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    Here be dragons

    Thanksgiving mishaps

    by , 11-29-2015 at 06:19 PM (569 Views)
    A flying dream. Haven't had one of those in a while.

    I'm flying in a overcast sky, with green rolling hills under me. I'm flapping my arms but it feels wrong and clumsy. Slowly it's like my joints move and change, and I feels like my arms turned to wings, and I can feels the movement of the new joints and muscles, I soar up again, lifted by the wind. I reach a house on a bigger hill, with a circonvoluted garden full of nooks and cranies and tiny ponds and waterfalls. It starts raining and I fly inside before my wings turn back to arms. There's friends of mine in there, and I meet up with them. The house is old and musty, strangely elongated with narrow corridor but very high ceiling and windows. We have to swich in light as the outside is dark with the storm. The wooden floor creaks. The rain stops, and we go out to steal something from a bad man. We go inside his tower and climb inside a lift. The bad man sabordage it and it start to fall. I crawl out of it to reach a button that will stop the fall, and as I reach it I tell my friend to jump to cushion the fall. I slam the button and feel the pecuniar sensation in the pit of my stomach that happen when a lift stop suddently, and I'm lifted of the ground for a second. My friends and me run out, fightinh our way through bad guys. I'm carrying a hammer, but my blow are so weak I can't seem to hurt my opponent, and my friends have to save me a couple of time. I reach the bad man owning the place and jump on his back.
    Spoiler for stop! hammertime:

    After that we go in a restaurant and we are served a big roasted turkey. I get some breast, golden crispy skin, juicy with meat over thin ribs bones. I bite through it, bones and all. It's hot, juicy, savory and salty. I have no trouble eating the bones; it had a nice crunch to it and a lot of flavor. The meat itself is melt in your mouth tender.
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    1. MeohMyoh's Avatar
      So you have a strong constitution, right no better way to celebrate a battle fought and won. (Little J says you should go back and make sure hes dead, she doesnt mind gory stuff).
    2. Milly's Avatar
      Well, Eli does say that I'm gnarling on things like a dog on bones, so this was bound to happen :p Don't worry little J, next time I meet up with a bad guy, I'll cut his head off. Problem solved!
      MeohMyoh likes this.