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    Toy Bear Show

    by , 11-10-2013 at 07:21 PM (441 Views)
    Original entry dated Feb. 12th, 2002:

    Last night, I had a dream that by going into womens' bathrooms and walking through a certain special wall in a particular stall, I could reach a magical alternate dimension where witches and warlocks and stuff hung out. I also collected stuffed animals as a hobby, but that was a relatively minor part of the dream.

    Original journal entry dated Feb. 16th, 2002:

    I had a dream a while ago that there were two villages of little toy-people. Like teddy-bears and stuff. There was a little village at the bottom of a tree, and a little village on a branch of the tree. The village at the bottom of the tree sent a scout up the tree to ask the village up there why they never came down to visit. When the scout got there, he found out that the reason was because they couldn't get down. All of the different villagers had little quirks - like one was always rollerskating, and another one watched a lot of Sesame Street. The scout showed them how to get down - just jump off the branch. The problem was, he had a parachute - and they didn't. So they all broke into little pieces when they hit the ground, and had to reassemble themselves.
    So one of them was, like, half of a rabbit and half of a rollerskate, and another one had a TV instead of a torso, and one had two heads, and I think two of the others were joined by a slinky thing, and one of them had heads for his feet...

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