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    1. Finally Floating!

      by , 02-21-2017 at 02:17 PM

      Asleep: 11:30
      WBTB: 5:30, 6:30, 7:00
      Awake: 7:55
      Techs: Autosuggestion, WBTB + MILD
      NLDs: 0
      Lucids: 2

      1. I woke up to my alarm at 6:30 and laid down. I didn't notice falling asleep. I'm laying in bed. I see an alarm clock on my nightstand that says it's 7:13. That's weird, because I feel like I just woke up to my 6:30 alarm a few minutes ago. But its happened before where you wake up and feel like you've just blinked and suddenly an hour has passed. So I reach over to grab my phone to turn off my 7:30 alarm. I press the 'home' button on my phone repeatedly but the screen won't turn on. That is weird. I do a nose-plug RC and become lucid. Instantly, I start floating up toward the ceiling! I will myself to stop before I go through the ceiling. While floating, I remember FryingMan's advice to pat down my body. I start at my chest and go down. Then I rub my hands together. The feeling is different than waking life. Very rough, almost like sand paper. Then I will myself to float out of the bedroom and down the hall. There is a bathroom that I float into. Then I turn around and float down the hall some more. Then I wake up.

      2. I'm on a bus sitting next to one of my co-workers. I think we are driving back to school/dorms but I'm not sure. I hear two girls in the seats in front of us talking about one of my other co-workers stand-up comedy routine that they are listening to on their phone/ipod. This co-worker doesn't do stand-up IWL but is really funny. At some point, I do a nose-plug RC. I don't know why, I can't remember anything causing me to. I can breathe slightly through plugged nose, but I'm so convinced that I'm awake that I don't believe it. I do the action several more times, struggling harder each time to successfully close off my nostrils. I keep thinking that I'm somehow not pinching my nose all the way shut. But after all that, I can still breathe. I'm becoming VERY suspicious that I'm dreaming. I look at my hands. There's no doubt now. I'm lucid. My hands are mutated and fingers are missing. Just for fun, I see if I can count my fingers. I can; I count 4 on one hand with one finger missing. I remember someone on DV saying that as they counted their fingers, an extra finger would grow. As soon as I thought that, instantly another finger started to grow. Anyways, I look to my left and now I'm sitting next to T instead of my co-worker. We start to kiss and the bus pulls up to wherever we're going. I want to have sex right there, but I guess I'm still a little shy about doing that on a crowded bus. I remember thinking how weirdly quiet/silent it was as we were getting off the bus. As though I would have to consciously put effort into creating the appropriate sounds for this mental model. And I also felt some sort of pain in my mouth that I told myself I would ask about on DV later. As I was walking off the bus, I woke up.

      I laid completely still as I was exiting the dream and found myself in bed on my side. I didn't move, and after 20 seconds it felt as if my legs had shifted position even though I didn't move them. Then I felt pulsing/vibrating as well as a "rigidity" that I associate with SP. I got freaked out and broke it then did a RC and confirmed I was truly awake.

      Notes - I was very tired after not getting as much sleep last night due to insomnia. I slept VERY deeply, and didn't wake up till T left for work at 5:30. I went instantly right back to sleep and woke up to my alarm at 6:30. All I did was repeat my MILD mantra, "I want to remember to recognize when I'm dreaming" a few times before falling asleep. That is when I had the 1st lucid. After the 1st one, I repeated the same mantra and visualized the 1st lucid several times. Then went back to sleep and had the 2nd.
      lucid , memorable