False Awakening
--- Set: Tomb Raider world, my apartment Characters: Robert Downey Jr., Lara Croft Lucidity: None, but experienced a false awakening My girlfriend K woke up at 6:30 to go to work, and kept me awake for an hour or so. After she was gone, I was lying in bed thinking about OpheliaBlue's dream I read about the day before, it was a hot sex dream she had using WILD after waking up in the morning. I wanted to try it out, so I started thinking about making love with my girlfriend on a beach. I was still sleepy so it was easy to focus on that and not the noise and light around me. For some reason, my mind drifted towards a fantasy I had when I was a kid, about Lara Croft on a beach (don't judge me haha), but still with K instead of Lara. Next thing I know I am in a dream, in a world that looks a lot like a video game. There are green hills around me, and some ancient monuments made of gold and diamonds. It's a beautiful sight. There's a bunch of items here and there (medikits, save crystals…) that shine and rotate like in a video game. I have a mission, I am supposed to go to a city and find the tesseract. The city is very pretty as well, it kinda looks like the university in Final Fantasy 8, with a lot of gold everywhere. I have no control over my actions, and it frustrates me that I don't pick up all the items, like I usually do in video games. Before I have a chance to explore the city or complete my mission, the dream ends. I wake up in my apartment, I get up and realize with horror that the living room is a mess, which is terrible because we're moving out soon and the realtor is coming today with people to visit the apartment (that's for real). There are clothes and dishes everywhere, the floor is filthy and there's food all over the place. I start to panic because I don't have time to take care of this, I'm already late for work, and I have to write down my dream which I remember perfectly and do my workout. I try to calm down and think about the dream. After that I'm in the dreamworld again, but with a different point of view. I can see myself from the first dream, in third person view. My character looks a lot like Robert Downey Jr. with a classy striped suit. I realize now that he is evil and that he wants the tesseract to control the world. I have to stop him. This time around, I am Lara Croft (I am not at all obsessed with her, but apparently my mind is…). I run as fast as I can to the city before Robert gets there… But it's too late, he has found the tesseract and rules the world now. The beautiful golden towers around me are flooded with liquid concrete, which turns them into grey skyscrapers. It's not sunny anymore and things are falling apart… This time I wake up for real, I am actually late for work, but there's no mess in the apartment, phew!