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    Morning - Non-lucid - Underground Garage

    by , 03-26-2014 at 03:53 AM (450 Views)
    Fragment 1 - 1319 house movie night aw yee
    My sister and I are watching a movie in the 1319 living room. It starts to get quite violent, at which point mom turns it off. I'm like hey now, and Jess says that she's already seen the movie, so HA mom, can't protect her delicate eyes and sensibilities from nothin' 'cause it's too late. Except y'know she didn't talk like that. That's just me, writing this down now. Hello.

    The movie itself featured something about a barbarian camp at night being invaded by women on horseback. Or maybe just a couple women. A small-scale invasion. I'm not sure what happened that was so violent.

    Dream - Volcano Nostalgia Blast
    I'm looking at a curly-haired toddler kid who's standing at the edge of this fricking lava stream. The point he's standing on is a sort of corner (from the lava's perspective), and he's definitely on the verge of falling in, but his parent, who's standing nearby, doesn't seem to care.

    Actually the parent is literally just recording the kid with his video camera, which is what I'm seeing. A really crappy home video. It's like I'm watching it online, and like I'm there, and like I'm the parent looking through the camera lens. So it's basically all of those things. My dream brain isn't great at perspectives but I love it anyway <3

    Anyway the kid kept performing this almost sort of childlike ritual, where he'd drop a ring that HE MADE (it looked fabulous, gold with a diamond on it, and he made it somehow I have no idea how it was a Dream Fact) into the lava, where it would sink. And he'd say something sad and regrettable about that. He seemed fairly like, distraught, and also very much in danger of falling right into the lava.

    The parent didn't seem to care about this possibility. He just kept recording what was going on, as though very dedicated to capturing his son's antics without interruption or disruption by himself. Really though, an interruption would've been just the thing in my opinion.

    The scene replayed a couple times, with the kid opening his grubby fist to drop the ring into the lava, where it would sink in a sort of non-violent kind of way, barely melting. As though it were simply disappearing into the lava. And the kid would rave about that in his childish way, and I'd be concerned for his safety, and then at one point he finally just fell right in. He dropped in like he was doing a pencil dive into a swimming pool, and pretty soon all you could see was his curly hair, and then nothing. Once again, the parent was just remarkably entirely not-the-least-bit upset.

    This was probably inspired by the fact that I listened to Gollum's song last night, for the first time in years. It's actually basically the end of Lord of the Rings III, come to think of it. THAT IS VERY, VERY STRANGE.

    Another part of the dream (I'm pretty sure) was watching the volcano that caused this lava stream erupt, and watching the glorious golden sparkling lava follow a sort of path down towards a village. There was an indentation down the side of the mountain that led to the village, because that was the path the villagers would use. It was sort of a perfectly rectangular channel, quite shallow, but the lava nevertheless followed it without overflowing.

    I distinctly remember walking up the path, only to see the lava coming my way, and quickly going back the other direction to find lava already down that way as well. Crazy stuff! I did a lot of running around and freaking out. Also it was night time or perhaps just incredibly smoggy, and the lava was quite bright and nice to look at. I wasn't super afraid of it either, which was nice. Lava used to be the stuff of nightmares for me, when I was a kid.

    Dream - Airplane Game => Infiltration Anime

    Alright so first off I was just watching my brother play this airplane game, where you were this chubby little bumblebee-shaped airplane flying over an ocean in a warzone. Your objective was to sneak past the battlefield without attracting the attention of other planes, because you didn't have ammo (you had to use cover a lot but I'm not sure what the cover was), grab up some ammo from behind enemy lines (two ammo bunkers), and then unload it on these two battleships that were side-by-side in the water (between the two ammo bunkers), apparently sitting targets for an airplane. Also there were these two walls, each between a battleship and an ammo bunker, so you could snatch up ammo in relative peace before curving overtop the wall and divebombing the battleship of your choice with bombs and machine guns. At this point, you'd be noticed by the enemy planes (also bumblebee-shaped, I think?), who would fly in, and it would become a battle mission instead of ... bumblebee stealth. So all in all it was a pretty neat game that I kinda wish existed IWL. OH WELL. Maybe someday.

    Anyway I watched him play and then gave it a shot myself, managing to sneak behind enemy lines, grabbing up as much ammo as I could in one go, and then going over the wall and trying to bomb the battleship closest to me. Once the enemy planes engaged, however, I got a bit distracted trying to shoot one down with machine gunnery, and yo it was pretty hard to aim.

    At some point I stopped being a plane and became a person, the ocean battlezone turned into an underground car garage sort of area, and the battleships stayed where they were. I didn't actually notice when all these changes occurred. I seriously have no idea, maybe the dream blacked me out or something. I should try to pay more attention to weird changes in dreams, amiright?

    Also there was a door and hallway that led to the first floor of the 1319 house somehow. So that was pretty neat! :3

    (Oh I could note that in recent dreams it's been relatively easy to see the connections between the dreams and recent real life experiences. I could do a ton of that, but last time I did that my dreams started to reflect reality more and more and that sucked. So nah.

    This has inspired my belief that the way you write your dreams down, and what you write down, goes on to affect your dreams in turn. So if you focus on the emotions, you'll start to be more invested emotionally in your dreams, and if you're struck by the details and note them down, it'll show in your dreams by them bein' more detailed, and if you start to notice logical discrepancies you'll notice 'em in your dreams as well. That's my theory~)

    Anyway the dream started to have another odd change. It was no longer about the game at all, the battleships weren't even relevant to anything anymore, and it even started to change so that I wasn't a central character, I was myself on the outside of the scenario, watching it as an anime with my boyfriend. But that change was more gradual, because when it started out I was totally a main character, even as the anime's side characters started to show up.

    So now the scenario was that I and my group were assassins or infiltrators trying to get into the 1319 house so we could take somebody out (not anyone in my family, although they were in the house as well). Unfortunately, we were pretty incompetent, so we couldn't figure out how to get past this one locked door. (I think, in the dream, I was sort of surprised by the fact that we hadn't planned for any locked doors.)

    Then a couple female cops showed up and started patrolling with guard dogs. I was surprised by another thing, which was that the dogs didn't sniff us out at all. Really, they didn't change anything.

    At this point I somehow managed to get right past the cops and up to the locked door, now expecting them to have left it open (even though that would've been awfully shoddy of them), and found that it was not simply unlocked but actually cracked slightly open. I ducked through and proceeded without stopping, trying to find a hiding place so that when the cops went back inside they wouldn't run into me. My plan was to head back later and open the door from the inside for my assassin buddies.

    The indoor bit looked like the first floor of the 1319 house, heading towards the kitchen. Neat.

    I saw white wooden closet doors to my left (all nostalgic with them wooden slats) and went in to find myself in an orange-lit concrete sort of machinery back room. I was a bit nervous about their being bugs, but I hid back there anyway. There was a sort of drop-off ledge thing (FRICKIN. ARCHITECTURE.), basically a drop in the floor by about two feet. I crouched down there, with some junk to either side of me, still worrying about/imagining a cricket or spider crawling up the wall. I also managed to control those thoughts, however. I think I didn't really want my expectations to start being self-fulfilling prophecies.

    At this point someone walked by the door outside, casting a bit of a shadow or somethin', and I crouched down against the ledge. It really hid me quite well. Also it was pretty nice and clear, semi-HD. Like, the feeling of crouching there was quite vivid.

    Then I heard (and sort of visualized) my Dad walking through the house calling to my sister. She responded from another floor, and he corrected his path.

    I think this is about the point the perspective started to shift from first person to me watching an anime with my boyfriend. I saw my character from outside, and saw he was a brown-skinned dude with orangeish curly hair, in sort of an anime style. He presumably let the rest of the assassins in, and they all proceeded to be ambushed by loads of police.

    At this point it was revealed that every assassin had some sort of communicator thing on one ear, which was actually controlling their actions and turning them into very professional robots. The police broke them (the communicators now had frayed wires sticking out the end), and at this point every one of the perhaps six or seven assassins was now bleeding from that side of their head. The police were saying that with the controllers broken, they'd be free to make their own decisions ... but judging by the looks on the assassins' faces, they still had every intention of carrying out their mission. Maybe the programming was more than skin-deep, or maybe the transistors hadn't been controlling their actions after all.


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    Updated 12-09-2015 at 10:27 PM by 39676

    non-lucid , memorable
