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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

    Non Lucid Dream

    Lucid Dream

    1. 27/07/14 - Moshpit, P.E At School

      by , 07-27-2014 at 02:21 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      Dream 1

      I am preparing Aubergine Parmagano at work

      Dream 2

      I'm at a concert, loads of people from my old school are here. Hip Hop is being played and there are huge moshpits, I was getting right in them and it felt pretty realistic. At one point a song was building up and everyone made the circle massive. It was getting ready for the drop and they played some weird slow song, the moshpit died out and everyone was confused.

      Dream 3

      I'm back at school in a class, it was in my old maths classroom. We all had laptops and we were meant to be doing work but everyone was playing games on Miniclip. Then I started eating cooked lizards, i ate loads and then I went to eat one and it was still alive. So I decided to keep it and throw it down someones back at break time. But then I drop it and lose it somewhere. As break came, I was walking down the stairs to go outside and one of the lights was smashed. The light was pulsing out like a mist. The mist made me feel very hazy and I almost passed out. Everyone was talking about how it made them feel after, someone said the headteacher done it on purpose. I walked over to the gym as my next lesson was P.E. I rang my brother because I forgot my kit and he had his. He said he'd lend it to me. I went and collected it and had a look. Shorts, t shirt and some big white pants. 'Yo, why you got these whitey tighties? Haha' I said as I lifted them out. I went back to the gym and went to the changing rooms. Then some woman came in saying the lesson would be on the powerleague which I was happy about.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. 25/07/14 - 26/07/14 Met Yung Lean and Seen Death Grips

      by , 07-27-2014 at 02:13 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)

      Dream 1

      I am going to a Yung Lean concert and there is a huge queue outdoors. I go to get in the queue and opposite me was Yung Lean. So I asked if I could have a picture with him and he said yes. I took a selfie. I looked back at the photo and I had a Nike baseball cap on which I don't own in real life.


      Dream 1

      I am playing football at an ice hockey rink in my local town, on my team is Issa Gold from the Underachievers, our team were the underdogs and we were putting in a good match. By halftime it was 0 -0. The 2nd half began and halfway through loads of ice hockey players ran on the pitch with their sticks. Issa picks a stick up and everyone starts booing him, he's getting annoyed and so am I. So Issa go's and picks his bag up and leaves. Our team end up losing 4-0 then.

      Dream 2

      I was at a huge Sony concert. The stage was massive and I was round like backstage sort of. Death Grips were preforming - I've Seen Footage. Then JStuStudios off YouTube show a guy about Death Grips. Then the scene changes and I am watching Russel Brand get interviewed about lucid dreaming, he says it saved his life.
      non-lucid , dream fragment