Non-Lucid Dreams
I just wrote this but the computer turn off so am not writing again. I had a dream in which was a gangster I stole "queen of hearts" and my friend got caught for it because this chick snitch at him. The end( sorry couldn't write the more detailed but the computer froze and I don't want to write that again. See ya.
Night 1 I had a dream a boring one for that matter. The dream was that I was on the internet and was on this forum and there was a debate going on about how one N.F.L player was better then the other pretty much trolling comments and shit. I woke up and looked at the clock did a RC nothing I was a awake. I went to the bathroom came back fell asleep but like 5 minutes into trying to fall a sleep I felt SP coming up. I was shocked I wasn't expecting this well anyways I went along with it and it was working. But it failed soon after because I was to awake and my body woke itself up. I finally fell asleep and had a another boring dream. I was at school and we were being given a essay and to leave the class you had to right a 10-page essay. I should have woke up the second I heard the teacher say 10 page which is too much. Well everyone was finishing the essay and I guess I was the proof reader for the teacher or the kid who collects the paper. Because everyone but mostly these three girls were giving me their papers. I kept rejecting there papers and saying the had to right a full page on each side. They were getting mad and I was getting anxious on when I was going to leave and that's when I woke up.
I finally recalled a dream. It was about me and how I was helping the Jonas brothers find L.A, which in the dream was a big success. The were singing all throughout the dream the song "L.A L.A baby". I now know why they were singing that it was because prior to going to bed my brothers and sisters were watching the disney channel in which this song was playing and it sorta got stuck in my head before I went to bed. Well I don't remember the dream all that well just that when we made it to L.A we met Kobe Bryant and he showed us all these basketball moves. He said something about making a shot while jumping. I don't know why that was amazing at the time but it was. The I had finally woken up. Really weird dream in all though.
Well tried telling my self that I was going to wake up in my dream that didn't work. Looked at my hands extensively repeating "I will notice my hands in my dream". Going to study up on some of these threads, looks like I got a lot to learn.