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    1. Asking a ‘7 Foot’ Why Their Eyes Sometimes Glow Red

      by , 12-13-2014 at 06:23 PM
      This was a very long lucid dream (felt about 15 minutes). In this dream I met these two suave fellows about 7 feet tall, with long, blonde, wavy hair, named Sam Don Juan Jr. and Sr., and I asked them why their eyes sometimes glow red. I’ll just over the highlights of the dream.

      There was an RV driving down the road towards me. It had an entire assortment of antennae and satellites covering most to the roof. This looked so odd, that I didn’t even have to do a reality check; I knew this was a dream. The RV stopped and backed into the garage. During the dream I knew it was past 9:00 Am in the waking world, because I just awake not too long ago. My LD’s this late in the morning usually not that vivid and are short lived, so I decided to just clown around. People stepped out of the RV and walked out of the garage. I just ignored them and then I ran towards them and jumped up onto the garage roof. I decide to practice a forward summersault off the garage and land on the driveway, and this time, I landed it perfectly in a single kneeling position! I’ve been practicing this in LD’s.

      Next I headed off towards a large gathering of people at a small, square field, bordered by residential streets and homes, with very large yards. People were everywhere! On my way there I felt the clarity fading, so I deciding to do ‘swirling’. Except this time I swirled much different than what I’ve ever done before, and it worked really well. I spun like a top, at a very high speed. My feet stayed at one location, and my body slowly rotated clockwise about my feet, and my body was at about 30 degrees angle to the ground. Basically like a wobbling spinning top (tilted at 30 degrees to the ground and rotating clockwise). I did this several times during the dream to stabilize. This seemed to attract attention from the dream figures.

      I walked up the crowd and started to mingle, asking people’s names and having small chat. Everybody I asked knew their name, except one lady who was really struggling to remember her name. She finally said a name, but she obviously faked it. I felt sorry for her. There was this young, dark haired boy I was chatting with, and I asked him what city this was. He replied, “This is prison camp.” One of the ‘Dream Patrol’, suit guys started to walk up to me with a disapproving look. I looked at the ‘suit man’ and said, “It’s all okay! We’re at prison camp!” He gave me a ‘watch yourself’ look and stood back. These suit guys often show up in my dreams after I’ve let on that I’m lucid. This happens especially when I start asking for history, location, and phone #’s. No problem with asking names though. They sneak up behind me and end my LD’s, so I’m careful to keep an eye on them. I often instantly turn 180 degree to face them (I really mean instantly), when I know they’re there, and this freaks them out, and they back up. This helps me to stay lucid longer. I fought these guys once before in a dream called, ‘Matrix Style Fighting with Beige Suits’, but I’ve decided not to do this again. I just want enjoyable dreams. Fighting is not my thing.

      I backed away from the crowd by about 20 yards to ‘swirl’ again, because my lucidity was starting to fade, and so as not to hit anybody while I do this. The swirl lasted about 10 to 15 seconds. Everything became perfectly clear again. That’s when I saw these two suave fellows, 7 feet tall, with long, blonde, wavy hair, and walking right towards me, so I walked right towards them. I smiled at them, and asked them their names. They looked at each other with surprise and smiled back at me. One fellow was much older than the other. I stood right close to them looking waaaay up at their faces. They older fellow looked down at me, and said, “I’m Sam Don Juan.” I looked at the other giant and asked his name, and he said, “I’m Sam Don Juan Jr.” We then had some small chat, and then headed toward the crowd. As we turned, I saw Sam Don Juan Sr.’s eyes glow red. I’ve seen this happen many times before in my dreams with these seven foot guys, so I decided to ask. I put my right hand on Sam Don Juan’s forearm and asked him if we could talk in private. Lots of people were gathering around at this point. I looked at Sam Don Juan Jr. and said he can come and listen too. We walked away from the crowd, but some people followed. I asked them to leave so we could be alone, and they did. The giant Sam Don Juan Sr. bent over and I put my hands on either side of his huge chest, and we were eye to eye. I then said, “Why do your eyes sometimes glow red. Don’t get me wrong, I think this is very cool, and I just want to understand what’s going on.” He stood back up and looked at his son. He didn’t seem very impressed with the question. He leaned over and looked at me again, and it looked like he was going to tell me, then I said, “Please tell me, lots of people would like to know.” Well, I screwed up there, because he stood back up straight and turned to walk away. I shouldn’t have said that! Somebody from the crowd snuck in behind me during the conversation and also said, “Yeah, why do your eyes sometimes glow red?” I immediately went from being perfectly lucid to being awake. That made no sense to me why that happened.