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    A Nap And A Murder

    by , 01-24-2012 at 08:03 AM (438 Views)
    So, a few nights ago, i had my first lucid dream (Lucid Assassin) since i lost interest in LD. Which was about a year ago. But last night, i tossed and turned because i was stressed over a few things. So i didn't remember any of those dreams. Consequently making me sleepy all day today, so i took a nap after class...

    The dream started with me and a few people i didn't recognize hanging out on our college campus. In the dream, i knew that i was on "campus", but after i woke up i realized that where ever i was it wasn't my university. But anyway, we were all hanging out and then all of a sudden we saw these guys huddled up on this hill far away from us. They were far enough to where we couldn't make out faces, but close enough to see skin color, clothes, and hear them yelling. It sounded like they were fighting about something, and then it looked like they got into an actual fistfight. We all kept watching and we were speculating on what was going on. Then i got this feeling, or thought that one of them was going to pull out a gun. And the thought felt more like a vision, like i was 100% sure that it was going to happen. As it soon as i had that thought, one of them stepped back, pulled out a gun, and shot one of the other guys about 3 times or so.

    As soon as we witnessed it, one of the guys i was hanging out with jumped up and pulled out a gun, but he didn't shoot at anyone...he was just pacing back and forth and waving it around angrily, like it was his friend that got shot and he was trying to stop himself from going out there and returning fire. I started walking away, because i figured the cops were gonna come, and i try my best to avoid pigs.

    As i began to walk away, the dream became more third person, i noticed what i was wearing as if i was watching a video of myself. Then i looked back and i saw the guy with the gun, and his friend walking away from where we were hanging out. He was still flailing the gun around. I also noticed that the guy with the gun had on a grey denim jacket, and had really long dreads. He looked familiar, but i couldn't put a finger on it.

    I started walking towards this neighborhood, i don't why. But in the dream there was this force that kept telling me to walk over there. I could see it clearly but the more i walked towards it the darker it got outside. When i got into the neighborhood i walked in between these two houses that had Rottweilers and Pitbulls chained up in the backyard. That kind of deterred me for a minute, but then i kept walking. As i got closer to the place i was trying to go, something told me to turn around and head back. So i did...and as i was walking back, one of the guys i was hanging out with from before yelled something to me as he was running in the direction i just left. I yelled something back to him, but i don't remember what it was. Then someone on a porch of one of the houses i was walking by told me to leave the neighborhood. I was already doing that, so i just ignored them...

    I just kept walking until i woke up...

    After i woke up, i couldn't help but try and make sense of that dream. I'm a very analytical person, and the first thing that came to mind when trying to break this dream down was my relationship with my father. He's always "been there" in my life, but we don't really get along. And recently i've been going through a lot of things. Mainly just dealing with some inner battles, like anyone would be at this time in their life. But because we don't really get along, we've never talked about it and he doesn't understand me. So, the only link i could make with my subconscious, conscious, and this dream is that the fight ("battle") i witnessed was really my own inner battle. The guy who pulled out the gun next to me and was waving it around angrily symbolizes my dad. Because he wanted to help the guy in the "battle" but he was too far away...

    Then me walking off to that neighborhood, is me handling the situation how i handle most situations. And that's to handle it by myself, and just think it through in isolation.....

    I don't know though, just a thought. Leave some comments if this was interesting to you, or if you have some other analysis.

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    non-lucid , memorable
