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    Captain's freaky mind

    How I scared an innocent family

    by , 07-03-2012 at 04:00 PM (625 Views)

    Set: Some house allegedly around San Jose
    Characters: Pam from True Blood, a guy in charge of my sleep, his family
    Lucidity: None, but some awareness of incoherences and a great amount of details

    It's a dark and cloudy day, and I'm driving on a straight road that stretches indefinitely through a sad and deserted countryside. Although it doesn't look anything like the Silicon Valley, I'm convinced that I'm driving from San Jose to San Francisco. There is nothing but Japanese/Korean economy cars on this road, and I remember thinking something like "Dear Americans, what happened to being proud of driving an oversized fancy-looking ride? Is this France or what?". The scenery is downright depressing.

    I proceed towards a house that looks like a British cottage. Someone is there waiting for me. It's Pam from True Blood, she looks evil and determined. She talks about the man living in the house, she despises him and his hillbilly family. He is apparently in charge of my sleep, whatever that means. She shows me graphs of my sleep cycles, which look accurate according to what I've been reading on this website, and then with a smirk shows me a graph of the guy's sleep cycles, which are terrible, as if he was awaken every 10 minutes throughout the night. This pleases her, and now she wants me to observe him through a window, at the back of the house.

    The inside of the house is very poorly furnished, the entire ground floor is just one room with a beat up couch, an old TV, an open kitchen and wooden stairs going up. The man is arguing with his son, who is having three friends over. The mother is sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor and looks like a hobo. The kids turn on the TV and a PlayStation 2 with grey controllers, but the image is monochrome green and they look disappointed. The dad sits down on the floor next to the TV, looking depressed.

    I am now one of the kids and I can see my old self coming into the room, he looks menacing and powerful. The dad offers him a drink, he looks obviously scared as he pours transparent liquids from several different bottles into a tall glass. My old self throws the glass at him and spills its contents all over his face, saying he wants to teach him a lesson. We run upstairs and try to think of something we could use as a weapon… This is exciting and scary at the same time. Hand mixers appear in our hands, with little cranks that make them spin. We duel a little bit with our new toys, and run downstairs to try to scare the enemy, but he has a hand mixer too and plays with us, nothing is scary or depressing anymore.

    All this excitement wakes me up.
    WatcherWorks likes this.

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    non-lucid , memorable


    1. Caenis's Avatar
      Reading a lot on this site has influenced your dreams! That's a good start.

      That's interesting that your perspective changed, and yet your dream body was still there interacting with the family. Is that common for you?
    2. CaptainCrounche's Avatar
      This is definitely not the first time this happens.

      I don't exactly see myself coming out of a body and entering another, and I don't even notice a change in my appearance, it's more of an overall impression of my role in the story. In this case I knew there was someone evil entering the house, and innocent people being scared, and I clearly was one of the scared ones.
      This makes me realize, I notice a great deal of details in the objects and places around me, but not the people, that may be why they're so "interchangeable". Is it the same for you?