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    The DaFunk Show

    Just my little Dream Journal. I like it. Do you?

    1. Episode 8: Poker Night at the Enterprise

      by , 04-21-2013 at 03:47 PM (The DaFunk Show)
      - The first dream I had was rather morbid. I was at some family member's residence, and they got into an argument about nursing homes. After I butted in to the conversation, the wive went and told me that when you're dying of natural causes in a nursing home, that you feel this brief moment of incredible pain before you pass. Ouch.

      - The next dream was considerably happier. I was on the set of the new Star Trek movie, even though the cast was replaced by completely different people. We shot a couple scenes, and after that we sat down at one of the tables and played poker, joking around at one of the guys (the comic relief in the movie) because he made a comment saying "Yeah, I've seen it like once..." when talking about one of his own movies. We pointed to a extra sitting at a desk saying "See him, he wasn't on set, we just added him in post-production. The game quickly dissolved into a rock-paper-scissors contest. The first time everyone at the table picked scissors. Next time everyone put down something weird, one person put down a house, one put down a steamoller, etc. I put down paper and won.
    2. Episode 7: That's All Folks

      by , 04-10-2013 at 11:55 AM (The DaFunk Show)
      -First dream I had involved me meeting what I assumed was a photography group outside my school, until I noticed how in their area there were various video games, which looked like incredibly large golden GBA cartridges. I started talking to the leader of the group, and found out that me and him actually shared names! He let me know that this is actually a comedy troope, and asked if I wanted to join. Next thing I remember I'm looking outside the groups building, which had this painting on the side, with two out the three floors of the building dedicated to gaming. I walked in with my dad, and my dad got into a conversation with both the leader and Bill Clinton, as if they were old friends. My dad then dropped the fact that when I was a kid, he bought me the original Half-Life.

      -Next I found myself in my science classroom with various people I know. Some video was playing on the smartboard when a dude on his laptop said that a person I know, Mitch, challenged him to a game online. The substitute teacher told everybody to pull out their laptops and accept, saying that Mitch "doesn't stand a chance."

      -The last dream I had three characters, Cole Phelps from L.A Noire, a young boy and an older gentleman. It followed their attempts to stop a bunch of nuclear missiles from firing off. Cole had a Mass Effect style "choice"-wheel where one could choose what he said, and depending on what he said, it would determine whether the nukes would go off or not. The wheel actually like the circles in a Looney Toons cartoon where it says "That's all Folks." In fact, the wheel actually said that at one point. At various points Cole would talk with the boy, and it would give off the feeling that Cole was actually a young boy in an older mans body. The whole deal played out like an episode of Billy and Mandy, and repeated several times, often ending with the missiles going off.
      non-lucid , memorable