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    Morning - Non-lucid - Sneaky Sneak Game

    by , 03-21-2014 at 05:56 PM (406 Views)
    so last night was another attempt to get a good, uninterrupted night's sleep, mostly successful I'd say. Soon I'll get back to WBTB's, although the uhh, sort of expectation that comes with an attempt is a little stressful and I end up in weird, half-awake moods. I'd say it's worth it though. As long as I know what I'm getting into, right?

    Fragment - Crisis Core Cloud Kill-off

    OK so basically I dreamed about a story in a big desert. I don't really remember the earlier parts, but at the end it kinda segued into the end of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core ... except this time, Cloud was the one who died, instead of Zack. :U ... I actually found that to be a pretty interesting concept, and I really enjoyed the sort of emotions of the dream, especially when my alarm went off with "How'm I Supposed To Die" by Civil Twilight playing.

    Anyway it was quite sad. Zack carried on, still managing to maintain his sense of humor despite being quite alone now, and in the middle of a desert. Think he had to fend off some kinda weird zombie things, which also made an appearance in my later dream. SPEAKING OF WHICH—>>>

    Dream - "Assassin's Creed" Vidya Game
    I'm putting this one in a spoiler because I ended up rambling for a good, uh, 1500 words. Wow.

    Spoiler for SO MANY WOOOOORDS:

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    Updated 12-09-2015 at 10:18 PM by 39676

    non-lucid , memorable
