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    Morning - Non-lucid - Terrorism

    by , 12-06-2015 at 06:07 PM (545 Views)
    Oh boy look at me being all proactive and trying to get back into the swing of things LET'S DO THIS

    Dream 1: Terrorism + Mom
    So I don't know why I have these dreams where I'm trying to protect my mom in life-or-death situations but it's always stressful as hell. Here we go.

    I dreamed there was some maniac flying planes into buildings on something like an hourly basis, in the area where mom and I were out and about doing I-have-no-idea-what-or-why-we-were-out-there-when-there-were-planes-hitting-things-so-often-and-so-close-to-us. But anyway, we were doing stuff. And I was very much focused on the task of trying to keep mom alive. I didn't get the sense that there was much danger to myself. It was entirely an escort mission.

    And that escort mission paid off when I happened to find the perpetrator, an old, somewhat emaciated white guy with a long beard. Who I then promptly drowned in the river. It was something like, I tied a rope around his neck and stuffed him in a box and idk the rope was connected to the box or something, and then I threw the box in the river and made sure it was entirely submerged, just under the surface. And then tried to forget he was actively drowning in there, because the idea was unpleasant.

    But anyway, that took care of the threat to mom's life. I'm not sure what happened next, but I do recall checking back on the box and finding that yes, it was still there, and he must've been thoroughly dead by that point, so +1 to my peace of mind.

    Dream 2: Hella Long Library Visit
    Next I dreamed that I was driving my brother and I to the nearby library. I grabbed three-ish books and was ready to go, and then Ben was like hold on... let's chill here. And I was like oh, okay, good time to get some reading in. And then we just chilled, and idk there was a really nasty beanbag to chill in, and then later there was a bed, and at some point Jess showed up and eventually it was dark out and I realized that mom was probably worried about us. I was like, oh no, I hope she doesn't think all three of us tragically died in a car accident. I checked my phone and saw that I had a new voicemail, and I decided to just text mom that we were all good, and then she showed up at the library saying she wasn't worried and there was no need, or something.

    That was the gist of the dream, but I'm pretty sure it was pretty vivid and detailed in some ways. Like, I think I remember running my finger along the library card barcode, and another bit where I was trying to scan my library card and I kept doing it wrong and having to flip the card over.

    Anyway it was kinda cool. Just chillin' in a library with my siblings and reading books 'cause there's nothing else to do when you're in a library without your computer. It was an oddly realistic and chill dream.
    ~Dreamer~ and RedKali like this.

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    Updated 12-09-2015 at 11:05 PM by 39676



    1. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Nice recall! And I like the way your write your journal.
      I had a dream about terrorists myself a couple of nights ago which was similarly dark. I hope you have nicer dreams tonight! I like the one about chilling in the library.
    2. atramentis's Avatar
      Oh thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it It's nice to be writing dreams down again.

      I actually prefer dark dreams 'cause they're more exciting, and I don't get stressed out by dark stuff unless my mind randomly decides it's a nightmare. But yeah, the library one was nice. It seemed... unusually calm and consistent, for one of my dreams.