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    1. Mario( video game character)

      by , 03-01-2014 at 02:24 PM
      This is just a little fragment I remember.

      I was walking into a field/ park( with that green chain link fence) and I saw Mario( the Video game character). I was supposed to distract him, although at the time I didn't know it. I went over to talk to him and we decided in a challenge to climb trees to reach a person. As we got to the trees I distinctly remember commenting that the trees were poplar and I touched the bark. Mario agreed and we began to climb. I beat him to the top and there was a man and I grabbed him.
      Then I was in a comic store and the male cashier showed me a message from my three sisters and a guy and they were drunk. And then I chose toothpaste from the glass case. There was two kinds but one was actually acid. It was like a trick but I decided on the first one and the man got it for me and brushed his own teeth. I kept hearing bubbling noises but it I had chosen the non acid toothpaste. Then the man told me that a series of events could have been avoided if I hadn't taken so long with Mario. I was like, "of course if I has just given him cheese". And then I saw a scene of Mario eating cheese.