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    Morning - Non-lucid - Apex Race

    by , 02-14-2015 at 09:09 PM (381 Views)
    So uh let's see.

    I dreamed something interesting, fell back asleep like "I don't care enough to write it down," and then dreamed about playing Mario Kart at Apex 2015.

    The Apex 2015 Racing Champion
    And I was fricking kicking everyone's BUTT. Sort of.

    So first it was just Ben and I racing together, and then it turned out that the times I was getting were qualifying me for Apex without me even knowing. So then, when I showed up to watch people race, they were like yo, you're already one of the top contenders. So I was like okay, here I go, and participated.

    So it worked like this. Everyone would race on a map for the qualifiers, and then the people who set the best times for that would race each other. I placed first both times for the first map, which I don't particularly remember. I just remember thinking whoa, I'm placing first at Apex, that's crazy. And then the next map was so weird that I was like yo, I don't care if I don't get first. I gave it a shot anyway, though.

    It was like, this snowy map that wove in and out of a mansion, and it was super confusing to tell which direction everyone was supposed to go. So people just picked random directions and ran off. And I mean ran, because at this point everyone's physical bodies had just been dropped into the map without any cars, so it became a footrace.

    I think we all gave it our best shot for the first lap, despite not quite heading in the same direction. First, there was a big pond with a bunch of like, dead plants in it. Each plant was like a bunch of curved bony sticks that were juuust about piled together enough to support my weight, so I hopped across on the plants to save time. I was like yo this takes skill, no wonder I'm #1.

    Also near the start of the map was a path going to the right, and later when I headed that way there were these two deep pits by the edge of the mansion. Contained in the pits were these two crazy monsters who could flip between being icy cold and lava hot, which was pretty terrifyingly violent to be around. They were kinda shaped like those Mimics from Live Die Repeat. Also, it seemed like their seeing me was enraging them into trying to get out and almost succeeding, so after a brief stint in that direction I left it entirely alone. I think they belonged to another participant.

    Anyway, when actually running the race the first time I just remember bounding over the twiggy pond instead of taking the easier path and then having to run through snow as aggressively as possible in order to keep my speed up (it was that part of my mind that's always trying to make sure I come out on top in dreams, believing that snow was too difficult for them but not for me). Then there were bits where we ducked in and out of the mansion, but I'm pretty sure none of us really knew which path we were supposed to take. There was this tiny like, rat-sized official robot that was always following the correct path, and if you felt like moving through the race at a cool 1 mph you could stay back with it and see which turns it took.

    I'm not sure what else happened. That earlier dream that was interesting that I forgot had something to do with being in a large room with a dragon or gryphon or something, which I was on good terms with. What even happened. I really gotta try to remember how to write my dreams down properly...

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    Updated 12-09-2015 at 11:00 PM by 39676

