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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Summoning Bartimaeus-Two Mini LD's

      by , 10-01-2015 at 04:32 PM
      I had two very short LD's last night attempting to summon a favorite character from a book series I read called the Bartimaeus Trilogy. For the past few days, I've been telling myself that I was going to summon Bartimaeus as a character next time I LD. I've been looking at potential photos, trying to really get the image down in my mind.

      The first dream, I can't remember the story leading up to the LD, but I do remember walking down this dark road in a forest, I was trying to fly, or take off flying, but then I suddenly realized that I was dreaming and instantly I start doing a little happy dance like, "Score!" (I'm super excited about this btw! Ever since I began making this a focus, I've been LD'ing more often, which was my goal). So, I remember that I'm supposed to focus on Bartimaeus and I'm trying to picture him coming down the road, while I'm hovering above ground on a...towel. But he doesn't show up. I immediately loose control of the dream and right before I wake up, I have a short dream fragment of me flying in the air with Bartimaeus next to me in the form of a cicada.

      Hey I'm new.-bartimaeus-cicada.jpg

      I had several dream fragments in between, nothing memorable. At one point, I woke up and rolled over to my side facing the window and I enter into a nonlucid false awakening. I opened my eyes and looked out this small window of light surrounded by darkness and in the window, all I could see was a tree branch surrounded by daylight, so I thought it was time to get up and start my day. I put some shoes on and grab a bicycle and start pedaling down the road, but it wasn't my usual road. It was the route I used to take to school back when I was a kid living with my parents.

      So, I'm pedaling to the nearby woodsy park and I'm biking around this family who'd stopped to take a picture of themselves. It was an elderly couple with a child and a college-age red-head, daughter. So, I'm pedaling past them, but the daughter is running to keep up with me. I turn back behind me for some reason and I see the rest of the family collapsed on the ground. So, I run back thinking they're dead or fainted, and I call after the red-head girl, who turns out to be Lindsay Lohan, to notify her of her fallen family, and she says, "Aw, man! My alarm clocks are broken again!"

      I was so confused. "Alarm clocks?" I asked. She said, "Yeah, they're not dead. Those are mechanical people." So, I'm helping Lindsay carry these "alarm clocks" back to my house so she can get them repaired. As we're hauling these mechanical people up the road, I call my Granny P (ha! remember her from the last dream?) and let her know what's going on. I even call my mom she knows to expect me and Lindsay carrying these bodies up the road.

      The road we're going up is called Haltom Rd. Along Haltom Rd, are brick walls that separate the street from people's back yards. Lindsay and I pass by this area on the ground where there was a ton of different fruits: strawberries, oranges, apples, grapes, fruit of all different colors. So, I tell Lindsay that we can't pass up this opportunity! That we've got to take this home. Just wash them in the sink and they'll be good to go! So, we start collecting all this fruit in our shirts and these random bowls that appear out of nowhere. (Don't know where the mechanical people went.) All of a sudden, one of the brick walls open up like a door and some Willy Wonka looking man steps out, accusing us of stealing his fruit. Lindsay and I look at each other, drop the fruit, and run.

      So, this strange man and some of his goons are chasing us down the street. I turn a corner to try to loose them, which I did, but all of a sudden, I was lost. I could not figure out where I was on a map; nothing looked familiar to me, but everything was detailed and vivid. Then, I suddenly realize that I'm dreaming! "Yes! Score! Twice in one night!" I think to myself. So, I try to summon Bartimaeus again. I sat down on this grassy area and watched the road like a hawk, waiting for him to appear. But he walked up behind me with some other young boys and sat down in the grass in front of me. For a second I wasn't sure if it was him or not because the "handsome youth" form I'd been focusing on was a little distorted, but then I asked, "Is this the best that you can do?"

      "Yep," he said. And I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. Cherry Blossoms, "Let's Experiment with Pain." -Lucid, FA/Lucid/Nightmare

      by , 09-28-2015 at 11:28 AM
      Ok, so I'm pretty pissed at my last dream that I had, so much that I forced myself to wake up, but I want to write all of these down before I forgot and I need someone to help explaining how this could happen, please!!

      Dream #1-Cherry Blossoms (Lucid)

      I can barely remember how it started. I just remember being in this foreign country in Asia. There was a revolt of younger people on the streets, a protest. They were running away from something and I ran with them. In fact, I ran to the front and began leading them. Next thing I know, I'm running through these large wooden Japanese (?) gates and I'm alone.

      Hey I'm new.-cherry-blossoms.jpg

      I look around and I begin to notice the detail and beauty of where I am. It was breath taking! It looked similar to the picture above: pink cherry blossoms surrounding this lake. I was wearing some pretty, flowing white dress, too. I started to loose control of the dream because everything was blurring out, but I remembered from this site to focus on details and touch things. And it worked!! I focused on the floor I was walking on, marble, magenta. I crouched and touched the floor, smooth and cool. I looked around and everything was much more vivid and I was happy that I gained control of the dream again. So, I chose to summon a character, like I always do. I knew I had to choose quickly, so I ran through a list of names and I remembered that I told myself that next time I had a vivid dream, I would summon Jacob Black (from Twilight, yes. Do not judge me, you would too.)

      I couldn't find him for a while. I thought he'd come running, but I turned around and found him crouching by this wall looking down at something. He looks up over at me and smiles and runs away. And I'm thinking, "No! Where are you going?!" He dives into the lake and he's swimming around and under the bridge I'm standing on. Finally, he stops teasing me and jumps out of the water. I remember he shook himself dry like a dog, lol. He picks me up and embraces me and we just smile at each other. He never spoke in the dream, which is unusual. Often times my characters will say something, but the sex scene clearly made up for that. So...on to the fucked up dream that turned into a nightmare.

      ***Any dream experts out there, I could really use some help with explaining this weird phenomenon or just knowing that something like this has happened before to someone else, would be comforting!!***

      Dream #2-"Let's Experiment with Pain." (FA/Lucid/Nightmare)

      I had a false awakening from my lucid dream. I woke up next to my boyfriend in bed and he's mumbling a little bit and wakes up too. He turns to me and says, "Were you having a sex dream or something? Your foot was twitching in your sleep." (Yeah, right? Awkward!!) So, of course, I lie and tell him that I wasn't dreaming about sex, but I look around at my surroundings and I realize... I'm still dreaming!!! So, I roll over to my boyfriend and look at him hard thinking, "I wonder if he knows that this is a dream?" So, I ask him. He says, "No, we're not. Go back to sleep." and I tell him, "No seriously! Watch, watch, watch! Watch me touch the mirror against the wall!" So, I reach my hand out and my arm and fingers stretch and distort to reach the mirror. My DC boyfriend pops up and goes, "Omg!! That is so cool!!" I said, "I know right!! Look at your fingers too! That's another thing I learned to do to check if you're dreaming! Count them!" And we each had 10 fingers on each hand.

      So, we're doing all these cool RC's that I learned on this site, which honestly, I've never had to do RC's before. I've always just entered into lucidity via DILD by observing the detail and just knew I was dreaming. This was my very first time experimenting with RC's and you know what happened?!?!

      My sweet, harmless Granny P walked into the room with this creepy ass smile on her face and big wide eyes like a doll. She was wearing this white, sleeveless night gown, with blood red lipstick, short shoulder-length hair, and SHE WAS HOLDING A KNIFE! You know what she said to me? "Oh! So you want to realize you're dreaming, huh? Well, let's experiment with pain." And she starts stabbing me in the arms and hands like a psychopath! And her face turned green at one point, her jaw disconnected to bite and chew on my fingers. None of it really hurt, it just felt prickly, like when you sit on your foot for too long and the feeling is slowing returning to it. I got SO MAD!!! My heart was racing because obviously this is a nightmare and I looked at her, while she's stabbing the crap out of me, and ask her, "Why does it have to be you?" The DC granny shrugs her shoulders and continues stabbing me in the face with her damn knife. I try to look over at Nnamdi to see what's going on with him, but all I see is darkness over there, like that part of the dream is completely wiped out. I was so mad that this happened that I yelled, "Fuck this! I'm waking up!!!"

      And I did. I was PISSED! I'm still pissed that that happened. I'm like half-expecting my DC granny to pop around the corner with a knife in her hand, and I'm ready for it too, like, "Come at me, bitch!!" Btw, this is kinda what her face looked like in the dream:

      Hey I'm new.-creepy-smile.jpg

      For the record, I love my Granny P. She's the nicest lady you'd ever meet, which is why I don't understand why she of all people had to be the psychopath in my dream. It's 5:16 AM. I'm going back to bed. Maybe I'll have a continuation of that dream and kick some dream-maker's ass for messing with my LD's. Goodnight!
    3. Multiple Connected dreams, First successful WILD

      by , 09-26-2015 at 01:27 PM
      I recall multiple dreams from tonight. I got up immediately to record them before I forgot.

      Dream #1: Pirate Ship (Vivid, not lucid)

      I was walking up to this lake/swamp area. Pennsatucky/Doggett (from Orange is the New Black) was with me. We found an old abandoned, half-sunk pirate ship in this lake area, so we decide to explore it. I remember how disgusted we were treading the swampy water to climb onto the ship. There was moss and seaweed and all kinds of "growth" on the rotten wood of the ship. There wasn't anything of interest on the ship, until Pennsatucky opened this latch to a hidden box and found a bomb. Now, the dream got into some weird time paradox at this point, where another Pennsatucky jumped out of this hidden box and activated the bomb. Me and the first Pennsatucky took off running so we wouldn't get blown to bits. We're running back and it turns out that the swampy lake was in my backyard. We run inside my house, but the interior turned into my Granny B's house. We hide behind tables and furniture because we only had 10 seconds (and there was an actual 10 second, real life count down in the dream) before the bomb went off. Eventually it exploded and took down the second Pennsatucky with it. Some weird other stuff occurred afterwards. Once the bomb went off, the dream began to loose its vividness. I just remember my family hosting a party for a bunch of 17th-18th century Asian (Japanese?) royalty. I was telling them about the bomb explosion. I think if I'd kept sleeping and retained the vividness, it would have become lucid.

      Dream# 2: Baseball team (Memorable)

      This dream was mostly hazy until the very end. All I remember is that my boyfriend had joined a pro baseball team (looked like Red Sox; I recall talking to a girlfriend about the Red Sox earlier today), and he let me travel with him and the team from baseball practice to one of the games. He was kinda embarrassed of me. He kept his distance so he could "bro out." I remember that the coach didn't like me because in my dream, I was openly bisexual and that went against his beliefs. He didn't feel comfortable with me travelling with them, so I had my father drive me to the baseball game. When I got in my dad's truck (because suddenly we were just outside my parents' house heading to the baseball game) my dad was backing out and heading down our neighborhood street, but he was on his phone texting. He wasn't paying attention to the road and almost had a head on collision with an 18-wheeler. My heart was drumming so fast. I screamed at my dad to pay attention to the road and he swerved to avoid hitting the 18-wheeler. I told him that next time, I was going to yank the wheel and he lectured me that i was overreacting. I woke up.

      Dream# 3: Game Night (Vivid; lucid)

      So, about a week ago, I posted an entry in my DJ about having a dream about Christian Grey, that I'd woken up and gone back to sleep and continued the dream. That dream took place in my Granny P's house, where I was preparing a game night for friends, while giving Christian the cold shoulder because we were mad at each other.

      So, this dream I just had was interesting because it was also a continuation, but with a twist; it eventually led to a successful WILD. The dream took place in my Granny P's house. We were having a game night (haha, and the baseball team from the previous dream were there!). I remember looking around at the people there. The dream was incredibly detailed, which is usually how I enter lucid dream via DILD, by observing the room and noticing the detail, but this time I didn't just yet. I was just disappointed that none of the guys in there were cute. So, we continue playing some ice-breaker game to get to know everyone at the party and as we're scrambling around looking for our respective partners, I recall thinking, "Hey, this looks like the dream from when I was ignoring Christian at game night." As I was thinking this, I could feel myself waking up, so I thought again, "Well, maybe I can just try to recall this dream, turn it lucid and summon Christian in to the dream." lol, like I actually had a game plan to enter into another lucid dream as I was dreaming.

      So, I was laying on the couch in the dark fully awake, just didn't open my eyes because I was trying to focus. I didn't move, I just waited for my body to fall back to sleep, focusing on the game night dream. Eventually I did fall back into a dream, which was incredibly weird because I've never gone from complete consciousness to seeing my mind create a dream. It was so weird! I just remember seeing nothingness and then a light that molded into a window. I was inside a house looking out through a kitchen window into a backyard where I saw two young boys playing. They were playing with a ball, throwing it at each other and into a small basketball hoop (like one make from Little Tykes). The only weird thing about this dream is that the motion was off. My motion was fine; it was fluid and free, but the boys' movement was...odd. It was like flipping through a hand-made picture book, creating motion from static images. It was also odd because it was incredibly short-lived and I had no control over that dream.

      Dream #4: False Awakening (Lucid, but I don't know how to explain the end)

      Haha!! Ok, so this is also incredibly hilarious. Just now, I had to google how to explain what I was trying to convey in my lucid dream, about creating motion from static images. Well, right after waking up from my lucid dream, I had a FA. I thought I had gotten off the couch to come to this website to type up the dream and I remember in this FA that I had to google how to explain this weird motion for the lucid dream. Ha! Prophesying much? Anyway, in the FA, I go back to the couch and lay down and I kinda wake up, but I'm still...not fully awake. I think I'm still in the dream, just realizing that I'm in the dream (????). I ask myself, "Did I really get off the couch just now, or was that a dream?" I'm moving my hands around, looking around the living room, but my eyes are closed, so it's dark and I see nothing, I just know what my living room looks like, so I think I'm looking at my living room. It's weird. I enter into full consciousness in my dream and I check my arms. I can't move them because I'm asleep but I feel my dream arms waving about. It's weird, I honestly don't know how to explain it. It's like I'm half dreaming. I can feel my arms moving in my dream, but I know they're not really moving as I lay there sleeping on the couch. So I just accept the fact that I'm still trying to sleep and I lay there in my dream (and real life) until I enter another dream.

      Dream #5: Cat on Meds

      So, I have another FA. It's daylight now and I'm laying on my couch. There is a cat at my feet, sleeping on the couch with me. (Last night, I actually fell asleep with my neighbor's small dog at my feet; I'm dog sitting ATM). So, in this dream, this cat that I apparently own has to take her meds in the morning. I reach over to the coffee table where her medicine is and I'm reading the instructions. I feed her two pills and she chews it up and spits it out and then scoops it up with her nose and carries it to her food bowl to eat later. I remember lecturing her for making a mess on the couch and I woke up.

      Now I'm here typing this up. At least I hope I am because I've had enough FA's for the night. o_0