New Dream Recall
, 02-21-2013 at 07:53 PM (576 Views)
I'll write this like I have it in my binder. I will however highlight which dream segments come first.
"Cops" like atmosphere arresting a large man from his moms house. He told cops he can't walk(but he could) also possible he hit/hurt kids because they took(bought) stuff from his moms shop.{At this point, I'm not sure if I'm a cop or just spectating the whole event}. I just remembered something now as well, as that event was ending I was randomly outside and a cop car pulled over and it was a lady cop and she said "they need to put more stops around here". I saw a couple of cops behind her as if they were blocking the area.{This segment dream was the last I had before waking up}
I was running away the entire dream(not entirely true, but I was running from something). The rest of this doesn't make sense but I'll write it as it is in my binder. "I was running away the entire dream. Found by my parents, could hear their voices( also my brothers "I") while I ran down a alley. Alley looked dark and weird lookin. I'm looking at the reaction faces of alot of people{I'm not in some sort of dimly lit room with a small T.V in middle of it.} Apparently something really bad or outrageous has occurred on the t.v all the people are watching. The man then stands over the t.v, and shouts expliclits, I hear "so and so is the devil"{I know I heard a name their but it's all a blur right now} I look at the T.V, I see a group of women(not sure if any men are in it) The are holding signs that read "first time" and the location they are at is the front entrance of my work. One of the girls is shown to be the neighboorhood girl I saw earlier.
I remember being in a neighbborhood similar to my own. It either was sunsetting or rising. I'm with a neighborhood girl. She looks to be around my age, maybe a year or two younger. I'm not sure what we're ding but I head home but she follows me.