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    1. Advanced TotM (one fail and one success, I think)

      by , 06-21-2017 at 04:54 AM
      So, after reading a little bit about lucid dreaming and going 'back to bed', I soon found myself in a familiar state. I was lying in my bed listening to a Podcast... but realized that whatever Podcast I was listening to, obviously wasn't real. I was lucid.

      I induced what I call the vibrational state and slowly separated from my body OBE-style. My sense of touch came before the visuals. I found myself in a replica of the house I was sleeping in, and quickly I set out to do the tasks. It wasn't a particularly vivid lucid. But, for some reason, the laws of physics were on point (in a lucid that I was supposed to change myself in the mirror).

      Looking at myself in the living room mirror, I tried hard to put some abs and more muscle in my body or something like that. But nothing. After trying hard, the only thing I managed to do was: make myself more tanned. (and even that, took me some mental acrobatics).

      I thought that, maybe, if I went to another, less familiar house, it might be easier to change my appearance I flew to some house in my neighborhood (that, for some reason, was near the beach now). I tried to do the same thing in the mirror of this imaginary house. But, as I was taking off my shirt, just at the moment when the t-shirt covered my vision, I lost visuals and woke up...

      PS: After flying to the second house and attempting once more the advanced task #1, I looked up at the sky to see if I could attempt advanced task #2, but it was cloudy and no stars where to be seen... I thought about clearing up the sky and attempting the task... but, I thought: "yeah, if I couldn't give myself abs, I'm not clearing up this sky and making stars fall unto Earth anytime soon." Lol, so I didn't even attempt to do it.

      All in all, I had fun.

      Updated 06-21-2017 at 05:02 AM by 70682

      Tags: mirror, sky
      lucid , false awakening , task of the month