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    Morning - Non-lucid

    by , 04-06-2014 at 03:15 PM (403 Views)
    So it looks like my thoughts got extra muddled thanks to me being sick or something ?? (woke up with a slight cold)

    and that meant muddled up dreams and weird nonsense. oh well let's see what fragments I have.

    btw I'm putting all these under the same dream header because I know they all happened in the same "dream" because there were some consistencies, like I was always me and the setting was pretty often the same house, when it wasn't space.

    Dream - Headcold
    Fragment 1
    my mom telling me to clean up a mess my brother made because he's a boy and I'm a girl; I consider this a feminist issue and, like a cool, rational human being, convince my brother to inflict upon me some grave injury such as a broken arm to prove something to my mother (at one point he was like "what if I stuck you with a pin" and I was like "no that's a lady injury and it would heal too fast" or something even though he was literally talking about stabbing it through my hand or something) ... I never actually got hurt

    I should note that in that particular fragment everyone seemed pretty manic. My mom told me to clean up my brother's messiness and overrode my complaints with a bright, crazed smile, I determined to be badly injured as an "I'll show her!" sort of thing, and my brother gave off an eager, sadistic air as he tried to figure out how to break my arm. So apparently my whole head was just infected with a cold manifesting as irrational thoughts in both myself and my dream characters. Which is pretty neat, though seemingly obvious. it sort of shows the effect my thinking has on my dream characters, right?

    Fragment 2
    lots of space shenanigans; me and some others were up in space and sometimes drifting along and other times climbing into this little space shuttle

    Fragment 3
    some bit where I'm practicing breathing through my mouth without using my nose at all (I was doing pretty well and then it made me gag which is a new thing for dreams yay way2go me)

    Fragment 4
    me goin' to the 7-11 but what for ?? oh yeah I was looking for this really good chocolatey trail mix or cereal or somethin' but I couldn't find it

    Fragment 5
    ex-friend talking about how he's a Pokemon trainer while constantly having to spit (in the dream this didn't bother me much at all but now I'm like "gross")

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    Updated 12-09-2015 at 10:41 PM by 39676

