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    1. Entry 7 - stupid me misses out on a lucid dream!

      by , 09-18-2014 at 02:09 AM
      Had a dream I was out doing something. In my grandmother's neighborhood, except everything looked different and people I know live there. It was really foresty. At one point I went to my friend's house. His yard was liked walled in and it had bushes all over the wall. Then his yard was sectored into 3, with privacy fences, but no actual gate, just an opening. in the middle sector was the entrance and all of them were foresty and there was an exit going down a path surrounded by vines, the right sector had his house which was also viny. his sister comes out and she says he isnt home so we just chill and talk, and im looking at stuff and get vines all over me, i brake free, though.
      Something happens, but I don't remember and now I'm in a car on an open road, a few trees line the road every now and then. I can't recall who was driving, either my mom or my friend, and my friend's sister was in the passenger seat with me in the back. Tornados start popping up, we drive past one real fast and it almost hit us, but then even more start popping up and there's tons. As we drive I'm like "I should do a RC" and I did, at first I thought it wasn't but I decided to try it out anyway. I think in my head "LIGHTNING BOLT!" but it doesn't work, no lightning came down, I look out the other window and try the same thing, but nothing, so I assume I'm NOT dreaming and fall out of lucidity. (I didn't want to yell out loud because I was worried I was wrong and look like an idiot shouting lightning bolt, and I didn't want to fly out the window--I thought about it, but once again I was worried that I was wrong) We dodge a few but eventually hit one, it sends us straight in the air and I held on for dear life, when we land (perfectly), the driver goes in reverse, I yell "NO! Stop, we'll hit another!" We do, and it sends us flying off the left side of the road, it was nuts and when we hit the ground I fell out with a regular chair, not an actual car chair. I set it down and suddenly I'm in my 6th period music class, and the class is a bandroom with all these chairs (like the one I had) in a circle, just like irl. I talk to someone but then I'm like "I need to find our car" I go around the chairs and there's a smashed up bugatti and that was our car, and then I woke up.
    2. Entry 6

      by , 09-16-2014 at 09:42 PM
      I had a dream a friend was over and we were waiting for another friend to come over, and when he did we just chatted. That's all I remember of that fragment.

      At another point, I had a dream I was in my backyard, but my house wasn't my house, it had a flat, concrete roof and it was all in separate, white, square buildings (but my house is white); and I was outside and I climbed this ladder to get on one of the roofs, and I went from roof to roof.
      Then, one of my acquaintances from school who I use to sit by at lunch said he wanted to go out to get somethin to eat, so we went into one of the buildings, which was the garage, and it was small and full of cars. he got in some SUV and drove off, me and my family were going to go in this white hummer but instead we left in a white ferarri, and since it was so cramped we had to do like a 3000-point turn to get out, and then we sped off, but it was hard to slow down and we had to take a left, so we ended up drifting and kinda hitting this building (and i was also in 3rd person view at this point), it did like no damage at all even though we were prolly going like 60. then we rounded another corner and smashed into a light pole. that's all I remember of that dream

      And the last dream I had was a bunch of people were in this super shallow lake (deepest was like knee deep) and we were having some watergun war. I remember at one point being on a mini-speed boat and shooting people, and there was like a van in the middle of the water and we opened it and got bags out of it, then it drove off but left the door on the back, it was floating in mid air. when i tried to close it, it fell in the water.
    3. Entry 5

      by , 09-15-2014 at 10:38 PM
      tried binural beats + MILD but it didn't work, but it was my first try (for MILD, I used binural beats more than once). I use only one binural beat so far and it always awakens me at 55 minutes in. All I succeed in getting was no dreams remembered and hurting ears, even tho its on lowest volume.
      I took em out and just went to bed regularly and I had a dream I was dipping my kitten in this U-shaped pool. Around the pool was a brick pattio, and it was surrounded by mesh-screen on all sides, but on the south end (the U was open-end facing right/east) was some room. Anyways, I then went in the pool and just chilled there. My mom was talking to this girl that looked like my cousin, but wasnt. Suddenly, without me noticing, I was on a bed and the whole room changed but they were still talking, then they disappeared and I was alone, I wondered what time it was so I looked at the clock and it said "9am". that's all I remember
    4. Entry 4 - tried binural beats 3 times 3rd time was maybe an OBE?

      by , 09-15-2014 at 03:31 AM
      Woke up at like 9am not remembering my dream. Decided to try some binural beats. Popped my earbuds in and went to sleeping, Felt all tingly as usual and fell asleep. Woke up an hour later, didnt remember a thing. Retried, felt tingly, then suddenly I "woke up" but I SWEAR I was conscious the whole time, 20 minutes passed. Then I tried for the final time. I felt it! I was FALLING into a dream! It felt like I was falling backwards, felt butterflies in my stomach, though "THIS IS IT I'M GOING IN DEEP!", it felt like a rapid slide show was going on in front of me, but the pictures were just blackness, some really dark grey. Heart was pounding and all I saw was blackness, then nothing, I guess I woke up in half-sleep paralysis. I could barely open my eyes, I was suuuuuuuuper heavy, but I managed to get my torso up and out of bed. I laid back down and just moved all my body as much as I could to wake myself up, and then I went on with my day. Was that an OBE I just had? I felt super heavy and everything felt weird. My dad said he had an OBE while using binural beats, so maybe I did too? This isn't the first time I suspect myself of having an OBE.

      Updated 09-15-2014 at 03:36 AM by 69189

    5. Entry 3

      by , 08-29-2014 at 07:13 PM
      Ok, past two days I couldn't remember any dreams, but I remember a few today.

      I was outside this building, it was big and concrete and shaped like my house. My yard was an exact replica of my yard, but there was a wooden privacy fence splitting the front and backyard, and the backyard was even bigger than it is now, and it's like a compound in there. It's some gang's territory, and for some reason I'm about to have to go in there. There was a reason why, I don't remember what happened but it was because they took my friends or something. I have an automatic gun, kind of like an ar-15 or an ak-47 but It's wooden, but still really effective. There's a guy standing by the gate and he asks "Are you sure you want to enter? If you go in, there's no coming back...". I open the gate and go through, there's a lot of wooden barricades and towers. I get in a gun fight with all these guys. (then a cut because I don't remember what happens next, but I think I go in a building). It's a large, dark room. It's REALLY dark, yet I can see perfectly. At this point it's just a huge battle royale. There's towers and stuff inside the room as well, I remember a part of me getting on top of the tower and drop kicking this guy who was about to kill a hostage. It was badass. I don't remember much of this scene, but I remember it lasting a LOOOOOOOOONG TIME, I mean this was a full dream. There was even an ending, which I vaguely remember. After all the gang members were dead, the hostages were freed and reunited with their families.

      Also, I had another dream with my dog, who ran away in it. I was on my porch and he was laying there (there was also my other dog who we gave away). When I saw him I was like "Whoa he's back! I should do a reality check..." and I did, but it FAILED! And I kept on dreaming...
    6. Entry 2

      by , 08-26-2014 at 12:02 PM
      I had one dream where my hair was all nasty and would screw up every time I tried to fix it, and it was extremely annoying until I found an afro pick and fixed it. (I've got curly hair and I can't WAIT to get my hair cut short)

      I had another dream where I was irl with an internet friend of mine, and we were chilling and just got off school, I also noticed his fan had an anime girl on it which was weird because he hates anime.

      The third dream I had that I remember was that my bathroom was cold, which it isn't irl because only my room and my dad's room has a/c.

      OH WAIT! I had another dream. I was at the community center in my neighborhood, pretty late at night. There was this older guy, kinda strong with a beard (looked like stannis baratheon with a beard) and he was talking to my friend, he was like his mentor or something. I remember walking home from there and later calling my friend asking him if he wanted to hang out (and I remember trying to find my phone before time ran out because it was getting late) my friend said yes, but we never hung out. I remember coming home and there were 3 dogs waiting for me (i want dogs but dont have any). They were chocolate labs, and the third one was really bulky and a male the other 2 were regular females. Also in that dream I was still in my old room with my bunk bed (my room circa 3+ years ago). Then I remember being at my mom's house and my cat was huge (shes a kitten right now) and I was playing with her and she attacked me but it was real instead of play and it woke me up (hey, the cat was HUGE in the dream!)
    7. Entry 1

      by , 08-25-2014 at 12:11 PM
      I was at my school in the main hallway in front of the lunchroom, in like a circle-group talking to people, but none of them were close friends, just random people/acquaintances. The girl I like was in the group, but her hair was cut (but then later changed back to long hair, it was strange). People would filter in and out of the group. I don't remember doing much talking, which is like an opposite for me. Then scenes switched to inside the gym, and I went up the bleachers and sat with a group of people that I barely talk to and barely even like, because I couldn't find my friends. I said something to one of them.
      I also remember a scene in some cabin bedroom.

      Also as you can see, I'm restarting my dream journal. I want to get back into this. Best to start over since I stopped doing this for like 2months
    8. entry 14

      by , 08-19-2014 at 12:06 PM
      i remember walking around this house talking to girls i know irl. i think there was a big event going down.

      thats all i can remember, since i havent been doing the dream journal my dream recall is TERRIBLE
    9. entry 13

      by , 06-09-2014 at 09:15 PM
      i know i had a ton of dreams but this is all i remember

      my sister was at my house. i was waiting on her for some reason, and she was taking a shower. i remember i poured myself a glass of something but i dropped the glass, and it shattered and glass went everywhere. i began to look for the broom to clean it up, and my sister came out of the shower (and for some reason she was on the other side of the house from where she was when i first came into the dream, if that makes sense) and i told her to wear these flipflops if shes going to go over there because glass is all over the floor, and she let out a heavy sigh. the dream skips, and me and her are leaving to go to her ex-boyfriends house, but in this dream its like theyre getting back together. his house is different. when i went through the door on the right side of the wall was a bunch of boxes, and a table and a couch, and on the left side was a doorway leading to a hallway, a tv, and also his kitchen.
      i remember we were hanging out there, but thats about it.
    10. entry 12 but it should be like 20-something

      by , 06-08-2014 at 08:46 PM
      I kinda lost interest in lucid dreaming for like no reason at all (and its kinda ironic especially considering i was actually getting results). Yesterday I started doing RCs again and I actually got a lucid dream, and luckily that got me back in the game.

      I'll start with my first dream that I remember. I was in a small rectangular room, it had a tile floor, a coffee table in the middle and a TV in front of it. to my left there were two small-ish pillars (like room sized not huge greek pillars) and to my right was a desk with a rolly-chair and a computer. My mom was on the computer. I got this weird thing where I could remove my head and control it, and I was controlling my head and using it to control this thing called an "occulus" which looked like one of those spiky rubber balls with a huge eye on it (http://www.jefferspet.com/images/265/XCSD.jpg just like this one) and I remember having it creep around under the computer chair. I also remember looking at my head as it was floating, it was grey and it had a grey "beam" going from me, to the head, to the "occulus"

      I also remember robbing a bank, but we were robbing it of BULLETS because they had some serious money value. It was me and three other people, the only other person I recognized (or remembered) was Ice Cube
      and I remember they had bag fulls of the bullets and I took a little bowl full (although it seemed every little bit was important because he yelled at me to remember it and i was like "I have it!!"). We ran out of the bank and down this street. It looked like a neighborhood rather than a city were you'd think a bank would be. We heard the cops so we ran down another street. At some point I got a bike, and only I had a bike. So we were going and I saw a cop car but it kept on going, it was way down the road at an intersection. It had a lot of trees down there, too. The cops had no idea who we were and so we were pretty much safe (thats the feeling I got, and it was true because the cop car ignored us). We came up to this shed, it looked kinda ricketey, it had no walls and the roof was aluminum (http://www.2championroofing.com/wp-c...r-1024x768.jpg) except red. The back part of it had wooden walls, though. and it had a table and tons of cans and stuff all around it, and tools of course. It was really messy, and right beside a forest. I was really frantic to try and hide the bike, which I threw into the woods (previously i tried to hide it other places but they were really bad so I finally threw it in the woods).
      Then it cuts and for some reason we are in someone's back yard, there is a pool, and we're no longer trying to run from the cops. I don't really remember what happened there.

      NOW for the lucid dream!
      I dreamt I was in my bed and was thinking about lucid dreaming, and so I decided to do a reality check (like I do IRL!) and the first one WORKED, but I thought I didn't plug my nose hard enough, so I did it again because I was suspicious (thinking it actually did work) and the second time my suspicions proved true and so first thing I did, still in bed, was rub my hands together, and then I said "INCREASE CLARITY" and it worked, but it started to fade away to blurryness again so I rubbed my hands together again and yelled "INFINITE CLARITY" in an echoy voice and it worked, it worked SO GOOD I began thinking I was in real life, and that I'd woken up but still thought I was in the dream, but I was like "nah, this is a dream". I noticed it was dark in the room and closed my eyes and said "LIGHTS ON" but it didn't work, and I tried to use the light switch, I knew it wouldn't work but I tried to imagine it would... it didn't. (might I add the lightswitch is the one from my room at my dad's house, and I'm at my mom's and I switched the one that turns on the plug near it, not the lights) I left the room thinking it would be lighter out there, and when I opened the door it was actually lighter out, but it was like a street light kinda light, in the fact that it dimmed out after a while, so the center of the room was bright and the sides were dim, but the room was long, there I realized I was in the same building as the dream with the "occulus", but not the same room. Same tiles, lighting, and walls. I walked down the room and there was a huge pile of clothes, my dream started to become blurry again so I rubbed my hands and said "STAY CLEAR" and it was soooo life like. I began touching my surroundings as people said to do, and I touched all the clothes, this pile of jars, and I also tried to levitate this spiky, black bowl. Then I guess I woke up or something (if I did I went straight back to sleep afterwards b/c I know I had more dreams but I dont remember them)
    11. entry 11

      by , 05-26-2014 at 07:40 PM
      im walking down a road in my neighborhood, im going to my bus stop, like almost all my dreams its early in the morning, a bit before the sun. except my bus stop is a different place in my dream. its down a different road at a four way intersection. and other people that dont go to my bus stop are there, but it is people who live in my neighborhood. one was a fat bald kid and another was this one girl from my bus stop, i remember she was wondering if her friend who also goes to my bus stop was coming. i remember i had to call her to see if she was coming. i also remember talking to my friend about something...i can almost picture it but i cant. i think it was chess....i remember playing chess either there or on the bus. two of my friends were playing chess, i was helping one of my friends play against him. i remember some moves being made, and i also remember him getting one of his units trapped and thinking "oh crap, he can king now, though" but then suddenly there was another row and i thought "oops, nevermind"

      i also remember being at school, after my 6th period waiting for the girl i like outside our class, when she came out i began talking to her about something. thats all i really remember. i do remember that i did go through my 6th and 7th period classes, and also the point were we walk out to the buses.

      ive really been slacking on the DJ thing...and its been costing me i think. its kinda hard to remember dreams. i know i had more dreams that i woke up from and i tried my old technique of telling myself them in my head to remember them as i lay there but i ended up forgetting them. i remember yesterday i had a dream that i felt myself wake up, i dont think it was a scary dream but it cause me to wake up and it felt really weird.

      Updated 05-26-2014 at 07:45 PM by 69189

    12. entry 10

      by , 05-24-2014 at 03:54 AM
      skipped a few days oh well lol
      this is for 22/5/2014
      it was of world of warcraft i was playing my blood elf paladin. i had the challenge mode armor, which i dont actually have in waking life in the game. i remember my old guild master logged in. i liked her a lot and we kinda had a thing going on. she logged on and asked me how i was doing and i was really happy to see her, we talked for a long time.
      then the dream switches to going to the middle school we pass everyday on the bus ride in the morning (and it was the morning) except i was in my friends truck. we pass my dad's beamer on the road. i also remember a homeless black guy with a red hat and those big puffy brown jackets and he had some sort of significance. thats all i remember of that part.
      then the dream goes back to wow and im talking to my old guild master again. i then woke up. i havent seen her in forever

      now for
      i had a dream that we had to make a presentation for science. me and my friend worked on this thing, it was like a poem or song. it rhymed really well but i bet it was a bunch of gibberish that didnt make sense. the girl i like and her friend had a video to present, and it started as this bearded guy with a grill, and i didnt notice it, but suddenly the dream was the video and so we were all there, and the guy put steaks and ribs on the grill. i remember eating it bare handed. it was really good. i remember we walked around talking and we went across the courtyard of our school and sat on the bench.
      then it skips and we're on the bench once again but its different people, its my other friends and this girl and we are sitting spaced out on the bench but the girl comes in and sits between me and my friend, who im having a very very important conversation with, and i was also offended she sat so close and not spaced out. she replied "theres not enough room on the bench" and got up and sat on the other side of me. i continued talking to my friend
      then i remember being in the room of my mom's friend's son's room, but it was kinda flipped. idk how to explain it. i remember there were bunk beds on each side. maybe a TV in one of them. OH and in this dream i remember sneaking pizza (and in the last dream too). i dont think i wouldve gotten in trouble for it, but i think i wasnt suppose to either. i remember in that room trying to get another piece of pizza and it tasted weird, suddenly it changed into a taco pizza. basically pizza crust, with lettuce on it, then cheese on top and then taco meat. i put it down disappointed. it also became rounded at some point. the pizza box i got out of it had the pizza covered with some plastic covering, and there was only like 4 pieces left. there were also other boxes of pizza, but those pizzas were also weird pizzas. i dont remember what though. i think it was hungry howie boxes they were in. the taco pizza was in some white box.

      all those dreams were kinda merged together

      Updated 05-24-2014 at 04:01 AM by 69189

    13. entry 9

      by , 05-22-2014 at 01:22 AM
      first dream i had was i was in my english class and i got in trouble for some reason. i was sent out of the classroom so i just kinda looked around the hall. i saw that diagonal from where i was standing (in front of the class door) was the other english teacher's class, except that's wrong because its a little further down the hallway in the opposite direction. i go in there and i think im sitting in the doorway for some reason, because everyone seems higher up than i am (like i was sitting down). i remember this black kid and he said something to me, at first we were getting along but then he turned a bit hostile for some reason. i dont remember what happens after that.

      the next dream i remember was i was in this hallway with the fast and furious cast. tyrese gibson (and someone else, i think vin diesel? or maybe even gary coleman...) where midgets for some reason. we turned this corner and were walking down a hallway. i know i saw the hallway before because it was from a videogame i played. the hallway had tan walls and there was a door to our left that when down somewhere i think it had vending machines. i think pipes traveled along the sides of the wall, too. we were all talking but i dont remember what it was about.
    14. entry 8

      by , 05-20-2014 at 12:02 PM
      first one before 3am
      it was south park lookin, like i was watching south park except it wasnt, they just looked like it. there was a huge dilemma and all i remember is gandalf about to give up and hand the ring over to these bad guys that werent even in lotr. one was this nerd looking man, but the main character (dont remember what he looked like) encased him in ice, but then this thing from star wars i remember seeing shot this like sonic wave and shattered the ice he was in and killed him.
      i then remember turning off the tv at that point, and i got an xbox 360 controller and tried to hook it up to my computer to play GTA:SA and it worked. and it was weird thought because my computer looked like an original xbox without the X on it and stuff. also i played it on the TV (that stems from the fact that my computer monitor actually is a TV)

      after that i woke up, had to pee real bad and then i got a drink, my dad was still up so he had lights on and it woke me up, i went back to bed and i ended up falling in sleep paralysis, but tired me snapped out of it b/c i was annoyed i couldnt change positions..UGH!!! i regret that

      2nd dream after 4am
      then i remember a dream of having this app on my phone that changed me into a gangster looking black guy and i used it to trick people. i was walking to my bus stop and found this skis with wheels on them, and they made me pretty fast but used a lot of energy, i decided to haul butt down the road with them. it was also eaaaarly in the morning, still pretty dark. i remember going down a road and thinking "shit i wont make it back, i have to go to the next bus stop" so i had to race to the next bus stop. i went down streets that dont exist in real life, i remember houses that are actually in my grandmother's neighborhood, and random privacy fences.
      later i was at school at lunch, once again it was kinda dark. i fiddled with the app and couldnt get it back to where it changed my appearance. we were all called outside when i figured out how to get it back (also my phone was red instead of black) and so i changed back into the black guy, but this time it was more like a mixed person than a black gangster. we were outside, it looked like morning time again and we were under this thing thats only at the bus ramp (idk how to explain it but i know what im talking about so thats all that matters lol) and there was an asphalt ground where i was standing. something made me want to change back to my normal self, so i did. thats all i remember.

      then my dad woke me up, i assume around 5am, went back to sleep immediately
      i had a dream we were in the bleachers in my gym, except it was huuuge, we were all hanging out. my friend starts fighting this guy and the guy gets hit and leaves, and i pull my friend back. then it skips to me at my grandmothers house, im there with the girl i like. we talk for a long time and then she leaves the room. i go around the house, i talk to my grandmother about something and she says theres a secret passage way to another part of the house, (which was also in another dream), i go through it and it leads to my grandmother's bedroom, i see the girl i like and we talk again. thats all i remember.
    15. entry 7

      by , 05-19-2014 at 09:41 PM
      i only remember fragments of my dreams
      one was in world of warcraft, except it was night time and in this area that is hard to describe. it was hilly and had a cobblestone road, there was me and two tauren druids. i remember trying to kill them because im alliance and theyre horde. that was a really long dream and it all took place in that one small area. i also remember an undead priest at one point. i almost remember being a druid and going into bear form

      another dream was an age of empires 2 dream, i have a little video that shows explosions going off at some parts, and the explosions were much bigger and huge and some even had shockwaves. sometimes it glitched out and showed an army of paladins or teutonic knights, but they'd all disappear in an instant. i remember at one part several villagers are running to this section, and when they go in it switches to a scene where theyre inside a wooden building and it has train tracks in it. i remember thinking "i dont remember this part of the video..." and i was controlling it like a game, i made them hide in this section of train tracks. i remember them huddling to hide from something (idk what!)

      another dream i had was of me kissing the girl i like, we paused for a second and i thought "maybe i should do a RC" BUT THERE WAS NO TIME as soon as i thought that back to kissing her
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