• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Inner Sanctum

    I started researching and practicing lucid dreaming at one point before, but i lost interest. I'm trying to get back into it now, and i'll probably need all the help i can get. Seeing as how, most people are oblivious to our ability to lucid dream. So the only advice or speculation i'll receive is from the people on this site. Welcome to my mind.

    1. Vacant Miami

      by , 01-21-2012 at 07:39 PM (Inner Sanctum)
      It started with me and two of my friends on the beach. Which is unusual, because i don't like the beach. Then we walked onto this little gazebo that was set up in the middle of the beach. The "house" resembled the porch behind my house. All i remember is that we were outside hanging out, then all of the sudden it was like we had to leave really quick. And we scrambled to get our stuff and took off, but i ran back and turned off the light because i thought someone would see and they'd know we were there...

      Then we ran up this set of stairs that led away from the beach and into this neighborhood. The neighborhood was full of tall buildings and condos. Seemed like we were in Miami, but no one was in the street except for us.

      Then the dream ended...

      Updated 01-25-2012 at 06:42 AM by 43290

    2. Bikers and Bladers

      by , 01-21-2012 at 07:18 PM (Inner Sanctum)
      The dream started with a third person view of some crazy looking car speeding down the highway with 2 roller bladers and 2 bmx bikers holding on to it. Then all of the sudden i wasn't observing anymore and i was one of the bikers. We just kept speeding down the highway for a while, then my point of view changed again. This time it was like i was the driver, and once i was driving i took some crazy turns and somehow ended up on some back road by a river....

      The bikers and bladers started screaming at me.

      "What are you doing, bro?!"
      "What the fuck!"

      Then i took another turn, because i saw some other road that we could go down. As i sped down that road, the bikers and bladers began to fade away, and it was like the dream was falling apart and starting a new one...

      The "new" dream, was me climbing some house. I just kept climbing and climbing, as if the house had more than one roof or something. I started to feel like something was stopping me from reaching the top. Then at one point, i just lied down on the roof and gave up....
    3. No Dreams -_-

      by , 01-21-2012 at 07:36 AM (Inner Sanctum)
      I didn't remember ANY of my dreams from last night, and that's the first time that's happened in a while. Especially since i've gotten back into trying to lucid dream . But i know that the more you think about and interact with thoughts of lucid dreaming the more it'll become subconscious(at least that's what research tells me..). So i'm going to try and have a log in my DJ everyday even if it's not recalling a specific dream...

      If you have any tips or suggestions on how to become better at lucid dreaming, leave em' in the comments!
      It'd be greatly appreciated!

      Get Well Soon, Lost Soul!-images-1-.jpg
    4. The Mall

      by , 01-19-2012 at 08:06 PM (Inner Sanctum)
      It started with me walking through the mall, the one in my hometown. I was by myself, but i got a phone call from a friend who lives in another state.

      "Hey where you at?"

      "I'm in the mall, on the side with the food court"

      "Okay, i'll be over there in a second"

      So i just kind of wandered around on that side of the mall until i saw him coming towards me. Then i walked over to him, and we shook hands and started walking to the other side of the mall. We just kept walking and talking. I remember him wanting to go into Hot Topic, which threw me off a little, because he wouldn't shop in a store like that. Then we just kept walking, and i remember seeing this line of people waiting for something in the middle of the mall. The line lead nowhere, they were just lined up in those dividers for lines they use in fast food restaurants.

      I got in line, and once i was in line it was like my friend who i met up with was gone. But i didn't think anything of it, i just stood there in line. Then i saw another one of my friends from high school walking towards the line. He was with a few people, i wasn't sure if i knew them or not. Maybe they were just DC's. He walked up to me and shook my hand, and then we started talking.

      "Hey what you doin' in here?"

      "Just standing in line."

      What should have threw me off was the fact that he had on a shirt from my university, and he's not even in college. He said something about being on the football team and the people that were with him were also. I asked him how'd he get into my school, because i remember him not giving a fuck about his grades....

      "Man, i had straight A's my senior year, so they let me in. Now i'm on the football team."

      At this point i was really thrown off and thinking to myself...
      "This muthafucka did NOT have no damn straight A's...and he damn sure not good enough to be on our college team..wtf..."

      So i did a quick RC, i plugged my nose and i was still breathing. Between that, and all the other dream signs i should've become lucid. But i didn't, i just remember still standing there in line until the dream ended....
    5. School Fire/ Shootout

      by , 01-18-2012 at 02:58 AM (Inner Sanctum)
      This dream was like a mixture of non-lucid, and lucid. At times i felt like i was in control in other times i felt like i was just observing, and not actually experiencing. And that's probably due to being a rookie at lucid dreaming.

      I was in class, and the fire alarm went off. Of course, everyone jumped up and ran outside. One of the parts that really stood out to me was the fact that some people in my class went and used the elevator, and everyone knows you're supposed to use the stairs during a fire.

      I was actually walking with them when they were going to the elevator, and by the time i realized how stupid that was, they were already in it and the door was about to close. I was telling them that they shouldn't use it, but they didn't listen. Then my professor came walking up all slow, (like some cliche movie fire scene) and said "there's a girl trapped in the fire!"...

      Nobody cared except me, they all just shrugged their shoulders and went down on the elevator. Me and my professor ran to help the girl that was trapped, i don't really remember how we got her out or how we even made it over to her. Almost like the dream faded out...
      When it "faded in" we were outside and i was carrying the girl over my shoulder (she was unconscious), and we were crouched behind some exploded, still burning truck. People were shooting at us from the other side. Why? I have no clue...

      My professor and i didn't know what to do, so we kind of just stayed there and took cover. But then i got sick of it, and all of a sudden i had a burst of courage or something...I jumped out from the truck and pulled out two pistols and just started picking off all of the guys that were shooting at us. (That part felt very controlled, i think i was lucid at this point.) After i went Rambo on everyone, i started to realize how bizarre the dream was, and also that i was lucid, and of course...i got excited, and woke up -_-.
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. New Roommate

      by , 01-18-2012 at 02:40 AM (Inner Sanctum)
      My roommate recently moved out, and i had an odd dream about a "new roommate"...

      I came back to my place(From where? I'm not sure.), and my "new roommate" was moving in and unpacking his things. Something about him was very familiar, yet, I've never seen him before in my life. I don't remember talking to him at my place, but then things kind of faded out...

      The next part of the dream i remember, was me at a park on the water, in my hometown. I got out of the car and started walking towards the pier with the gazebo at the end where i usually sit out and just chill, and listen to music.
      "Get rich quick" scheme-14553575.jpg

      For some reason, my "new roommate" was there at the gazebo...swimming, in a hole in the gazebo...
      This threw me off really hard in the dream because there's no hole in the gazebo lol.
      I asked him what he was doing, and he said, just enjoying the water. That last thing i remember from the dream, was just looking at him like he was insane.

      Updated 01-24-2012 at 08:06 AM by 43290

    7. I Wouldn't Take Your Money Like That

      by , 01-18-2012 at 02:38 AM (Inner Sanctum)
      The dream started in my mothers walk in closet, and i was going through all of my parents money. Then i started singing some dumb song that went like...

      "Singin' a Drake song, need doobies to get boobies! Singin' a Drake song, need doobies to get boobies!"
      (Why? I have no clue. And for some reason, my subconscious made a connection with that song and Family Guy. Because i remember thinking about Family Guy when i was singing it, as if it had came from the show.)

      Then i went to my sisters room and started singing the song and making dumb faces. She laughed at me, then got up and followed me back to my parents closet where i was going through the money putting it in a different container. And i kept thinking that the money i was taking was going to help me with some future endeavor.

      Then my parents called my sisters name, i had no clue where they came from. My sister took the box of money and put it away, then called back to them. By the time she answered, they were already over to where we were.

      They started screaming at me, and asking where the money was. I just kept responding that i didn't know what they were talking about. My dad rushed to my room, and looked under my bed and found a small box where i had been keeping saved money. It wasn't money that was stolen...

      My dad grabbed me by my shirt, and started screaming and yelling at me, saying that the money in the box was stolen. Then all of the sudden he smiled and said...

      "I wouldn't take your money like that."

      And just started laughing his ass off..... -_-

      I said "Man, don't play with me like that!"

      Then i woke up....

      Updated 01-19-2012 at 07:54 AM by 43290

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