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    9/1 | First time using powers

    by , 09-01-2014 at 05:33 PM (718 Views)
    I started off in my car where I realized I was dreaming. I got out and immediately felt the sun's warmth on my skin. I then stabilized by touching the road and looked at my hands only to see a ton of little indents from the pavement. I noticed I only had 2 fingers so I looked at my other hand and it had 4 I believe. I started at my hands until they look normal (In the dream I thought that when my hands looked normal that I was fully stabilized).

    A guy then pulls a gun on me but doesn't shoot, he puts it away then pulls it back out again. I do some Dragonball Z hand shit and make him fly about 30 ft away from me. I then tried to set the grass on fire, and it worked. It was awesome. The dream ended shortly after since I always seem to become aware when my dreams are becoming close to ending.

    Time fell asleep : 11pm - 12am
    Time awoken from lucid : 7am
    Before bed : Had tv on until asleep, fell asleep on my right side, 40-50mg diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
    2 day LD streak now.
    JadeGreen likes this.

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    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Sounds intense! Good job setting the grass on fire. It would take a lot of effort for me to do something like that.
    2. n00bf0rlyf3's Avatar
      Sounds intense! Good job setting the grass on fire. It would take a lot of effort for me to do something like that.

      Thanks! It was awesome doing something like that for a first time.