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    Morning - Non-lucid - War Games

    by , 02-24-2015 at 02:26 PM (439 Views)
    whoops I thought it'd been like two days since I updated this thing

    Dream: War is Hella
    aren't you proud of me for coming up with that awful title

    So the dream started off with some Dragon Ball Z shenanigans (I'm more of a Dragon Ball Z Abridged nerd myself). Sort of an apocalypse setting like History of Trunks (the only official DBZ thing I've seen), except Goku didn't die and it wasn't androids and Gohan was still a little kid.

    Goku flew off to get something done and when he got back Gohan was sitting on the ground glowering intensely and looking like he was about to cry. I completely misread the mood and pointed at him to someone else and went "Look at Gohan! " and they were like uhhhh... it might've been my sister.

    Next it turned out they were working on engineering something that would make them stronger. Goku had got what they needed so now it was up to Gohan to donate blood and he went ham on that. There were like, these odd needles with glowing blue orbs, and he had like 10 or 20 of them sticking out of him. The impression given was that he was stepping up to donate out of some kind of eagerness and sense of duty but also it seemed like everyone else was dead ?? and couldn't donate ?? so whatever ??

    Goku took the medicine or whatever and the two of them sparred and they just frickin vanished into speed lines. I was like :000 because it was the fastest (dream-canonically) they'd ever been.

    So that was cool. At that point I think they ceased to be relevant.

    Then it was time for some war shenanigans. Same apocalypse setting, we were in the city and buildings everywhere were empty and decrepit and enemy soldiers were flying in on these massive airships. I was my rad lucidnerd self, not totally consciously aware it was a dream but flying around exactly as if I were. Like it was second nature.

    So then I had a laser which I could point at explosives to make 'em blow up. I tried to use these as anti-air vs the airships but it didn't particularly work and they dropped loads of army men on me. Like the toys. Various sizes, all weak as kittens. I swept 'em off the ... bed I was on. I mean, I was on the roof of a building, but when they air-dropped it was suddenly a game of "get off my bed," so whatever.

    After sweeping those nerds I went back to playing with the laser, pointing it at some TNT that was strapped to a rundown building. It was just one corner of the building, 20 floors up, so when it blew up the building didn't collapse. Oh well.

    Next I started flying around and ended up on the roof of some building where a flag was supposed to be. It was like, get the flag and you get lots of points. Two other guys showed up, not related to each other but both seeking the flag. I got in a little pointless gunfight with one and the other nabbed it. Oh WELL.

    Then I was sneaking into the building we were on. It turned out to be a hideout for both soldiers and schoolchildren (!?!) as well as their teachers. I had fun wandering around, all psyched by the thought that if someone recognized me as an American they would all totally go after me. So that made just walking around there exciting.

    Then I ran into Ben, of all things, starring in the dream as an exhausted dirty soldier. I was like "Ben! " and then I was like wait maybe I shouldn't approach him. But it was sort of too late and I was like oh well.

    We hung out for a bit and then I wooooke uuuuuuuuuuuup.

    Y'know, I would almost call this "automatic lucidity" 'cause it's a cool name but too late, I already named it "low-level lucidity" last year.

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    Updated 12-09-2015 at 11:04 PM by 39676

