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    My first lucid dream.

    by , 04-21-2013 at 07:56 PM (851 Views)
    I was in school, and remembered immediately that I need to a reality check because my school is one of my dream signs.
    I looked at the clock, looked away, and it had changed, I kept doing it, about 3 times, and it kept changing.
    Surprisingly, I didn't actually get that excited, so I stayed in the dream.
    So, as soon as it hit me that I was dreaming, my vision twirled, and this yellow, Chinese/Korean, text appeared in front of me.
    And then immediately, I was back to clear vision again.
    I decided to tell one of my teachers I was dreaming and then I was watching her and her husband playing golf, and then I flashed back to where I was in the classroom.
    So, I went through the day until I was in a computer suite. I told people I was dreaming, and they just went "Cool." and stuff.
    Then I heard someone say "I need some earphones", so I tried to materialize one, it ended up looking like a pencil, but oh well, it was my first time, and he seemed to like it!
    I was then at home, on my laptop, and I could hear my Mum, sister, and Dad come through the door, and I immediately had to tell my mum I was in a lucid dream!
    When I told her, she started shouting "YOU'RE NOT! YOU ALWAYS DO THIS! YOU'RE SO SELFISH!" etc... and then I woke up.

    CanisLucidus likes this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Awesome, congratulations on your first lucid dream, DarthLucidity! I'm amazed by how well you managed to avoid the classic mistake of waking yourself up from over-excitement. (I certainly did that in my first lucid dream!) It's especially tough to avoid confusion when you get visual artifacts like the Asian characters floating in front of your vision while everything distorts.

      And nice job pulling off an object summoning on your very first time out!

      Sorry that the DC of your mom wasn't more helpful, but you never quite know how they're going to react.

      Great stuff... here's to many more!
      DarthLucidity likes this.
    2. DarthLucidity's Avatar


      And yeah, DC's can be very... interesting, to say the least sometimes, haha.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. BruteForce223's Avatar
      Congrats man, so well controlled for your first!

      All the best with dreaming man,

      - Brute
      DarthLucidity likes this.
    4. DarthLucidity's Avatar
      Congrats man, so well controlled for your first!

      All the best with dreaming man,

      - Brute
      Thanks, dude!
    5. PennyRoyal's Avatar
      Great control for you first man, awesome job.

      It's a bummer that your Mom DC acted like that, but it did make me laugh. I didn't expect that, after what sounded like a pretty pleasant lucid dream
      DarthLucidity likes this.
    6. DarthLucidity's Avatar

      Thanks dude.

      Yeah, it was kind of strange, and haha, me neither, I think the reason her DC did it is because any time I talk to her about lucid dreaming in waking life she just goes "It's just a dream" or "They're not real", it kind of annoys me that she doesn't believe in them, although I've shown her the scientific evidence.