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    Legolas is Megan Fox and Apparently I'm a Hobbit

    by , 06-25-2013 at 03:27 PM (787 Views)
    I've been trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to incubate a Loki dream for a while now. I thought I'd try something different for a change... working WITH my Subconscious, which seems to have very different tastes than I do. For many years, I had a certain semi-annual erotic dream about Orlando Bloom...even though I'm not really (consciously) into the guy.

    So, I wanted to see if I'd be more successful incubating a Legolas dream. To do this, I've decided to watch the LOTR movies over a course of three evenings -- last night I watched the Two Towers -- while telling myself, every time Legolas comes on-screen, that I'll dream about him. Here's the first result:

    Bedtime: 11:50
    WBTB: 5:00 (failed)
    Aids: B-complex
    Recall: Low
    Vividness: Low
    Lucidity: None
    Awesome Factor: Low

    Legolas was hugging me (to celebrate our relationship), but throughout some of it he was Megan Fox. I only reached up to his/her waist, and we laughed about that. Secretly, though, I was devastated that it couldn't possibly work, as I was just too damn short! I wondered if I could grow taller if I focused on it.

    (Not sure if this is the same dream) We were on board some kind of ship. Water was leaking through, but it was supposedly being controlled by some contraption (that wouldn't, or at least I didn't believe would work for long). I saw an image of water rushing through this thing. The water was very clear. I think Legolas might have been in this dream, hence my suspicion that it's another fragment of the above.
    CanisLucidus and reveriemyst like this.

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    Updated 06-25-2013 at 03:32 PM by 63380



    1. reveriemyst's Avatar
      Hey! That sounds like some success to me. You were concentrating on having dreams about Orlando Bloom, and you did!

      I know when I got into a Supernatural kick, I was having dreams about Sam and Dean all the time.

      I hope your success continues, with Loki dreams as well.
      LadyLoki likes this.
    2. LadyLoki's Avatar
      It's curious how some people/things make it into our dreams so easily, while others don't. I often tend to dream of people who posted on Facebook, LOL.

      I don't recall ever dreaming of the Supernatural guys while I was watching it, but I often had Vampire Diaries-inspired dreams, with people's eyes becoming weird, like the vampires before they bite.
    3. reveriemyst's Avatar
      It is kind of odd. There are people I see almost everyday and I rarely have dreams about them, and then there are people I see very rarely and have dreams pretty often about them.

      Did you have dreams about the Vampire Diaries characters? Or just the aspect of their eyes?
    4. LadyLoki's Avatar
      Did you have dreams about the Vampire Diaries characters? Or just the aspect of their eyes?
      No, just the eye thing. It's too bad... I wouldn't mind dreaming of Damon.