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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

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    1. 3/08/14 - Ice Hockey Game, Pull A Gun Out on Teacher

      by , 08-03-2014 at 03:02 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      Dream 1

      I am round my friends house and we are cleaning up his house because it was a mess to help his mum out. We were going paintballing the next day so we were cleaning up so she would let him go. We finished and decided we wanted some weed. So we got the weed. We rolled it up and we were about to smoke it but I had to go home. So we decided we needed to sell it. We thought of who would want it, we remembered a friend and rang him. He said he would buy and he'd be round soon. We are in his house and we here a helicopter, he had come to pick it up in a helicopter! We stuffed the weed in a pair of my friends jeans pocket, we walked through the kitchen and told his mum we were swapping a pair of jeans for something of his. We let him have the jeans as well in the end. The scene changes and I am getting a lift home from someone and he drops me off a few hundred meters from my front door.

      Dream 2

      I am playing Ice Hockey at my local Ice Skating Rink. The rink was split into 3 sections, 1 was for experts, another for intermediates and the last for beginners. I was going to go in intermediates but chose beginners. I put my skates on and the felt really lose. The coach said to me 'they have put football laces in all of the skates that is probably why.' I started skating and it felt like they were going to fall off. So I tightened them up even more and after this they were fine. We were playing a match and I was doing great, I was weaving in and out of people and I could hit the puck really good. I scored about 4/5 goals, one was an absolute screamer. At one point I hit the puck pretty high up against the glass and I noticed there was quite a lot of parents watching me. That was when I decided I was going to play really good and try get man of the match. When I started playing good the coach was watching another game. At one point in the game there was a fight, this was weird for beginners. 2 people were battering each other, this was on the other side to me, everyone was watching, the coach split it up and one guy stood up bleeding from the face, they both got took off the pitch. Also about halfway through the game, the coach was deciding what music to put on. He was looking at the Lil B - Wonton SOup video and said nah not this. I told someone who I knew liked Lil B and he took his laptop when he weren't looking an put on a Lil B song.

      Dream 3

      I was talking to one of my friends from when I was back at school. We were talking about ICT and I was saying I never passed it. He said he did. Then he told me his password to his account at school was 'DumDum'. I told another one of my friends this and we decided we would go into school in the summer one day and hack his account. So we went to school the 3 of us to hack his account. I walked into the common room and there was about 4 students who were there, I was thinking 'Wow, its a bit sad coming school in the summer.' We logged on and got into his account. We were sitting round a table, and we ll pulled out our guns and admired them. We said it was strange how we get given a gun each for finishing school. The we got bored and left, on the way out a fat teacher from the school ran and jumped on my friend. She tried to take his gun, I think? Then she said 'I don't like booty!'. We were annoyed how can she say she doesn't like booty because she is fat. Everyone likes booty. So he pulled the gun out on her and she got off. I was walking out and she jumped on me. Wow, how dare she do this two times. I got my gun, pulled it out aimed it at her face and told her to get off. She did. I went and told my friends.