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    by , 08-29-2011 at 05:36 PM (650 Views)
    I had two dreams last night I woke up and stayed awake for about 25 minutes between. It was hard to sleep due to the heat so I don't really recall them very well.

    I remember in the dream I was watching Espn and a WNBA team was being interviewed about how their next game was going to be played in Mercury....the planet. They said it was dangerous but that they were going to do it anyway. Some other random stuff happen that I can barely recall. I then woke up. Stayed up 15 minutes drank some water and headed back to sleep. Tried to do a WILD but do to being way to uncomfortable and hot I gave up. I had a dream about me being caught with a stash of gay porn(which by the way I don't watch. I hit the hetero way thank you very much) someone in my family blackmailed me or something ended up giving them money. Dream ended with me on my computer watching some xxx videos. I remember this specifically because I was infatuated with the main star girl.

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