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    Lyrics to Lunacy

    Welcome to my dream journal, Lyrics to Lunacy!
    Sadly, there will be minimal singing in this DJ. But there is one, actually. [Link]

    It will however, contain much excitement. This is probably because:
    -I read action books
    -I watch action movies
    -I play action games
    -I listen to action music
    -I try to make my environment as full of action as I possibly can, eating sandwiches is a seriously epic event for me.

    So naturally, my dreams tend to involve action, and I'll try to record my dreams as intense as my brain allows me. With luck, I will be able to inject large quantities of awesomeness into your eyeballs, and perhaps sometimes into your eardrums if you choose to listen to the action trailer-esque music I may occasionally link to to go with the writing.

    Dream goals:

    Summon a DC [ ]
    Complete a Dream Task of the Month [ ]
    Eat a really good cheese enchilada [ ]
    Recreate the world out of trampoline fabric [ ]
    Fly [X]
    Fly again [X]
    Fly yet another time [X]

    Current Main Technique: ADA, Freefall WILD

    1. A Polite Lucid Rampage

      by , 02-04-2012 at 08:19 PM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      I was watching curious George. I was George, apparently. Me and my chaperone walked into a bowling alley in what seemed to be some sort of square or park in an urban town.

      I was now myself. My chaperone turned into some scruffy convict-looking type wearing black and brown. We were sitting at a table inside of the bowling alley. He was looking at screen, it looked like a GPS on an iPad-like device. I was watching a red pulsing dot on the screen, over his shoulder. It was getting increasingly closer to our location.

      "Fuckers' trackin' us," My scruffy companion announced. They're tracking us? Seems more like the other way around.

      "Come on, we might be able to delay 'em." He says.

      I followed him out the door. It was evening now, and there was a man waiting for us on a long motorbike with some sort of cabin, it was like a cross between a mine cart and a motorcycle. He forced us in, and drove off, with a strange respect for the road laws, even though he looked like a gangster.

      "Best paying job yet," The driver commented. "CIA paid me six hundred million to get you guys, eh?"

      Half way to my house, I was transitioned to a van with my family in it. We were still going the same way.

      One long wait at a light later, we arrived at my house, with a government van behind us. We parked in the driveway, and my eyes rose to the sky, full of stars and still red from sunset. There was something weird about it. There seemed to be a giant planet in it. What planet, I wondered. I examined what I could see out of the windshield. It was earth, I noticed. I could just barely make out Mexico.

      I considered Earth for a moment. A bit odd, I thought. Is this a dream? No, it cant be... Oh, wait, except it is!
      I realized, and with the energy of sudden full lucidity, I burst out of the car door and ran around in my family's yard with my brother and father. I came across a mound of dirt that was not there in waking life, under a fully leafed tree, though it was winter.

      "Anchor dream," I cheered. My father snickered at this. I looked around the yard.

      I decided to run out into the road and talk to some DCs. It was suddenly morning. I saw several friends from my school roaming the streets. They didn't live here. I met a friend near a tree.

      "Hey, guess what?" I said.
      "I'm in a dream! But not in your head, my own, so it doesn't matter that I'm telling you this!" I laughed.
      They rolled their eyes.
      "Anchor dream!" I yelled at them. I then ran off down the road.

      The dream shifted into me standing in a line of students somewhere in the second level of my school. I was still lucid. I threw the assorted objects I had in my hand aside into assorted machinery, nobody cared but the guy behind me, be cause he was trying to steal some of it. I stood in line for a while until I figured something out.

      "Oh wait," I said. "Screw this. Anchor dream." I walked out of the line, around some machinery, and into the next room. A teacher had given me papers as I passed, I threw those aside, too. I scattered all over the left side of the next room, which was only storage. I proceeded.

      This room had three teachers trying to stop me inside. They were maneuvering around a pile of boxes.

      "Is there somebody you need to see?" One of them asked, still trying to get to me.
      "Nope," I pushed past them.

      I now came into a similar, but larger room. It had large windows for me to jump through, but before I could reach them I awoke suddenly, too awake to DEILD, but I felt satisfied.
    2. Bombs at School Induce Lulz

      by , 02-04-2012 at 08:14 PM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      I was at school, and everyone was gathered in the cafeteria. There were criminals holding the school for ransom. It was gloomy outside, dark rainclouds were gathered above the school, but withholding their rain.

      At some point a layer of roof slid away, revealing another identical layer, but with a bomb attached to it. Somehow, I went up to the ceiling twenty feet above me to examine it. Nobody cared. It was all black; even the wires. The actual bomb was just a black, rectangular box. I went back down. Still, nobody cared.

      One teacher that I vaguely remember seeing ever so often in the hallway approached me. I can't remember anything about them.

      He or she said something along the lines of, "Sneak outside, and alert a super-assassin-marine-with-amazing-skills about whats going on. And take these guns." He or she gave me five different types of guns. I noticed in them an SMG and a sniper longer than I was tall, for some reason decorated with desert camouflage. I managed to take them all, and casually went out the cafeteria door, carrying them with me. The marine-soldier-mabob was leaning against the corner of the cafeteria, equally casually. He was also, for some reason, wearing desert camo. I helped him get his gear on, and as I was doing this, I realized with amusement that the sniper was taller than him, too. I wondered why he would need a sniper.

      Once we were done with that, he went back in. I took shelter behind a random pile of rubble I found. I saw students and administrators looking through the window at me with confusion. I gestured for them to be quiet. After a while, the door opened, and the criminals, I saw, were put into potato sacks, two to a bag, and had to hop out with the marine thingamadoodad. They still didn't seem to care, and were glad to hop out. Then everybody lived happily ever after, the end.
    3. Dragons and Road Trips, but not at the ame time

      by , 02-04-2012 at 08:10 PM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      They're not at the ame time, but not at the same time, either. Also, massive DJ post wave incoming.

      Fragment one:

      It was daytime, and I seemed to be traveling on a highway, in a car either empty of full of people I didn't recognize. I was in the back. We, or I, was on a highway surrounded by pine trees. The light outside suggested that it was noon, I cant remember whether or not it was cloudy. I, or we, were driving under a suspension bridge, far to big for the highway. I remember thinking, 'I need to remember to have a lucid dream tonight.' My subconscious comes up with the most obnoxious irony.

      Fragment two:

      I was dreaming that I was in Skyrim, nothing new there. I was in a completely white town, almost at the top of a mountain. If you have seen Skyrim, you could probably imagine what it looks like.

      It looked like Dawnstar, but with a different layout. The village was then attacked by the Shatterer form Guild Wars 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUVLclPDCBE). Geez, I'm a nerd.

      Anyway, I dealt with that, I can't remember many details, but I won.
      Then another lame-looking dragon I didn't recognize with grayish skin attacked the just the village chapel, so I went in, and somehow dealt with it. It may have flown off.

      Then I walked around the town and did some stuff, talking to people who didn't seem to notice two giant dragons attacking their town. Typical game AI, I suppose.