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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

    Non Lucid Dream

    Lucid Dream

    1. 01/08/14 - Fragments

      by , 08-01-2014 at 02:19 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      Dream 1

      Living in America with a different family, they ask me where I'm from I say Germany

      Dream 2

      I'm in a changing room after wherever I had been, and I got some chocolate from a vending machine

      Dream 3

      On a street by my house, I say to a guy I'm struggling with LDing. A guy told me to try the FRILD method, which is Frequent Reality Check Induced Lucid Dream, he said everything you do do a RC.
      dream fragment
    2. 31/07/14 - Bike Crash Into Mums Car

      by , 08-01-2014 at 12:54 AM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      Dream 1

      A girl started crying because I was joking about something she did in the year 1885

      Dream 2

      It was nightime and I was on my front drive. My mums car was parked where it always was and a boy about 15, with blonde spiky hair came hurtling on his pushbike into the side of my mums car. It left a huge dent, I had a feeling he did it on purpose as a joke. After he got up without saying a word and rode off round the block close to my house, I knew this was true. I chased after him, after a while I caught up with him. I pulled him off his bike and was not happy with him. After some heated discussion I found out he was poor and he had no money to pay back the damages he done to the car, purposely. So I got my mum to come and we decided we should let him off.

      Dream 3

      My nan and grandad had a new dog, we were in their bedroom and it climbed out the window and jumped over the fence
      non-lucid , dream fragment