Bemistaken's Workbook
, 02-20-2015 at 03:58 AM (515 Views)
Date: 2/19/2015
Method: MILD & WBTB (along with ADA & RC/RRC)
Total sleep time: Did not go to bed until 5:00am, woke up at 7:30am, then went back to bed after getting something to eat at 8:45am. Slept until 1:00pm (ish)
Had two really vivid dreams...
Getting ready to go to a party or dance and was looking at my hair in the mirror. For a quick second, I did stare at the mirror because my hair was in a very different hairstyle than I usually wear it, but I did not question it so I didn't get lucid. I noticed something was growing out of my ear and I pulled on it and it came out looking like a capsule (the shape of a suppository). Once I yanked it out (Warning: this is going to be gross so now is your chance to leave) I started to taste this gross fluid from my ear drain in my mouth and down my throat . I spit the gross thick fluid out of my mouth and into the sink. It was this yellow green sticky looking stuff just plastered on the sink...gross. I finish playing with my hair and headed to the dance/party like nothing happened.
My husband was asking me what happened to some exercise weights I had and I told him they were in my gym bag. He was angry and told me not to move them out of our home gym.