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    First LUCID FOR MJN :)

    by , 05-13-2011 at 10:34 AM (591 Views)
    Pre Dream: I happen to wake up at 2 am and tossed and turned and couldn't sleep so i stayed up for about 20 min.. watching family guy on tv. So i started to get tired and then i was like okay time to sleep im tired...

    Sleep time: around like 2:30 ish maybe idk dont remember....

    Lucid Dream: 1:
    I've offered to go fill my sisters car up with gas and so i leave my house at around 6 p.m. on w/e day... as i was driving I felt vary tired and found myself driving into the downtown area and i was like wait why am i going to enter the freeway. I soon swerve off and find my way to the gas station. Soon a chapter of my dream is gone and i find myself in a room maybe in a hot tub but I'm not sure... I remember seeing my friend John and Ali. I started to have a normal conversation with my buddy John and all of a sudden i started to slur my words as if i was drunk. He soon asks me are you dreaming Matt (xXMjn9311Xx) and I was kinda shocked he said that. because in reality this world felt real as shit , no ifs ands or butts , it felt fucking real. So in my dream thoughts I told myself fuck it, if I'm dreaming we will see after these reality checks. I found the nearest light switch and flipped it on and off and the light worked like it would in normal life. So then i looked at my fingers and one of them looked chopped off... more like a knuckle/nub.. LOL. I soon begin to be amazed and shocked because this "Dream World" felt real as day... I don't remember walking in the dream.. just visual imaging... I closed my eyes because fear had set over me and i felt like I was falling... I closed my eyes and i was like PLEASE GOD HELP ME WAKE UP... I said this for over 30 seconds in the dream world then i jerked my eyes around and then my body in the dream... I soon woke up amazed how i woke myself up with no alarm clock :O sooo i was like OMFG my first lucid dream............... then after 15 min of writing in my dream journal i was like wow wtf that was dumb i wish i would have calmed down...

    Wake time: 4:00 A.M. U.S. central time on Friday the 13th! 2011 :O

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    1. sketchasketch's Avatar
      I've done that. It stinks... but you just gotta work on composure. Understand that everything that happens in there is controlled by YOU, and you can't get hurt.
    2. xXMjn9311Xx's Avatar
      Thanks man =)