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    1. Several Mini Lucids - Feb 13, 2015

      by , 03-17-2015 at 02:54 AM
      This was a very fun, lucid night, full of dream signs, but I kept on waking way to soon due to the excitement of it all.

      I was sitting at a dining room beside my mother in-law (who passed in Y2001), and she was holding a baby. Instantly, I became lucid, and asked, “Mom, is that you?” She nodded and held up the baby, so I gave both the baby, and my mother in-law, a kiss on the cheek. I asked whose baby this is, and she replied, “It’s Cathy and William’s!” (I’m not sure if I remembered William’s name correctly). Dear mom smiled at me, and then the dream started to fade, so I swirled to no avail.

      In this next lucid dream, I was sitting on a concrete deck at the back of someone’s home, with a bunch of friends, and a jet flew by with the left engine on fire. This was certainly very odd, so I questioned myself if I was dreaming or not? I tried to fly, and I could! Lucid again! Yay! The jet plane was coming down for a crash landing behind some tall buildings, way off in the distance, and I wanted to see what happened next. My instinct was to quickly fly straight up so I could see over the tall buildings, but I entered the clouds and I lost site of the jet. Suddenly, 3 or 4 dream figures flew up beside me (not sure who). I still wanted to see the jet plane crash, so I flew straight down at high speed to exit the clouds, but I went way too fast and crashed head first into the ground beside an apartment block! Then I slowly rose to my knees, but my vision was gone from my right eye (I probably flattened my head). A tall dream figure landed beside me and helped me stand up. He looked totally shocked when he looked me in the eye. My vision faded and then I woke.

      In this 3rd lucid dream I was sitting at the dinner table with my son and daughter. When I saw my daughter I instantly became lucid (she passed in 2013). I said, “Daughter, it’s great to be with you!”, and then I turned to my son, and said, “You too!” I got so excited about seeing my daughter that I woke.

      I entered this 4th dream perfectly lucid, and I was kayaking down a river with my dream guide. The river was about 100 yards wide, small waves, a thick green, forest to the right, and a grassy park area to the left. I simply appeared there out of nowhere. My dream guide looked at me and said, “Isn’t it amazing how real dreams are?” I looked at him and happily replied, “Exactly!” It certainly was very real looking, and I was really taken back by the moment and then I woke.
    2. Levitating my Wife

      by , 12-03-2014 at 04:39 AM
      I’m on a bit of dry spell right now, so I’ll describe this lucid dream from July 27, 2014. In this dream, seeing my ‘Dream Guide’ actually made me lucid. Btw, this dream figure hasn’t been around much lately. My dream guides now seem to be mostly family and close friends.

      After I became lucid, I decided to show my wife how I could levitate a pencil while lucid. I think this was the first time I actually levitated something in my 40 plus years of LD’s. I had recently read about this LD skill, and decided to give it a go. You know, up until recently, I had little knowledge about what was actually possible during a LD (thanks mostly to Dreamviews). Any who, my wife wasn’t very impressed with my new LD skill. My Dream Guide stood there intently watching. I then asked my wife to lie down on the coffee table, and she did. I levitated her 1 foot off the table, and then she wouldn’t go any higher. She still wasn’t impressed, and then I tried even harder. She floated almost to the ceiling! A vertical glass tube, about 2 ½ feet in diameter, and 7 foot tall, appeared to the left of me. How or why, I had no idea. I then instant transported my wife from levitating to standing upright inside the glass tube. Yup, you guessed it; she still wasn’t impressed (even though I was). I was aware of the ‘instant transport’ technique, because I can do that to myself while lucid, but I’ve never tried it, up until this point, to somebody else. I just think, “I’m there!”, and then I instantly transport from point A to point B. Next, I decided to levitate my wife out of the glass tube, but there wasn’t enough clearance between the ceiling and the top of the glass tube, so I asked my Dream Guide to tilt the glass tube over, and he did. I then floated my wife out of the tube and placed her gently, feet down, on the floor. At this point I forgot I was dreaming, and continued on with the adventure in a non-lucid state.

      Updated 12-03-2014 at 04:43 AM by 71173
