching for earlier in the night of my soul leaving my body (I was attempting an OBE). Worth writing down for future memory's sake.

      I was at the gym at the college by my house running around the track. A co-worker told me to slow down. I did, and it felt great. I raced a friend at one point, then stopped and talked to another guy. He lent me a couple video games, a strange version of Guitar Hero and another. When I tried to play them at my home, on my computer, they wouldn't work. Guitar Hero required a birth certificate. So I went on a drive and stopped for a long time at an intersection. I might have smoked a bowl, I dunno. I journeyed forth down the road. I live on top of a hill, so I came to the dead end and found a large cathedral, a cemetery and other stone-wrought creations.

      This is when the dream took a turn. I got out of my car, and there was Regina Spektor! One of my favorite artists, her voice is angelic and her musicality unparalleled. I followed her into the cathedral and we adventured a bit, making small talk. I asked, how long have you lived here? She told me she had just moved to this side of town, but she had always lived in my city. I was surprisingly cool, calm and dispassionate, likely because I was ignoring the warning bells ringing that told me this was a dream. We got back into my car, she was driving now, and she drove back down the road to my house. She needed to borrow pants, I think hers were cold and wet, as it was snowy. It hadn't been snowy before.. I tell her to let me off at my house, it's where the snowmen are. There was a large, sad looking snowman right out front. I walked inside and told my parents, Regina is here. My mom goes outside to talk to her, there's an intense, watchful man inside, perhaps a hobo, who my parents had taken in.I considered making hot cocoa, but that would take too long.

      I woke, slept, dreamed, forgot, woke, slept, dreamed, forgot. Next dream I remember, there was a car wreck near my house that people were running to. I was curious, so I decided to get on my bike. Then I decided, nah, I'll just buy a car. So I bought a car online, from Apple, for $2400. It was remote controlled, because I wasn't in it (dream logic, I was definitely with the car the whole time, but it was a third person view). I couldn't find the accident, so I drove to a theme park. I was not on the roads, my car was small, like a Smart Car, and it could hop up and down. I got past some people in my way and voyaged about. There were various levels and missions I was completing, though really I kept trying to use its GPS to get back to the wreck. At one point, I talked to a boy and said, don't be like me! I spontaneously bought this car, it was a bad idea, I'm too broke to buy a car! I picked someone up, escort mission status. A large lady, she kept us safe from attacking wolves later on whenever they jumped on the car. I used the car to climb up a small mountain that had steps. We went into a city. Cars kept wrecking into me, and my car was taking severe damage, at one point catching fire. Cops came, but didn't arrest me. What a waste of a couple grand!