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    Lyrics to Lunacy

    Welcome to my dream journal, Lyrics to Lunacy!
    Sadly, there will be minimal singing in this DJ. But there is one, actually. [Link]

    It will however, contain much excitement. This is probably because:
    -I read action books
    -I watch action movies
    -I play action games
    -I listen to action music
    -I try to make my environment as full of action as I possibly can, eating sandwiches is a seriously epic event for me.

    So naturally, my dreams tend to involve action, and I'll try to record my dreams as intense as my brain allows me. With luck, I will be able to inject large quantities of awesomeness into your eyeballs, and perhaps sometimes into your eardrums if you choose to listen to the action trailer-esque music I may occasionally link to to go with the writing.

    Dream goals:

    Summon a DC [ ]
    Complete a Dream Task of the Month [ ]
    Eat a really good cheese enchilada [ ]
    Recreate the world out of trampoline fabric [ ]
    Fly [X]
    Fly again [X]
    Fly yet another time [X]

    Current Main Technique: ADA, Freefall WILD

    1. Sort of Lucid Dream with Telepathic Narrators and Other Weird People

      by , 08-28-2011 at 05:23 PM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      So this first part was related to a book a was reading at the time. Just clearing that up.

      As we launched into outer space, with a brilliant, glowing blue curve of earth outside one window, claustrophobia engulfed me, I heard the narration say. Stupid telepathic narrator, I thought. Suddenly, the dream skipped, and we were on a collision course with earth, and I was outside of the space ship doing some kind of vital repair, but I lost my tools, so I went back to the ship, but my umbilicus snapped, and I was drifting off toward earth. Before I knew it, I had entered the thermosphere, and was burning up on entrance. Instead of struggling, I knew my momentum was to great to escape, so I accepted my death. It would be short. But as central Africa rushed up towards me, I my dream paused, then I viewed my body in third-person, my space suit was half dissolved and perhaps there mas some burning flesh, but on my vision was a 'Game Over' screen identical to the one in MC.

      But no, said the narration. You won't die, because you are in a dream, stupid.

      Then I may have woken up, or it may have been a false awakening, it was hard to tell, but I decided to try and pull a DEILD real fast. So I went back to sleep, it was easy, but I held on to one though; 'This is a dream'.

      I appeared on the patio of my house, and I was lucid. Hey, I thought. Lucid dream, it's about time. An assassin with some kind of rifle appeared about ten meters to the left of me, but as he took aim, I kicked him from a distance, in the stomach. Then I ran at a very fast rat down my driveway, thinking, Hmm. This probably won't last very long. So I rubbed my hands, all that jazz. But I stopped next to my dad's car, at the sight of an old lady, my instincts said she was important. She was watching me, from the other side of the street. I car passed, and she disappeared the fraction of a second I couldn't see her behind the car, and she reappeared five meters in front of me.

      "You shouldn't be able to do that." She rasped, obviously referring to how I air-kicked the assassin. She was wearing a black cloak and scarf. She seemed to have a rash on her face, it was covered in bumps. She had brownish blond hair, and pale blue eyes, that seemed metaphorically dark.

      "You shouldn't be able to do that," She said again, slowly moving towards me. I tried to fight, but she blocked all my throws. Not one of the best choices I could have made, I should have just flown away. Or atleast set my hands on fire.

      Other people appeared, and circled me, all slowly advancing. "You shouldn't be able to do that," They all said. I got the feeling they wanted me to wake up, or something bad would happen. So as they were almost on top of me, chanting, I woke myself up.

      I lay in my bed, first thought being, 'You freaking idiot.'
    2. One of my First Lucids, Includes Derranged Soil

      by , 08-28-2011 at 05:01 PM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      So this was probably one of my first Lucids, and I've only recently found it again. Here it goes;

      I wound up in the middle of my house's backyard, a big open area of grass, hardly any obstacles. Very big, and very flat. It was daytime.

      I haven't seen the few trees in this yard so healthy looking for a long time.
      I paused, and pondered the maple tree across from me a bit further.

      That's because, I thought, it is winter.

      So this is a dream, then. Great! I should fly. I've never flown before, I wonder what it will be like.

      I remembered the brief spark of lucidity I had about a month ago in one of my dreams. I was indoors and I tried to fly by smashing a hole in the ceiling. I hurt myself so much I woke up with a headache.

      So I should be more careful this time.

      When I fly, I thought, I will feel the wind brushing against me. I will hear the air resistance. I will see my surroundings as I am above them. I will smell and taste clean air. The climate will be a warm with a breeze. I fully believed myself, then I began focusing less on what I want it to feel like, and more on doing it. I was walking the perimeter of the fence, scanning for an open are to start flying. I found it momentarily. It was a somewhat narrow space between the side of my fence and the side of my white, crumbling shed. Narrow, but all I needed was forward room. I have never flown before, it was just instinct. I ran swiftly forward, arms sharp behind me in a 30 degree angle, as though cutting through air. As I ran I thought;

      Gravity does not exist in dreams. Not this one. Not in my dreams. I will not allow physics to restrain me, that would be for fail noobs, and since I'm a pr0 h4x0R I have full control over my dreams, especially with my temporarily acquired cocky gamer attitude. And I will make myself fly.

      I said this with full confidence and determination, especially after the last lucid dream. That one with me smashing my skull against the ceiling in attempt to fly. At this, I looked up. No ceiling. Perfect. One thing I might add; while I was thinking, my dream seemed to slow down. When I started focusing on flying, it was at correct speed again. Weird.

      I jumped, and I had my first successful flight. Sure enough, I felt what I expected to feel. I flew to the three fourths the height of my pecan tree. I flew above my puny one-floor house, and faced the street. Now I wanted to fly over the street. At the intersection of the street I live on, I saw a large pile of dirt. A random thought came to mind;

      It's a good thing I'm laying in bed.

      Then the weird parts happen. The dream starts to destabilize, then the pile of dirt started to... talk to me. It communicated using telepathy.

      "You are not in bed, child, you are really here. I waking life."

      Sleepwalking? Perhaps. Better safe than sorry, I thought. Then I purposefully awakened myself.
      I lay in bed. About six 'o' clock. No crossroads. That mean pile of dirt lied to me. I facepalmed myself for allowing myself to wake myself up, but I had a joyful feeling nevertheless.
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